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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by veedyf

  1. thats common sense not a tip :) :) :wacko:
  2. heres mine ...they are 17 inch ...cheaper tyres than 18 inch imo more popular size...im definately going to lower it....tints are on the way 21 quid all round ...doing the job myself ...
  3. its accesible but a tight squeese battery tray is in the way but its not impossible .....just need to take the 2 intercooler pipes off to get at it
  4. where is he saying ?? maybe 1 of us is close and could help him out
  5. tell him to check the linkage in the engine bay....could have come loose
  6. what colour was the smoke??
  7. very good :lol: :lol:
  8. veedyf

    My New Mota

    its these i was thinking about ....just a subtle mod http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=010
  9. veedyf

    My New Mota

    went all the ay from west wales to newcastle to get it today.....12 months mot & 6 months tax 141k miles tdi 110 drives spot on ....needs new brakes ...thats it .....stands me at 1600 quid plus 200 quid to go fetch it what you all think....my plans are tints and skirts ......
  10. 110 tdi galaxy
  11. i think that its for vans...2.5 tdi
  12. cogs are plastic i think...so easy to snap i suppose
  13. on a mk1 there are teo 13mm bolts on the chassis to hold the winch... might be a squeeze but a spanner should fit in there then its off
  14. ^^^^^^ you are starting to scare me :wacko: :P ;)
  15. now on ebay with better .. newer updated pictures http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=001
  16. i was thinking exactly the same thing ...pmsl
  17. well all problems fixed .... full mot taxed for 2 months .... 137k miles.... any questions ring me on 07837 695 887
  18. ive got a complete heater if you dont succeed...will do you a good price :D
  19. if its the clip on 1 side that is broken ....why not take the centre console off... drill a small hole th put a self tapper screw in there to act as the clp...hopefully ....hey presto
  20. no worries at all.....aint got the rack off yet ....oooooopppsss
  21. so wll you still ba neding the steering rack and pump now
  22. its deffo loose ..... 1. you have an adjuster which is on the pump bracket ..... 2.somtimes these can wear and not work properly when tightening.... 3. get underneath slacken the (10 or 13mm bolt slightly.... 4 get a jack out the boot 5.lever the pump as far as you can (with the jack) then tighten the outer bolt again 6...should be no juddering now
  23. end thingy ...sorry my spelling is shite i was lucky enough to have 3 spare handles and locks and keys ....part no not needed :) :)
  24. dont buy a new barrel and key......just the ed thingy to the drivers door lock as it is only the end that is broken
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