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Everything posted by gizmo.john

  1. just broke a Mk1 2.3petrol so have 2 coil packs £35 +p&p, radio and code £30+p&p, radio surround and window switch surround in blue £20+p&p, front middle and rear window switches £20+p&p, front and rear mudflaps £20+p&p, twin morrete head lights £130+p&p
  2. 2.3 1999 t reg is over revving between gear change have changed maf and icv with no improvement any help appreciated :angry: .
  3. I had the same problem a few weeks ago engine started to misfire and hiccup so i put new coil packs on, only for one of them to breakdown a week later had that one replaced and after another week that one also started to miss after a long argument with the motor factors i got my money back. my gal was also holding back on power and drinking petrol so i had the exhaust gas checked and it failed the test so after another long argument with motor factor they agreed to replace my cat under warranty car now running better than it ever has its no done 255,000 miles. my cat had melted, it was slowing the release of exhaust gasses also making engine getting to hot.
  4. try ebay i got aero wipers for my mk1 for
  5. good value have got that one myfelf and it works ok
  6. on the heat shield there should be 3 holes,2 on top and one at the bottom the bolt that you need is the same as the small one on the top i think it is 6mm mine was also rattling so i toke the top bolt out and put it in the bottom and it stopped it
  7. drop links but dont buy the ones of ebay there cheap and nasty and only last about 6months if your lucky, go to a motor factor you pay more but will last longer.
  8. Nice exhaust mate but would look better on my galaxy
  9. In the last week my galaxy 2.3 was doing the same i cleaned idle control valve, throttle body new leads and also changed coil pack high revving and still missing then i replaced a rubber hose behind exhaust manifold and all is OK again. There is a metal pipe that comes around by the thermostat from inlet manifold a rubber elbow each end the one behind exhaust manifold had perished on mine.
  10. all i need now is a blue parcel shelf to go with them at the right price
  11. hi gregers i got a blue set and the metal surports the other day from my local breakers for a fiver there mutch harder to come buy than the gray ones as they had about 10 gals and only one with the blue ones took me ten mins aside to get of.
  12. hi galaxy23 i changed mine 4 years ago cost me
  13. I used a dremel mini grinder, some galaxys have drivers first mine is a 1999 hope this helps
  14. you can get the clips of ebay item no 270402408623 pack of 10
  15. hi marinabrid the mod will work with your set up as well take a look on other forums there are pics there with the same setup as yours
  16. it was the size i was after 28a, i emailed car parts market and was told that they only come in 9mm with the hook fitment so that's why i ordered them, these wipe the windows 100% better than the standard wipers, after you've tried aero wipers you wouldn't wont to go back to standard and at
  17. Item no 37047971940 rear aero wiper 16a
  18. take a look on ebay item no 190380899372 had to put one on my galaxy last year but you have to make shaw your cv jount is clean and to make the ring go on easy heat the ring up in the oven on high for 20 mins price
  19. I have just ordered aero wipers front and rear for my mk1, front wiper arms needs to be altered from 11mm to 9 mm total cost of this was
  20. as you have a mk 1 the diagnostic port is behind your ashtray pull it out and you will see a purple conector hope this help you
  21. thanks MOGWR will have a look
  22. nice mate how mutch they cost and where from
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