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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by marcostig

  1. I have same car the 2 readers i have are vagscanner... vag305,and geniscan..gs300.Both from autel.You need both if no laptop..305 does the abs etc..the other does the engine..they are handy for a lot of cars vw audi and so..About
  2. Yey real cheap from ford...
  3. just top it up with red or what ever ...its such a small amount wont make the slightes difference.
  4. Wooo mines on original clutch, now got 136.000 miles clutch is smooth and light..not sure why you got that sort of problem,would think a slave cylinder issue.
  5. Mine stopped, back bumper wire loom,as it comes out of car 2/3 wires were broken made of cotton!!! rubbish electrics on gals.. soldered new lengths on just about no excess play !!! been working a year nowcould be same prob up front but try back first...
  6. mines got 136.000 and it feels like new..they are a strong engine,you could chuck money at it but not cure it i would just keep on running it ...
  7. They all do it dont bother about it...save your money ok in spring /summer..
  8. id check your windscreen comes away along top and sides not a good design my footwell filled with water ..managed to liift windscreen away from rubber bead and reseal it been good for last year now...
  9. ive got a mk2 my problem was windscreen mine leaked soon as it rained pull off inside trims make sure its not tracking down mine was gone at both top corners had to reseal it inside and out been good for over a year now...
  10. Yes they are a crap design take em apart and grind the spindles down a bit to allow grease to work ,clean and take out all old metal plating and old grease mine been good since i done mine, must admit motor is very poor on these went to italy 37c this year wipers stuggled in the heat cleaning wind screen....rubbers sticking to screen because it was so hot.!!!!
  11. ive had relay 30 prob but never any noise but it would give starting problems..not sure what the clicking could be.
  12. ive got the petro,l they all do it there is a run on after pump for something cant remember at the mo..its normal
  13. yes fuel consumption is right on a long motorway drive most ive got is 33 was 6 up and doing 70ish wont do no more on a petrol..not bad for a big car..
  14. Hi ive never checked gap since the 80s..no point ..new plugs like these last about 25,000 miles and some, thats a few years for some..then change em again.
  15. Dont buy nothing!!! strip it out takes less than an hour,dont use a hammer, hold spindle caseing in a vise work out the spindle part it takes time and wd40 but once it starts to go it will come out, clean out all the crap inside metal flakes come off the spindle and cause the problem and dried out grease 2 different metals dont like each other.I filed my spindle shaft abit to allow grease some room when put back together.job done in about 2 1/2 hours..need to do this, i would say 1 to 2 years its a crap design.
  16. Ha thats nothing i bought mine last year on ebay 2001 model 130000 miles had next to nothing to do to it went to italy just 3 weeks ago 136000 on original clutch aircon works brill had it toped up just as i went car was faultless...loveit really nice drive.
  17. i think i know what you mean ive just come back from italy 6 up with luggage not got lot going for it in first 3 gears but in top pulls really well,i think with a caravan you are going to suffer a bit.Ihad a cit xantia with caravan it pulled it great and was a petrol...
  18. yep strip down and grease but...i just come back from italy ive down all of that it was so hot wipers would go up and stop!!!on way down to italy it rained wipers were working but i think the motor on the gal are not very strong they are very large wipers and blades so alot of friction..
  19. It sounds like a coilpack mine went, just go to unipart/partco, they are only
  20. Yes but shop around i got swinton deal on another car half price so only
  21. Hi just come back from 2 weeks in italy,all my concerns about my galaxy were unfounded.She performed superbly,aircon worked great needed too as temps were 38c most days, original clutch 136000 miles now, no problems mountains,juras,6 up with luggage,cruise at 75/ 80 still got to about 32mpg.Im happy i got it last year,had a couple of cheap silly things to do,so just to say its been a really good car and excellent drive.
  22. Hi since i had car engine running voltage to batt has been 13.5/6 is this normal, all cars ive had show 14/14.5 volts but then this is a galaxy!!no probs all winter an now..is it alternator or a gal thing, new batt about 14 months ago showing 12.2 with volt meter..thanks.
  23. 36000! thats not good mines got 135000 on oiginal clutch going to italy soon wanted to get mine changed just in case but garage said its fine..anyway it would be about
  24. maybe throttle idle control unit ?
  25. dont give ford your money because there stuff is crap.look to a breakers or ebay how many other cars and models have suffered with this problem....not many,if any.
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