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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by chrissy

  1. i got the bottle for the windscreen and i used the foam for the rest of the windows but that can be used on windscreen as well the wipes i used on the interior windows a little tip when you use the foam follow the instructions and dont let it dry on its own wipe it off like it says chris
  2. hi me again i work in a car factory on the door line so i went down the line to see how they fit them and as far as i can see they slot them in and use a rubber mallet to tap them home but thats before they put the glass in so i dont know if that will make a difference chris
  3. hi stevie will upload a photo when i can but it does work i bought a load kept myself 4 boxes but sold it on to the guys in the factory here is a link ebay foam rain x item number 160201581532 if you are struggling to get it ste let me know can always nip down again this week see if they have any left postage should be about 2.50 at a guess but that will make it a fiver for you but as i said i paid 6 quid and was happy thats why i went back for another box and ended up with 10
  4. Hi all i have been reading up on a few topics and i came across the one about misting windows inside well i got my gal last week and have been gobsmacked ;) at how much they do steam up my other car used to only steeam up when.......... well we wont go into that ;) wellllllllllllllllll try this i bought some rain x in a 3 pack kit from costco was around
  5. hi gregars was that with bezels chris Normal price is
  6. hi gregars was that with bezels chris
  7. hi gregers thanks for the welcome really enjoying the gal had a litlle play today in between the rain got the video to work but been round to garage and he still reckons
  8. hiya i see you have dvd screens can you tell me what dvd player you have and did it come with the gal i have just bought a gal and it has screens in but it has an old video player which i would like to swap for a dvd can you help mate cheers chris :rolleyes:
  9. thanks for the reply will have a look into it only just got yhe gal but looking into mods and add ons for the futute thanks again chrissy :rolleyes:
  10. Hiya :rolleyes: just bought a galaxy 1.9tdi zetec 2001 and would like to get cruise control fitted i live in st helens merseyside has anyone had it fitted in this area and how much?? my last car was a citroen picasso and i travelled to bolton to get it fitted but when i got there and they started the job they realised it was the year before an after fit could be fitted something to do with the computer i was gutted ;) i have read some of the topics on here.... am i right in saying that the wiring is there it just needs the stalk and programming?? thanks in advance for the help chrissy ;)
  11. the best taste is a handfull in your gob altogehter gives the jaw a right work out try it ;) :rolleyes:
  12. thanks for the welcome guys only got the gal yesterday and i am working lates this week so not got much time to play with her this week cant wait for saturday and gutted cause its raining hope saturday is better gonna spend the day on her gonna clean her while the novelty is still there ;) will have a good search through the topics and pinch some ideas will have to have a look at the dvd install have had a qoute of 167 quid fitted and supplied but i am finding that hard to believe so i am gonna push the garage a bit further with that cause i think that is ok i was expecting way more i got plenty of ideas for the gal but the purse does not match the enthusiasm ;) has anyone any small cheap mods i can start with ?? will post some piccies as go along cheers gang chrissy
  13. Hi all ;) well i finally got my gal she is black and 1.9tdi with very tinted windows been looking at some of the posts and i am now looking into sorting out the door handles she also has screens in the seats but she has a now obsolete video in the back which i am now looking to replace with a dvd has anyone got any prices and where to get this from also previous owner had a ps1 fitted but again a change to a ps2 thin version is needed got one but not sure how to go about it any help greatly appreciated cant wait to be able to access all this site had a citroen picasso before the gal and was registered on that really enjoyed that site and made some good friends heres looking forward to many hours of fun with you guys chrissy ;)
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