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Everything posted by davec

  1. Well I did mine today and there was no signs of cracking at all and the bearing seemed fine.trouble is if it does go its deep doodoo.
  2. just bought the alternator belt to change when I do mine that was nearly
  3. Thanks ,am sending for one,can yours activate the towing indicator light on the cluster so I can get rid of the annoying beeper in the boot lol
  4. Have you got a link to the update site you used please
  5. Fitter connected mine to the rear aux socket and it was fine til I bought a Bailey Senator with the Alko stabiliser,the connection became intermittent due to the combined fridge,stabiliser and charger load(I beleive) so I ran cable trhough car from battery in 4mm cable there was a grommet under the passenger glove box through to the engine,not had any problem since.The Alko locked up on its selfcheck and dealer told me it was often a bad power connection which was how I found the problem.
  6. I'm looking as well prices are all over the place expected to pay about
  7. I did indeed,trawled through the whole of the FAQ heater one as well doh Many thanks
  8. Added question to FAQ but might be better here.Can a switch be added to the heater sensor on wiper linkage to fire up the heater without engine running so I can let the inside warm up while I have a cuppa in the morning Have 04 Galaxy TDI 130
  9. Trawled through but couldnt find what I wanted so here goes,heater is working fine but would like it running to warm up a switch would be fine or a timer,will a switch sending a permanent live to the sensor on the wiper linkage run the heater.I dont want to leave the keys in to warm the car up.Many thanks
  10. when the belt was taken off from 1st impressions it looked fine until we turned it over and between the teeth the belt had started cracking.looked at the new 1 nothing,my m8 said in his opinion it might have been good for ages BUT its would be sods law,for the sake of a few quid now,could end up costing a fortune if it had let go coz i was being a tight arse. I'm no expert but, I would agree with your m8. How much would it cost if it failed? Sods law just has that knack of when you least want it to happen... Mine has done 40k and 51/2 years so I,m doing mine next weekend dont want to risk it
  11. the service book says five years or 60 k whichever comes first si I'd best get on with it lol
  12. found a post in the FAQ as well so I am confused but have bought the bits now so I don't know whats best.I know people I can ring at Daventry Ford depot with engine number thought service book said 40k but may be wrong Dont mind doing it did my mitsubishi a couple of months ago but dont want to unnecesarily disturb things.Go abroad a few times a year and I certainly dont want it going when I'm abroad and scrapping it as its only worth a few k but its worth a lot to me. Thanks for the info anyway.
  13. according to Fraud dealer in Daventry its 5years or 40000 miles i'd be delighted if it was 60k as weve had it from new and treated it gently ;)
  14. M doing my 04 1.9cambelt and tensioner change a week saturday,have ordered new allen bolts for crank pulley .Its just coming up to 40000 miles when did they change to alloy impellors if anyone knows as if I have plastic I'll change it.No heating probs at the moment thank god
  15. Had trouble with my caravan fridge relay clicking on and off and traced it hopefully to the fitter connecting the relay to the rear power point with the wire too small for the current so had the day off to rewire it before we go to Devon tomorrow.Saw nice grommet to get into engine compartment but it popped through and couldnt get it out.Took the battery ,surround header tank few bits then flicked it to undertray ,dropped that and retrieved it.Refitted evrything wired up relay test drove connected to van all OK.While I was doing grey and black plugs could hear a little hiss and s@@t,there is a selftapper in the tyre,not one of mine I dont think.Luckily local garage did it at 5.30 and I got it back on.Am praying that is the end of my probs and the sun shines next week. :D
  16. Hi both thanks for replies,have checked wiring and all looks good,no chafing and everything is good,fluid is well up to top mark am pretty sure I have broken one of the wires inside its insulation,think next time i will wear a mask and blow evrything out withj airline and spray.Last time it was
  17. Cleaned pads and calipers when I serviced it on 13th June and the warning light came on for an hour then went off,there was loads on pads and thought it was a bad connection or the brake cleaner shorting out the wiring through the pad.It has come back on today and all the connections look good. Does anyoneknow how I can prove if it is front or rear pads,tryed connecting the two wires in the siocket together and the light stayed on.I know it doesnt need clearing by laptop as I replaced front pads a couple of years ago and the light went straight off,if no luck I'll hope for best and replace the back pads,I think the wires must go brittle with the heat
  18. If you go for the Ford DVD /Headrest monitors the seats dont swivel,at least mine dont but the kids are quieter
  19. Personally I change the fuel filter ,pre prime it before fitting,also take out the pads and clean them to prevent them sticking,probably not strictly necesary but its only a little free time and some brake cleaner,its still cheap compared to a garage doing it.I also keep the receipts to show its been done when you sel it and write it up in the book.
  20. Thats bad luck well thanks anyway guess I'll have to live with it Regards Dave
  21. they keep coming loose on rear doors is there anything that will fix this they squeak like hell when thay are off
  22. is there anything that will fit in place of the standard ford unit it is so fussy what it will play
  23. Thanks for that but they are out of stock in all the local ones so have gone for the Sony RF800RK from Argos as I can take them back easily if they are not compatible.They are a bit more than I wanted to spend but keeping stopping to rescan these cheapies is driving me mad.
  24. thanks for that do you get a sender or is that separate there is not much info on the site.Have found some sony ones in Argos with a smallish sender but
  25. Which cordless headphones have you found to connect quickly and stay tuned.Got some cheap ones from Texaco garage and they are pretty poor,Maplins site says only one pair of RF can be used in one location because of interference,I need two pairs on to the standard DVD player to keep the grandchildren quiet. :unsure:
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