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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by corskey

  1. Wozza where is the EGR vacum pipe?
  2. :unsure: Driving my 1.9tdi Galaxy today and it didn't seem to have any pulling power. No problem getting up to 70/80, but it was a problem trying to accelerate and overtake at 30 or get the beast up a hill. I'm not sure if this is because I'm used to driving a 'normal' car during the week - the missus swears that it's running as normal, but then its only used for school run...... reading here it swwms that lack of power = MAF problem. How can I tell if my MAF is gone, apart from buying a new one or paying someone obsene ammounts of money to plug a pc into it. please help to stop the arguments over the easter hols. Corskey :blink:
  3. hi, my missus had a strange problem a couple of weeks ago. After freeing the kids at school, the door catches on the drivers door and rear o/s door had jammed in the 'door closed' position. Trying to close the door just resulted in the catches hitting the bar retainers on the B-post and C-post. When the man from the AA eventually arrived, all he did was force the catch open with a screwdriver while holding the door-open handle in the release position - and hey Presto, both doors could be closed again. never had this problem again, but I'm still confused as to why it could happen (though I used to do this myself as a schoolboy prank) anyone else had this problem, or any ideas as to why it could have happened?? I ain't too bothered as a large screwdriver is now part of my travel accessories, though I'm still curious.
  4. I had thought that the dunlop sport were the standard tyres. they were on both (yep - I've had two) my facelifted TDIs
  5. no m8 it's the wire from the telephone aerial from where the telephone kit used to be. I've had it to an car alarm & radio installer, who reckons that the connections from the receiver to head unit are OK. His diagnostic is that the fault lies with the head unit. A quick check with a working unit will prove this diagnostics, now I just need to fing a working unit????
  6. I dont suppose that U know what the cable looks like. I've been unable to remove the head unit, but when I look under the console I can see what looks like a (4mm??) co-axial cable with a screw fixing hanging in space. I can't remenber anything like this last time I had the head unit out, so it could just be the poor installation of my DVD amd PS1. Let's hope that it's the cable between the receiver and the unit. Nope - got the head unit out and that doesn't fit anywhere - looks like the reminants of the car-phone kit :lol: anyone got a wiring diagram for the Ford head unit (I've photographed ths back, but I can't upload) Cheers Corskey
  7. My factory installed sat-nav system fell sick last week. On my way to a job interview it lost its position, and the positioning progressively got worse. On my way home, I managed to tell the system where it was using the manual positioning option in the settings menu. It was even receiving signals from up to 4 satellites. So I thought that I had cracked it :blink: :o . However, it looks as though it has died again. The position is again lost. If I manually program in my position, the navigation works, and I can find my way home again. However, If I look at GPS viewer I see that although 29 satellites [29 never changes???] are available I am receiving none. anyone here got any ideas before I leave it with the local Fraud dealer. Please help Corskey
  8. The pedal was replaced (
  9. Thanks spanner, right idea, wrong pedals - I dropped it into the local garage who diagonosed that it was a faulty switch on the accelerator, which unfortunately means a new pedal :lol: Thanks Corskey
  10. I've just had the brake switch replaced about a month ago by the Ford dealer :o :o :lol: , but the problem then was that the Engine workshop light came on and th cruise control switched itself off ( I can imagine that this is the case as you need to brake to disengage cruise control) The problem this time is that when the fault occurs, the engine is not able to rev at all, even when I floor the accelerator (though I think that the engine is running)
  11. It is light grey, and th fixings are in my last galaxy
  12. Ned, I have a cover from my old 2000 Galaxy which I intended to fit to my 2001 model, but never got round to it. If you make a reasonable offer for it and postage, it's yours. Or if you are in Cheshire area......... collect
  13. Help, over the past week I have been loosing all power on my TDi. This can happen in a car park or on the fast lane of the M1, though the fast lane is somewhat more scary than the car park. When it happens (intermittently), I can floor the accelerator and the engine doesn't rev at all. The engine workshop light then comes on, and the only way to reset this is to turn off the engine and start again. Anyone else had this, or can anyone suggest what the problem could be before I let the dealer loose on it. Cheers Corskey
  14. No pun intended eh :D :D :D B)
  15. Just replaced my dead player with the innovatek and things are back to normal in the back of the car, though I'm starting to get a bit cockey now. I would like to connect the player to the Ford sat nav screen now, though this raises a number of questions. Can I connect the s-video to the aux input at the back of the sat nav unit, and if so would the player power both the roof screen and the sat nav screen? What cable would I need, and where can I buy one from? Can the sat nav unit be hacked to allow the unit to play movies whn driving? cheers for the help Corskey
  16. but the voice instruction are easy to turn off :D
  17. Tigger, your taking the mick - we all know that beast hasn't even been made yet :D :D
  18. and this is that old console
  19. This is with the carpet lifted, though it's not easy to see anything
  20. Here's the photos of the DVD player, and what I think is an old games console, though my boy refuses to play with something so old :( :( :D As for changing disks, yes it's possible, certainly when the missus is driving and the seat is slightly forward. When I'm driving I need to move forward - not the safest of things, but it stops the whining in the back :(
  21. mine waz professionally fitted (but by the previous owner). The DVD is in the well under the drivers seat and the play station is une=der the passenger seat. I gotta sat that it is a great use of space (unless the rear washer jet leaks into the passenger foot well). I'll post photos if anyone wants!!! Corskey
  22. sorry to be an idiot here, but where does the (single) audio output from the DVD player go - to the roof mounted screen, or to the modulator. I would like both possibilities as I had before my current plaver went belly up. Do I need some type of splitter to allow the output to go to both screen and modulator Also Alarm-man, you say we have no problems........... Does this mean that you fit these as a business, and if so, where are you based. Can U PM me if you do this. Corskey
  23. Bloody hell, some good and accurate diagonistics here. I was expecting only abuse :( :( considering my initial poor description of the problem. I've booked it into the local ford dealership for repair - I just hope that they can diagnose the problem as easily. Corskey
  24. Just checked brake lights again - they are not working co it could be that this is part of the fault 1. Warning message flashes 2. No Brake lights 3. No Cruise control I wonder how 2 and 3 are linked Corskey
  25. I did notice last night that the cruise control doesn't work when this message is flashing. I don't know if this is the cause of the warning or a symptom of something else.
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