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Everything posted by grifjl

  1. Nothing wrong with what I'm doing. Several of us stood around and tried this. Always on the same driveway, not sloped. As I say, given up with it!!! Seems OK now and due for a service in February, where they will overfill anyway!!!
  2. Is 70 litre tank. When light comes on you have around 7 litres of fuel left. When you top up with 55l you then have 62 litres. Then you can fill the expansion area with a further 8l by pressing the air outlet by the tank inlet. My wife gets around 35mpg on teh school run - the engine never warms up and it's stop/start. But, get the car on teh m/way and we hit 45-50mpg. Car - 1.9TDi Sharan Sport.
  3. do liquids expand when warm? I didn't think they should (at least not by this much). I'm still puzzled, but no recurrence of the oil light flashing, so Hey Ho - Merry Xmas!!!
  4. 1.9TDi, 02 model. I check the oil every 6 weeks or so (roughly 1,000 miles). When I check the level cold the level was below the lower line. When I checked the level after driving and then letting rest for an hour (as the book mentions one should) the level was midway up the 'acceptable' area. I'm confused, how does this happen? Surely the oil has had full chance to drain back. And yes, I do check it several times, wiping stick clean each time. While I was pondering this (over three days) my wife mentioned that the display came up and asked for oil to be topped up. I guessed it wouldn't hurt to put in around 300ml, so went through the whole malarky detailed by others re the 'What oil should I use saga.' VW had the oil in stock and knew exactly what to put in. 1litre cost
  5. re Paul and Esure. I thought they would only insure you if you had no accidents (irrespective of claims) in the last four years??? We have Tesco - Full Protected NCB,
  6. 2002 VW Sharan 1.9TDi Sport. Recently our driver door has developed an annoying rattle. Quite noticeable, though all funcitons OK, e.g. door lock, electric window, wing mirror, etc.. Wondered if it may be black trim across centre of door but that seems OK. Any ideas? Don't want to pull door panel off - taking car in for Passenger Footwell leak problem in a couple of weeks so will leave until then if no luck with you guys. PS Don't you find that this site is great for helping you help the technicians fix the car? I think all VW/Seat/Ford garages should be permanently logged in to this site as it would enable them to identify the regular problems these cars have that the garages just don't seem aware of!!!!
  7. Go down to your local carpet shop and get a cheap offcut. Then use a Stanley Knife and do it yourself. Took me around 5 minutes and it looks perfect. Plus, you get to choose your own colour!!!! Added bonus is once it is dirty you can throw away as they only cost
  8. I measured the temp this weekend on Low (Climate Control) with full fan and got 8C.
  9. sensors switch off automatically when you go over a certain speed (10mph?) and only come back on if you reverse or hit the switch. I think they're great, just hit the button to switch off if you haven't gone over the 10mph and hit a traffic jam.
  10. The trip computer only estimates the mpg, it doesn't measure exact amount of fuel consumed. It's all calculated by a series of algorithms dependent on speed/revs, etc.. To prove we reset the trip computer to NIL and filled up - drove for 900 miles, one interim fill up and then one final fill up. Calulated the litres consumed and got around 36.8mpg in our 1.9TDi, but the trip computer was giving me 40.3. :blink:
  11. But, the washer is working. Not apparent that it looks any less powerful. Also, the water did not smell of washer fluid, I use a 3 to 1 mix so it is a pretty smelly mixture!!! I will take in to Dealers as is only 11 months old anyway!! Cheers
  12. I know this has come up before but I can't find the old thread on the topic. Basically, have a wet floor carpet in passenger footwell. Can someone let me know what was generally responsible for this. Thanks Jon
  13. Cheers Fredt We do have the rear climate control
  14. Got a Sharan '02 1.9TDi. Couple of months after buying I found that only one rear (quarter) window actually has a hinge and latch on it to allow opening. I thought both windows were meant to be able to be opened manually? Notice that the rear strut on the side without the opening window is slightly larger. Any ideas? Just interested, doesn't really bother me.
  15. SA Intruder Re what the Alhambra has against the VW/Galaxy Six instruments, Fule to go, Sports suspension - VW Sport has that. I think I saw a ppicture of your dash on here recently and it looked exactly the same as mine??! Admittedly it cost 18.8 and was six months old with 9K on the clock. Had the dual air con as an extra. Made sure spec was up with Seat other than that as parking sensors and climate control are not standard. Seat was our next option, but distance to the dealer and the general state of the dealer showroom (Seat was a bit rundown and a couple of strange people worked there) swayed our decision. Plus a poor delivery time (we wanted integral child seats!) Either way we would have happily bought any one of the three. Very happy with the car. Wife likes it better than our 3 Series which I sadly traded in !!!
  16. I have had my Sharan in and hooked up to the diagnostic machine, codes read and then driven out of the garage in the space of 5 minutes (and that was after a bit of faffing about). 1 hour is crazy!!!
  17. Bought a 110 1.9 TDi Sharan and I can't say the lack of power is noticeable. Don't thrash the car anyway, bu tthe torque at low revs is great for overtaking on the motorway. I like the consumption figures and feel better about doing my bit for the environment!!
  18. Sensors should only switch on when you engage reverse and then switch off when you go over 15kmh (or something like that). Hence, your sensors must be knackered if theyr're going off for no reason.
  19. Sorted!!!! Took car in last week and booked in for yesterday to get sills repaired. Was in for the whole day, and no courtesy car, but the job was done and the underside of the sill resealed for the full ength. No cost (see above post). VW seem to be providing a decent service at the moment. Would recommend them - VW Colbornes in Guildford. :angry:
  20. Bought my Sharan 2nd hand from Dealer in February and have just noticed I have the same problem. I am going to try and get them to repair it as it seems pretty structural and I certainly have not jacked the car up since purchased. Just wonder if I have any rights at all? Certainly do not want to pay for the repair and it is not something that is immediately noticeable on purchase inspection. What do you all think? The car was registered July 02 and was owned by the Dealership MD's Wife for the whole time.
  21. which two internal lights? I haven't foound this in my manual, but will give it a go....
  22. I think the fan has to keep going to stop the fins in the a/c unit from freezing. What happens is that the air needs to flow at that rate to stop the freezing and then heat is added to the cabin as well to maintain the temp at your 22C. Inefficient I guess, but that was the stiry I had on my last car. We have the dual air conditioning unit and it does seem to perform exceptionally well. The kids like the fact they can control the temperature a bit better in the back.
  23. I think my manual (VW Sharan) says will come on at temperatures below 9.5C and/or coolant less than 85C. At this point we get a nice ticking sound which proves to irritate (see previous mails on ticking noises!!)
  24. VW claim that they can not program the Sharan to autolock all the doors when you drive away, something I have had done on my last three cars (not VWs) - is this correct? Got them to give me the safety lock feature where you press once to open the driver door and twice to open all the other doors. Worth bearing in mind if you are getting in the car late at night - stops nasty people jumping in the other doors!!!
  25. Took car in for a number of things to be looked at. The technician has done a test on the exhaust and says it is all OK. Well I guess I live and learn, Diesels are still dirty then!!! Anyway, I noted that the Oil level seemed very high. Tested when hot, warm and cold and always got a reading way over the top mark-though I am not getting a clean line on the dipstick it looks like the stick has been swirled around in the oil before I pull it up (and yes I have cleaned it previously!) - which it has not!! The technician says it is OK. I guess I am just a muppett??
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