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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bigtee

  1. thanks mirez oh aye i have a very good driving style :ph34r: easy on the pedal most of the time but let her have it on the motorway :lol: :lol: thats a fine lookin motor you have there mirez :angry2:
  2. :lol::ph34r::lol::ph34r:Some very very tall storys might be problem :lol::lol::lol::lol: i was sort of thinking that way myself just dont believe what that tripometer tells you go and fill the car up and drive a hundred miles and go back and see how many litres it takes to fill up again that is the only way off getting the true result that brought a smile cyborg :angry2: :lol: :lol: :48:
  3. right guys whats goin on with my car which i have had for 3 years i fill up approx.78 litres and i will do no more than 450 mile thats is the fuel light on from 370 i never go above 2000rpm and do urban and long journeys works out at roughly 26 m.p.g my tyres are inflated to reccomended pressure and the car is serviced regulary what am i doin wrong goin by what some of you are saying i should be getting a lot more m.p.g i.e over 700 a tank if only it would be great i am not getting anywhere near that suggestions welcome
  4. based on the part number you have a spring loaded tensioner but its a five minute job to remove the cover and have a look good luck
  5. hi dont want to spoil your fun but i have a 115bhp pd 2001 auy engine code and mine has the spring loaded tensioner so you might be safer taking off the cover and the airbox and have a look just to be sure :)
  6. hi just read your post it might be nothing but when the gearbox was out there is a sensor at the front of the engine right at the bottom it is the crankshaft sensor it has a small black wire connected just make sure the sensor is fully home because the engine will not start if not good luck
  7. hi there you might just need to adjust the selector at the gear side its a fine adjustment between getting gears and not try it and see if it works
  8. finally sorted when we changed the head we should have changed the injectors did it today and bang car going like a dream flying seven weeks with no car so beware when you change the head keep the old injectors ps thanks to you guys for all your help forum is great im addicted
  9. hi toby the first thing to do is get the codes read and see what shows up
  10. hi there its not that difficult to do just remove the fuel filter or water bottle to get your hand on it the clip just pulls off by hand and the sensor pulls out just make sure you get the same part good luck
  11. ps i dont know how i managed to post this about a focus its a 115tdi pd 2001 galaxy
  12. thanks kev the car is idling perfect and there is no miss there are no fault codes the maf and map sensors are working fine there are no leaks in any hoses and the fuel and air filters have been changed the only thing is that the reading on vag com block 13 is that cylinders 1 and 3 are not moving from 3.01mg and the car is in a limp like mode it wont take the boot and also the turbo was reconditioned last week so i know its not that thanks
  13. hi im looking to know if anybody could help me with this reading i was getting on the vag com at idling speed cylinder 1 was static at 2.99mg/ph when the others were up and down within the range im scratcing my head because the car is idling perfect with no miss so im wondering whats going on anyone any ideas thanks its a 115 tdi pd 2001 auy
  14. hi crisp123456 it all started when i got a fill of diesel the car seemed to go off a cylinder within 30 miles of filling up so i was told that it was a damaged valve and then was told it was the camshaft but before we took off the head we changed the fuel filter with nno avail then i tried the wiring loom in the injectors still the same but after that the car went into limp mode as it seemed so we replaced the head and the valve problem was solved but the limp mode stayed i was then told that it was the turbo and that the car was not in limp mode because it was revving up it was just not taking the boot so i took off the turbo and got it reconditioned to the tune off 200 quid but car still the same by the way no fault codes are showing up so we are back to square one we have changed everything we can but tomorrow we are going to replace all vacum hoses so i will keep you informed
  15. there you go turbo reconditioned and refitted and still this piece of s...t is not fixed im completely beat nothing left to try i hate this cars guts
  16. thanks ncb took turbo off and guy thinks its the problem hes going to recondition it so i have to pick it up tomarra would the brake switches have an affect and would they show up on vag com this car has been off the road for 3 weeks and hopefully the turbo will sort it your the first one to mention the brake switches so i will test them tomorrow thanks again
  17. brilliant fra i must try that only problem is youd have to tow me in
  18. hi seat kid checked everything you listed except brake servo would this have an affect, we are going to change 1 more thing and that is the wiring loom on the injectors we are completely beaten thanks
  19. hi big kev i changed the fuel pump and still the same but i have to bring the car to a fella on monday who has another diagnostic computer and im hoping that something will show up on his that didnt show up on the vag-com ,you would think that the turbo wasnt working but i had it checked and was told it was fine so i am going to go back to the start to get to the bottom of this and i will keep yous posted many thanks for the reply it appreciated
  20. thats it the galaxy is officially scrap car is stuck in limp mide and wont come out, changed all sensors no faults coming up turbo checked and working, cat removed and checked the car wont go over 2000 revs and it takes 1/2 hr to get to 40 mph so i am stuck without a car ps i have spent a grand in a month and i dont have a working car p.......d off
  21. hi took cat off car still the same no fault codes were found and now i am completely stuck vw mechanics dont even know what is wrong they checked the fan in the turbo wasnt siezed it was ok and i could hear it spinning with the cat disconnected so the only thing they can say is that the turbo might be scrap so do i go and pay 400 quid to find out that its not the turbo or what
  22. hi again they dont know if it will cause the problem or not but i have to bring it back tomorrow and they will read codes again the impression i got off them that it might be the turbo but there is absolutely no smoke so fingers crossed for tomorrow hopefully it wont be too expensive to sort anyway robpol do you know if a blocked cat could do this it seems to me you know what youre talking about good man many thanks
  23. changed the maf proper vw part but its still the same had the car back in vw garage and the one fault that is there is the camshaft position sensor - out of range anymore ideas the car is stuck in limp mode anymore ideas thanks
  24. thanks guys am going to try proper vw one today of brothers tdi golf will let u know how i get on im running out of options thanks again
  25. yes mate thanks for reply i used the locking tool and everything was set perfect the car is idling like a dream it just wont accept any acceleration i read somewhere in the forum that the maf sensor does not show up as a fault if it is faulty would that be correct and would have have to put the bosch one in any help thanks
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