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Everything posted by Ginettamad

  1. I'm not far from York. Just had my Passenger footwell full of smelly screen wash too after the hard frosts we've had so I guess the pipe froze and the expanding ice pushed the joint apart. It may be a safety joint for that reason??? On my car the joint was under the dash within the loom tape near the top of the passenger kick panel not under the door sill panel. No joint under sill under front Pass door found? 1999 MK1 110BHP. I just made some slack and re joined it which seemed a reasonably tight fit. No tools were needed. Next time it freezes I'll check it before washing my rear screen! At least my booster heater is whirring away nicely though so carpet drying out ok now. Harvey
  2. Must be known to be in full working order for a TDi CC conversion. Rear callipers would be a useful spare as mine keep sticking the handbrake on and I cant see a way of getting grease in the free them without a full split? H
  3. Is there a classified section any where for The Gal Forum? Would be good to set one up if not for cars and spares? H
  4. Had the ecu code set today but still not working so maybe something else is wrong? switch was second hand so could that be faulty? VAG.Com Guy who set ecu thought some set ups need a wire adding to ecu but dont know if mine does either way I'm another
  5. Anyone near York / Leeds with VAG-com who could help me set my CC please as still not managed to get it working yet. Dont mind driving to meet up somewhere? Thanks Harvey
  6. Which light is flashing ABS? I bought a lead and it came with software but its not very good as it wont let you make changes. i wanted to activate a cruise control but it wont let me possibly as the plug has very few pins in it? It does allow a fault search but it may not let you re set things so ask before you buy. Harvey
  7. Not sure where to post this but I am thinking of upgrading to a later TDI as mine is the 110 AFN engine and I'd like a bit more power for towing etc. Looking for a rare LOW mileage 19 TDI 130 or 20 140 if anyone is thinking of trading soon? Id prefer manual GB and Ghia, Carat or stylance. Not sure about Auto boxes really as the dont appear very reliable on this forum. I live in York area but would travel for a well looked after car. I will also be selling my 110 TDI with only 110k miles on it once I find a replacement. Harvey
  8. There seem to be some ABS sensors on ebay for around
  9. The picture makes the rust look worse but both sill flanges had just been cleaned up and painted black but that has been cracked off and the damage further in was done too. As the flanges have some rust I think bending them back will snap the metal off. The under seal cracks showing rust are not serious and the box sections have been waxoiled now in and out. May take off some of the damaged undseal seal after I have shown the garage boss tomorrow. At the end off the day the car was not damaged before it left it with them but I'll see what they have to say> Harvey
  10. Thanks I checked the sills after reading about others on this site but as you say its proving the bugg--s did it. The metal has rusted now and had some rust before but I had just stripped and re painted both sill flanges to tidy the surface rust so I know they were good beforehand. One side is not going to hammer back as bent too much and will snap due to metal fatigue and rust weakening. have a look at this picture of the worst side. Apparently its up to the garage to prove they did not do it but in my case the boss was on holiday so not looking forward to approaching him when he gets back with my goods and services letter and photos. Harvey
  11. My ABS light is on and I found the CV joint tooth ring has come loose and come off the CV. A long story followed re drive shaft bearing needing replacing and garage damaging my car sills but now the new cv is on the ABS light is still on. Does it need to be turned off via a PC VAG Com login? If not then the sensor could haven been damaged by the loose spinning ring? Whats the tecnhique to getting the silly rusted allen bolt out holding the sensor as its bound to snapp off? Would it be best to grind the top off the glue a new sensor on using the thread left to hold the glue? If it snaps it would probably leave the end in the cast hub so can it be drilled right through to put a nut and bolt on instead? Can I get a second hand sensor from a scrappers and re use ok to save funds as I'm skint due to recent problems? Harvey
  12. Front Camber is it adjustable on a 99 MK1 TDi? Having problems with 20 - 25mm lower spring height causing more negative camber and wearing out tyre inside edges so due a re alignment and track up? Hopefully camber too? H
  13. Well its interesting that my last Mk2 had rust starting in exactly this area on the passenger side, I never took the liners off that one and I assumed it had had a scratch/knock at some point hence the rust but on reflection it may well have been from this. So how could it be stopped from happening again then? Can it be poked out from underneath without removing the inner covers? Will check my MK 1 for similar. H
  14. Thanks for the info which sounded alarming however I have rung the garage and they claim to have a new bearing on its own for around
  15. Thanks , I'm going for new parts as it seems the drive shaft parts dont last long anyway on Gals judging past posts. My shaft is already off the car but in the mechanics garage so I wanted to know if I could easily change the bearing as knowing my luck most parts will be seized solid? Harvey
  16. I have a 99 TDi 110 which had a new g/box a few years back by previous owner. I now have the OFF side ABS ring on the CV joint spinning loose so I ordered a new CV and got an Pre 2000 one only to find mine has the later smaller splined drive shafts fitted possibly due to the box change? So I have now ordered a post 2000 CV joint with 36 slines rather than 27. I asked a local garage to fit the parts as I'm pushed for time and would struggle to get the hub off. On removing the drive shaft the garage has found the intermediate support bearing has come apart holding drive shaft. Mine has an alloy carrier with the bearing inside it. Apparently there are numerous types of bearings and carriers so god knows what my bill will come to? So is this a very expensive FORD / VW only part which is difficult to remove and replace from the drive shaft? Just had some really bad news as the mechanic who is the garage boss has now gone on holiday for two weeks leaving my car in bits outside!!!!!!!! He never mentioned that at all so I'm seriously peed off now as its my daily commuter car for work and disabled? Arrrrh Could I fit the parts back on if their apprentice gets them? CV joint, New bearing and drive shaft? Harvey
  17. Just had mine powder coated in silver at Castleford at
  18. Stick your nose in the wiper washer bottle and I bet that is where the smell is coming from? Clean out any drains /gulleys too around the front wings and bonnet? H
  19. I have recently started using Collinite wax products bought cheaply via Ebay USA and so far been very impressed with them. Its not on your voting list so voted OTHER. Paint shops hate Autoglym I'm told because it reacts with new paint?? H
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