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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by corskey

  1. Well, the time has come to replace the pollen filter in my 2001 Galaxy. I've printed out Seatkid's guide and polished my toolbox, but now need to buy the item. can I only buy from Ford, or is there a cheaper place to buy from. Cheers Corskey
  2. Hi all, sounds a little like my problem (2001 TDI, 115): 1. I replaced the MAF about 6 months ago, performance was better, but I don't think that the MAF was totally knackered. 2. Occassionally, especially when under load, eg accelerating up a hill I loose my pulling power and get quite excited when I reach 30. 3. I can cure the problem by switching the ignition off and on again, though I don't like doing this uphill. the battery has been dis-connected so I think that the memory has been reset. ???????????????????????????????? any ideas ???????????????????????????????? Corskey
  3. switch on the parking sensors and listen to each sensor individually - you should be able to hear them ticking. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...991entry58991
  4. Hi mumof4 when you ask for commission don't forget about getting your commission from me. I followed your link and am now the 'proud' owner of a Galaxy that is able to drive up a hill at a speed greater than 30 mph.
  5. Please post any links to threads in here. Please do not post the actual thread here - just a link to it. The post/thread itself should be placed in the relevant section Thank you No other posts please. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/html/emoticons/smile.gif
  6. A near flawless description of my problem - Great advice about the clicking. I now know that, by swoping sensors, all sensors are working and there is a wiring problem from the front o/s sensor. any advice on solving this - is it just a case of dropping the bumper and following the wire to see any obvious damage, or is it possible to splice a wire from o/s to n/s. I imagine that this isn't too easy as the n/s loom will end up with a lot of wires.
  7. Sounds as though the catalyst converter has passed to the great catalyst graveyard in the sky. ;) ;)
  8. Hi, I'd forgotten how bad my parking was until my sensors failed :unsure: . When I activate the parking sensors, I get a single beep from the rear sensor 'speaker' and then a continuous tone (from under the passenger seat). Some wan**r hit me in a car park a while ago, damaging the front nearside sensor, so I thought that this had given up the ghost. I replaced this last week with a Fraud replacement (bloody
  9. Hi are these things easy to fit? my afterburner isn't working and I thought I'd start here. BTW great service from e-bay
  10. Pop alaong to your local SEAT dealer and buy ones for the Octavia - they are not painted, so you'll never have the problem again.
  11. I had the same problem with my TDi a while ago - for me it was a pipe that had blown off the turbo leading to an overburn of diesel as it wasn't pulling enough air for full combustion. I could listen to the position where the clip had dropped off, though I couldn't reach it and ended up paying the local garage
  12. Hi Ian, thanks for the offer, but I'm a bit wary of the innovateks after the problems that I had with my last as I tend to play backups in the car. I think that I'll plump for the Sony, even if it isn't region free, and it doesn't seem to be hackable, though the Argos solution with Frogger is tempting.
  13. Hi, is the general feeling that the Sony mv101 is a good player, even if it isn't region free. my player from mp3store has died after about a year, and I need to replace it any other suggestions for good (cheap) players. I'd buy a portable system, but the Galaxy is already wired with a roof mounted screen
  14. The car is now at a garage - it's the same muppet that punctured a pipe to 0r from the turbo a couple of months when he was repairing the drive shaft. So thanks to tim-spam I'm not too worried about the whooshing / sucking sound. It still worried me a little about the black smoke. It was revved higher than normal trying to climb a hill, though it wasn't in the red! I can only hope that the lid (I assume of the turbo) isn't cracked. :huh: :huh: :huh:
  15. Nope, no modifications to the engine at all
  16. thanks, would this also account for the taxi-like black smoke??
  17. Hi, I was towing the caravan back from Wales last week, when 5miles from home I heard a loud blowing/sucking noise from the Engine compartment when I tried to accelerate. Along with the noise came bucketfuls of black smoke fron the exhaust when I accelerate, and (I think) a loss of power. The oil is at the bottom of the dipstick and wasn't checked too long ago. I don't think that there are any more symptons. Is it my poor auld turbo that's given up the ghost, or something even more serious. Why would it be burning soo much oil?? Any pointers are gratefully accepted. Corskey
  18. Thanks Seatkid, it looks easy enough for even me to have a try ;) ;) B) Corskey
  19. Yep, it sounds to me as though the unit is low on refrigerant - it's happened to me once or twice :o :o before. An air-con specialist can check the pressure pretty quickly and you should expect to pay about
  20. An update and a cry for help. I couldn't see anything amiss yesterday so I took it to the local garage last night. He rang this morning to let me know that a couple of bolts had come off the drive shaft and knackered the driveshaft cup(??) and a couple of belts/bolts (??) had broken. The problem is that there are none of these cups anywhere in the UK and they are a special order from Germany with no quoted leadtime. <_< :unsure: :unsure: :angry: I've suggested that he tries VW, but if this doesn't work I need an alternative - any help anyone
  21. yes m8 when the engines running I can change into 1,2,3 and with gentle encouragement 4th. 5&6 require the clutch, though I'm sure that I could force the issue Sorry Seatkid (see below) just to clarify (I hope) .............................................................................................................. With the engine running I can select 1st to 4th gears, however though I'm in gear and the engine running, the wheels refuse to turn. It's sllightly more difficult to engage 5th and 6th (presumably because of the size of the cogs??). If I use the clutch I can select 5th and 6th, however still no movement of the front wheels. the fact that there is no horrible metallic sounds when in gear and when the engine is running indicates to me that (fortunately) the gearbox is ok. Hope that this clarifies things. Corskey .................................................................................................................
  22. Just a thought - I had the top linkages (?) on the front suspension replaced last week, could the two problems be related? Could the garage have disconnected the drive and forgot to re-connedt properly - just a thought
  23. Hi, I can engage all six gears in my tdi but there is no drive possible. Apparently, it happened when the missus was changing into first at the traffic lights. I can change into 1,2 & 3 without using the clutch, 4,5 & 6 can only be really coaxed in with the clutch. Does this signify the need for a new gearbox, and how much could I expect to pay for such a lump of steel :D :D It's been a bad month for me, first
  24. I disconnected the MAF yesterday and there didn't seem to be much of a difference during normal driving - so I think that it is a dead MAF. ne1 got suggestions as to the best place to buy a replacement??? mine is a 2001 model cheers corskey
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