My MkII 2001 Galaxy 1.9tdi air con is losing it's gas over a period of 2 to 3 days. I've had it re-gassed and leak tested twice (the second time being free of charge) only to see it leak out again. All pipes (and conections that are visible) didn't reveal any dye leaks-exept for some dye down the sides of the charging point in the pipework, but I guess this could have occured when the dye was added to the system during a re-gas. I've also had a new compressor fitted after discovering that the clutch had fallen off the old one and damaged the splined shaft in the process ! I removed the cap on top of the dryer which revealed some light corrosion but no signs of any dye, neither can I see any signs of dye on the condenser fins. So now I'm considering buying a new condenser, as suggested earlier in this thread, and having a go at fitting it myself. Before I do though... could such a slow leak be coming from the condenser or could it be another component ?