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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bigtee

  1. surely somebody knows whats wrong with this bottomless money pit of a heap of scrap car
  2. i know that this has been covered before but i dont have the time or the will to go look for it replaced the head on my galaxy 115 hp pd tdi and the car is taking over like a sweet the problem is that when i go to pull away the car looses the revs and dies i have had it in a vw garage all morning and they dont know what is wrong all the pipes are connected properly to and from the turbo i changed the airflow meter and it still going **** please does anybody know what is wrong with it or is it time to scrap it ps i have spent 900 quid on it in the last month alone ( flywheel and clutch) thanks tony
  3. hi ther you would be safer taking the old turbo off and getting the number off it i also have a auy engine and replaced the turbo last year bythe the way i picked up a turbo for
  4. thanks again big kev you were right the worst happened the cam shaft was gone , the problem started a while back so i took it to a vw garage and they advised me that it could have something to do with the flywheel so i changed the flywheel and fitted a new clutch kit but the sound that was coming from the engine got steadily worse and the air box was jumping about with the force off the blowback coming fron the cylinder so i have been told that it is the camshaft as they do give trouble so i am putting a new head on the galaxy next week . lucky enough i had one lying about as this is a new engine after my last one give up the ghost last year i have to say that i have not had any luck with the car and since i had it i have replaced the turbo the engine the flywheel and now im going to replace the head . i thought these pd engines dont give trouble ha ha i am really fed up with the car as i dont have anymore money to spend on it i would like to know if anyone else had this sort of bother or is it only me thanks again
  5. thanks big kev but my car is going awful like it is only running on three cylinders and i would like to know if this fault would cause it any ideas thanks
  6. hi there could anybody tell me what this code means please Camshaft Position Sensor (G40): Signal Out of Range : P3008 19464 i drive a 1.9 tdi 115bhp pd galaxy many thanks
  7. very nice car mate all the best with it :lol:
  8. Hi there Did you disconnect any wiring harness while removing gearbox? check for corroded damaged wiring. slow warm up more likely to be faulty thermostat and non fuctioning booster heater (latter dependent on outside air temp. thanks alot for the reply chrispb123456 we did move about some wiring harness will check for damage
  9. sorry guys i meant to add that it seems to take 10 miles for the temperature guage to move up if that would have anything to do with it
  10. hi all am having a problem with my galaxy 1.9tdi pd changed the flywheel and clutch a few weeks back and car was going great until a few days ago when it started to play up ,whilst driving i noticed a noise coming form engine and then it started to miss as if it was off a cylinder it lasted for about 1/2 a mile then went away and the car returned to normal now it seems to come into it every 20 miles or so,i was told to put fuel cleaner into the diesel by vw garage but its still there ,im ready for getting shot off it ,any help would be greatly appreciated thanks
  11. ok mirez sorry about that i got carried away a bit but im only trying to let the guy know what sort of money he could be spending in the future because i have been there and it was nt very nice
  12. hi there i know a little bit about tdis as i have had mine for 2 years now ,the first place you want to check is the pipes going into the intercooler ,its below the radiator if there is any oil coming from them its a sign that the turbo is on its way out believe me it happened to me and depending on the colour of the smoke its nothing to worry about also check for noise from the engine with your foot of the clutch if there is any vibration then it means that the dual mass flywheel will be needing changed as well and your talking 500 quid it also happened to me other than that they are a great car good luck
  13. thanks guys i was just getting a bit worried because i read a post here once where people were getting 800+ miles on a tank of fuel and i was thinkin it would take me near 2 tanks to get that . thanks again ps love this forum
  14. hi i drive an 01 115 bhp 1.9 tdi and i would like to know how to get 45+ mpg i never go over 2000 revs and the most i seem to get is 37, i find it hard to believe that a car so big can do so many miles on a gallon of diesel my diesel light comes on when i get to approx 380 miles and i have owned the car for 2 years and it is always the same mpg roughly ps i was told that i have 100 miles left when the light comes on,any tips would be appreciated
  15. hi the spring bit comes off the end by closing it together and you can get the end bit that connects onto the gear box end it happened me last week and i had to buy one ,it cost me
  16. you need to stop the oil getting into the intercooler not stop it getting out! if there was a serious air leak it would affect the running of the engine badly it sounds like a turbo problem but could also be engine issues, did you supply the engine and turbo? if not what garentee do you have with the garage that supplied it, it would be worth finding out as this could be an expensive problem.... thanks for the reply .i bought the car in april last year and i noticed alot of oil dripping from the pipes on the intercooler as my mate used to work in a vw garage i called him to find out if it was a big problem ,he told me that it was very common and they just give them a good clean and not to worry about it .six months later the turbo packed in paid
  17. thanks for that but i was just wondering if there was seals on the intercooler that could be changed made me laugh anyway thanks ps almost forgot turbo and engine replaced six months ago
  18. thanks for that but i was just wondering if there was seals on the intercooler that could be changed made me laugh anyway thanks
  19. hi i just wanted to know if there is anything i can do to stop oil coming from the intercooler pipes on my galaxy ,i took the pipes off and cleaned them out and powerhosed the intercooler,the next day the oil has started to drip again please help
  20. hi real name tony 2 armagh ireland 3 2001 115 zetec with 2003 engine 2004 turbo 4 6 months 5 probably but hopes this one lasts ten years 6 spent 1100 see no: 3 7 fencer :rolleyes:
  21. :blink: its me again i must be cracking up because i seem to be talking to myself bye :D
  22. :wacko: hi again sorry for getting my last reply wrong the pipe to take off the intercooler is the one on the right
  23. hi just wanted to let you know that my turbo went last weekend and after a weeks work i finally got it replaced thanks to my brother in law, anyway the mechanic told me the best way to get the oil out of the intercooler was to remove the pipe feeding the turbo, which in my car a 2001 tdi 115 p.s was on the left looking down and run the car for ten mins and then put a rag into the intercooler and soak up any oil, repeat this until the oil clears up, this could take a while so be patient but it is very important that no oil remains in the intercooler, hope this helps as i could not find any answers on the forum to my question p.s love the forum and have a good laugh reading some of the stuff :wacko:
  24. :) hi i wondered if anyone would know a good site to buy a drivers side electric window switch for my 2000 115bhp tdi galaxy ford is looking for
  25. hi, could someone please tell me, possibly with pictures how to remove the turbo intercooler as my turbo has gone and i have oil in the intercooler and i need it off to get it cleaned out, thanks in advance. p.s have already searched the forum and cant find the answer anywhere. ;)
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