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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by veedyf

  1. heres mine with audi rs6 alloys
  2. all depends on the milage but id say 1500 - 1700 quid
  3. imo if you get a bad car off ebay its your own fault for taking their word for it....ive never paid full end of auction price .......ppl who have been caught will allways slate ebay....but 9/10 times they want something for peanuts .....ebay is great ...you just gotta know what your doing now traders they are the biggest crooks
  4. how much you looking for m8
  5. try golf and passat wheels in your scrappy as long as theitr 5x 100 pcd they should fit also audi
  6. here you go http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AUDI-16-INCH-ALLOY-W...id=p3286.c0.m14 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/vw-audi-new-16-inch-...id=p3286.c0.m14
  7. sony xplod fits perfect in the front ones at least ....same size in the rear i would imagine
  8. yeah go on...never know might get some compo :lol: :D
  9. welcome t the club any advice ....just ask away
  10. dont think its the pulley... its not schreeching as such (if its the same noise as mine) sounds like its about to go into warp mode ,,,but then dissappears ...hell of an anti climax :huh: :D
  11. maybe you could be lucky...... but on a 1998 i very much doubt it would still be there as its only a sticky label at the end of the day .....
  12. best bet is to go to a proper paint suppliers ....ask them could they match the paint on yours and usually they will mix it up while you wait....or just get the paint code off them ....then it will tell you which shade it is
  13. your noise happens around 2.5 - 3 k revs yeah?? under heavy accelarating.....i have thhis noise too....my alhambra is also hitting 142k miles i was convinced it was the heat shield rattling ....could be wrong tho..... hope its not the turbo anyway.....but ive got a spare turbo that needs a re-con ...so im not that worried ......yet :D :huh:
  14. id just replace it (it is the wiper ecu your on about aint it ) most common problem as it can get damp easyly... i have sold 2 recently ....for 30-40 quid each on ebay
  15. sony x plod girlls fit nicely but need slight modding
  16. not these then http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=024
  17. could you send me the link ...i fanc them in carbon as they looked nice in the zetec i had
  18. you need a coil removal tool cheap and available on ebay or you local gsf...or very lon nosed pliers
  19. my belt was tight but obviosly had some to go as it fixed the problem
  20. sounds like just the belt needs tightening with 100k miles
  21. does the steering judder when you turn it full lock ?? mine was doing exactly the same ... loosen the 2 bolts either side .....tension it up ... imo if it doesent judder after tensioning ..its fine otehr than that the pump could be slipping itself ....how many miles has your car done.... undertrays are over-rated ....imo keeps too much hot air in the engine bay
  22. mines on 17s no harshness or isnt noticable....17 inch tyres are cheaper than 18s anyway....
  23. i had a spare galaxy luckily enough and ive taken windows out and done em like that .... i didnt want to attempt doing it the other way ....they are drying nicely in my garandmothers consrvatory easy when out of the car...aint got a clue otherwise
  24. ive just bought them...brill they are http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...N:IT&ih=017
  25. mk1 gal 96 n done 234k brfore the turbo blew ...engine is still good tho
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