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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Ginettamad

  1. My rear central tailgate Ford bage metal front has fallen off leaving the black plastic mount remaining. Some prat then ran over the fallen badge front so its knackererd! Does anyone know how I get this off without damging the surrounding paintwork? Does it have pegs through the metal or is it just sticky back glued? Anyone have the correct part number for a new badge? 2005 55 gal Tdi Loads of differnet ones on ebay so a bit of a gamble to get the correct one? Cheers H
  2. I've heard that Gal 6 speed boxes are sealed for life but dont like that idea? Can the gearbox oil be changed and if so how as mines done 85k now? What oil should go back in too? H
  3. I dont think its ever been out of the car so it should have its labels on but worried I'll loose power if I remove it to look? If I find them can you help then? If you can then I'll risk drawing it out. Harvey
  4. I have a single din flip up screen DVD SAT NAV to fit and there seems to be two types of 1.5 to 1 Din adaters on ebay but which works and looks the best? A frame with a little blank at the bottom or just the little curved blank on its own type? Anyone tried them as not sure which will look the most proffesional? Pictures wont load sorry? H
  5. I have my car reg and working radio but no code and I want to remove it and refit but cant without a code? No sign of it in my car paperwork but did the dealers keep records? H
  6. My new one went in ok and is running great but I only use it with a manual switch to prevent short stop starts which cant be good for them. So communication with EU heaters was not very good but once it arrived without any paper guarantee (He emailed me a receipt when I quizzed him on this) but it should have 2 years cover on it? Seen a few for sale on ebay abroad cheaper than the
  7. The new heater has arrived but no paperwork or written guarantee which is a bit dubious. I have asked for this and had no reply as yet. I have stripped the heater bolts out and coated them with alloy anti seize grease and hope to fit the heater next weekend. Its looks fine but came without any M6 threads in all the attachtment holes but I luckily had an M6 tap to put threads in which was quite easy. The holes appeared to have soft inserts in them so maybe an M6 bolt would have self tapped each hole anyway but I used a proper tap just in case! So far so good but not tested yet.
  8. You do have to remove the water pipes to strip the later D5Z-F heaters I'm afraid and the glow plug is inside the unit accessed by removing both plastic tops and the fan unit end piece. This can damage the joining gaskets if not done very carefully. See my old posts regarding a strip down. As with many car parts they were put together dry of grease so can be difficult to take apart due to seized torx fasteners. Good luck
  9. My aux heater has been apart many times and failed again so on Sunday I ordered a New D5Z-F heater online at vast expense. Since then I have not had a reply or order confirmation so I am naturally worried about my money. Has anyone used this web site recently as I am now wondering if they are genuine or a dodgy dealer? Cheers Harvey
  10. I managed to borrow the old laptop with my old copy of VAG.com then cleared all the silly error codes for the locked out Aux heater. I then switched on my Aux heater with the manual switch and hey presto it fired into life again thankfully. So it seems aux failures could often just be needing a code cleared to get them working after summer. Have yet to test the VCDS version with the new Laptop. H
  11. Thanks I already have a lead but with the new laptop wanted a new copy of VAG. I have had a go at downloading VCDS so when I get chance I'll see if I can get it to work on the car. The aux heater is again out of action before winter but hopefully it just needs its errors deleting to reset it. Its on a manual switch and the kids tens to knock the switch on in summer and fiddle around which wont do it much good. I have had a new control box in it (previous posts) before but that could well have broken again as internally everything else and the glow plug work ok.
  12. Just got myself a laptop and want to put VAG.com on it. I have a usb lead but Ross tec don't seem to offer the old free 409 version I used on a borrowed laptop some years ago? Can I still get a free version that will work on my new laptop? Aux heater just serviced but need to cancel error codes etc.
  13. How much do the Polish shafts cost delivered to uk please? Does the gearbox oil leak out when the inner section is removed from the box?
  14. Just a quick question, Does the gear box oil start coming out when you remove the inner short section from the box? Hope to check mine soon as 61k on it now and wondered if I'd need some extra GB oil? How much do the modified shafts cost from Poland please Inc delivery? Harvey
  15. This should really be saved in FAQs as I struggled to find decent pictures of how to remove the light plates, boot plate and rear bumper until this great post. So I'll add some of my pictures too which can also be seen in my other post re Westafalia tow bar wiring. Fixing points of cover plate Poke slim knife down slots to release tabs then slide back out of side hook on right. Boot plate has keyways and pegs so should slide about 10mm left then pop up. Side fixings to bumper which need a good tug out towards you looking straight on to each side wing after 3 self tappers removed in wheel arch. New tow bar wiring kit control box fits in left cubby and piggy back connectors go to 12v feed socket and rear lamps. Right hand connectors and reverse (Green) and fog (Blue and Grey wires) loose wires to scotchlock if need be. Tow bar painted and fitted. I bent back the left side exhaust heat sheild to fit the bolts then bent it back as not critical. So no need to remove exhaust and sheild. New wires feeds down the reversing sensor wire gromit Jobs a good un!
  16. Ok Guys, I fitted my Tow Bar and Electrics at the weekend and the main functions working fine and even the bumper fits better than it did before? I didn't wire the fog circuit or the parking sensor cut off circuit as the instructions weren’t very clear. The green wire went to the reverse light switch wire and now when the car is put in reverse with a trailer plugged in now the parking sensors make a two tone siren type bleeping which may or may not be normal but it warns me I have something fitted? All I do then is just switch them off and they still work fine in normal use. (I’ll maybe check VAG com sometime to see if any errors have been recorded but all seems fine?) I fitted an old Witter tow bar, which came from ebay from a MK1 Gal as I knew they all fit MK2 cars and tend to sell for half the money. MK2’s have smaller shallow bumpers so no problem there. It clears the bumper by a few mm and has a standard tow ball flange and does not bother the parking sensors with a standard single socket plate fitted. So £20 for the tow bar plus some hammerite to give it a few coats of paint then around £50 for the electric kit and an afternoons work fitting so pleased with the job for under £100. It has a single European 13pin full electrics socket which can be used with a caravan equivalent to the old twin sockets but its much neater. So to use a trailer with the old 7pin electric plug I just fit a £6 adapter between. I’d still like to connect up the spare fog and parking sensor switch off wires at some point but need to find more info on how to connect them without damaging anything so if any of you find out let me know please. I have taken pictures of the work but I'm not sure how to upload them but tried to attach. They also show the fixings for the awkward tail peice covers under the lights and bumper side fixings. Also the SS boot cover has key hole fittings suggesting it should be pushed side ways to release it not pulled up like I did? Harvey Tail piece cover Holes where it fits. It slides backwards and out as there is a hook down the right side This shows the underside of the boot cover which has Keyways for sliding, plastic pegs with locking collars in the body which I needed to separate to re fix back. The bumper side fixing tabs have to be pulled firmly out towards you before the bumper will move back and up. Tow bar on wiring under rear carpet using same hole/gromit as parking sensor wires New wiring went to rear left for control box and right for the fog and reverse connections. Piggy back connectors jumpers fitted rear lamp sockets Close up of jumper connectors for right rear lamp. Job Done!
  17. I have purchased the car specific kit for my 2005 Ford Galaxy, but it is a bit vague on a couple of the connections. Wiring kit is a 13 pin Westfalia Electrical System for Towing Hitch 7/13-pin Westfalia Order No.: 321 458 300 107 / 113 Area of Application: VW Sharan, Ford Galaxy, Seat Alhambra, tail cabling (all construction years, also with parking aid) Installation time approx.30 min. 1) It specifies a single green wire should be connected to the reverse light 2) It also states to connect a brown-white wire to the parking sensors, but doesn't state which wire to tap into. Anyone know? See instruction text 13. The single brown/white lead is the switch off connection for the parking aid. In vehicles without parking aid the connection is missing, in vehicles with parking aid please consult your specialist garage. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? For the Fog light turn off circuit option B I guess as 2005 model? See instruction text 8. The single green wire is to be connected on the right side with the black/blue wire of the reverse headlamp. A blue snap-in connection is enclosed in the delivery package for this. According to the model year the two remaining wires (blue and grey) are laid either version A from centre to left, models up to 9/97 with 2 and 8-fold connection left, or version B from centre to right, models from 10/97 with connection at the right underneath the light. In version A separate the 2-fold plug link and connect the blue wire of the electrical system with the grey/white lead of the wire lane from the vehicle rear fog lamp switch, and the grey wire of the electrical system with the grey/white lead leading to the rear fog lamp. In version B separate the grey/white lead near the connection on the right below the tail light and connect the blue wire of the electrical system with the wire which leads to the rear fog lamp switch, and connect the grey wire with the wire end towards the rear fog lamp. Thanks in advance Harvey
  18. Can anyone help as still not sorted out which kit will work with my 2005 Gal with parking sensors? towequippe dont know which is best? Anyone got their part numbers foe a kit known to work on a late MK2 Gal TDI Cheers H
  19. Really not sure which kit to buy for my 2005 Gal See all the options here http://www.towequipe.co.uk/itemlist.html Why is the 13 pin for a ford so expensive compared to the Sharan 13 pin option as bith seem to cover 2005 cars? Also several 7 pin options? Anyone got one and if so which one? Harvey
  20. Are the golf mirrors the same but possibly with a different pillar attachment? Not many late Sharan or Alhabra Mirrors about yet in scrap yards? Do they reduce wind noise by much? H
  21. Still got this problem, I fitted all the new pads myself and connected both front and rear sensors up as they were on the old pads. The light had never come on before the swap but the pads were getting thin so I replaced them and the problem started. The light is now permanently on at every start up sadly and a pain. I have tried the usual option of joining the wires together using an old sensor plug with its wires soldered together but when connected it makes no change? Now worried its the Dash unit but its not an early dash (mid 2005)? Someone also mentioned that a low battery can cause this but I wont know until I change that and it still starts the car ok. As I say no sign of damage to the sensor wires but at some point will check the plug pins are long enough to make proper contact in the connectors. H
  22. Any idea how to stop the Pad Warning light coming on? I just fitted new F/R pads and the light came on and even bridging the sensors wont turn the light off? H
  23. Well now the car has thawed the nice frost has bust apart my rear washer water line somwhere from front to back? Can anyone remind me of all the places where the pipe joints are that can come apart after being frozen? No water reaching the wiper now? On my MK1 it has one just under the dash passenger side but not sure on a MK2? No sign of water in the car so far thankfully but the reservior has drained quick recently? Hope that hasn't split? We did record about minus 17 here one night so the washer antifreeze was not strong enough! Harvey
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