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skippy 2

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Everything posted by skippy 2

  1. Thanks for the reply seatkid the filler tube seal had been broken before so it has been looked at before. What are the brake bands and what do they do? I will have to have another play to get the correct level of oil in the gear box. As for wear this car has only done 30000 miles so maybe wear is not the problem and could be another issue. Ime just trying to think of anything else that maybe causing the vibration and issue with gear changing which has improved since I topped up the oil. What do you think could happen if the oil level is left as it is? By the way when I originally drained the gear box the oil was a dirty muddy brown colour and smelled rough. So I filled it up, run it and drained again and topped up again using about 3 ltrs in the process.
  2. Hi seatkid the reason why Ime asking these questions is because Ive had the problems with gears changing and a low oil llevel in the gear box is normally the problemfrom from what I have seen on the foram. So when I checked to see if oil level was correct these are the problems i encountered. About 1 ltr of oil drained from the gearbox after taking out the first bolt. I didn't realise that there is a second bolt inside to undo ,the oil level pipe you say. If this is correct then the oil was overfilled before I put new oil back in. But I hadn't had any problems with the gears changing when I bought the car several months before. Have you gone through this procedure yourself as sometimes those pictures can be confusing.
  3. Hi Seatkid thanks for the reply and added help. The the drain/level plug at the rear of the box is only an allen key bolt. With this undone oil will come out there doesn't seem to be a second part of the bolt to undo. I know the filler pipe and this is what overflowed when I topped it up. If someone can clarify that the drain bolt is one unit and that the bolt is only slackened off to see if oil comes out as I have made the mistake of undoing this bolt fully when the oil was hot and could,t get it back untill all the oil drained as the oil was so hot.
  4. The bolt or allen key screw only has an inner part to undo and not an outer part. When this is released it drains the oil.. If the gearbox is overfilled would it cause the vibration I am getting through the accelerator pedal. How do I know how much oil I need to put in if It hasn,t got an overflow valve.
  5. Hi guys, 1998 galaxy auto 2.8 I have suffered from the jumping or bunny hop that other people have described and I think I have cured this with topping up the gear box with oil. So far so good although I had to do it 2 or 3 times as I had no tech equipment to check. I just topped the gear box up until it overflowed. There was no overflow screw as the manual suggested. Anyway I have developed a vibration as the gears change and stays there in 3rd and 4th but disappears past 40 mph you can feel the vibration only through the accelerator pedal and not the steering wheel. Has anyone had this before and if so could you advise on what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. The middle front vents were tested.however I have been out and about since and the air is a lot colder now coming from the vents. Ime just wondering if the gas or refridgerant has settled down now and doing it's' job. Thanks for the reply!
  7. Just been to Kwikfit for a recharge as air has not been cold enough(cool but not cold) from the air con system. Hooked up for an hour to a machine only to find that it has only improved it slightly. 14c coldest. The setting is on "LO" on the digital display does this setting have in any way an adjustment to it to determine what the lowest temperature is desired? The technician said the system was fully charged going by the printout of his machine and said that it should be cooler than it is. Apart from that there is no flashing display that some have experienced. Could some one please enlighten me on the possible cause. Thanks
  8. I know this subject has been mentioned several times over and I have looked at most. The problem I have is sometimes not all the time the gear will not change from 1st to 2nd the revs reach 4000 so I take my foot off the pedal as I don't want to strain the poor gal and this normally changes it to 2nd. I have checked the gear oil level by the way it is described on this forum but not with a vagcom. There seems to be enough oil in it as it came out of the overflow. I have had a word with a gearbox specialist not necassarily galaxy and his thought was not the gearbox but the Throttle Position Sensor He said that the sensor works out where the throttle is before changing gear can anyone advise on this and where this sensor is and can it be changed. What are your thoughts please as this problem is bugging me.
  9. Thanks for the speedy reply mate! I can be happy now I have cleared the scuttle drain and prevented a wet interior. Ime just wondering why the drains are different in size though! any ideas?
  10. Having inspected the scuttle drain I noticed that it was partially blocked with crud. I unblocked it with curtain wire which someone suggested and it worked brilliantly. I flushed it through and noticed water was running away better this was from under the wheel arch and surrounding area. I might add that this was on the drivers side and the drain hole was quite small not much bigger that the curtain wire i used. Some one did mention on the site that the drain was on the passenger side and that the hole is much bigger. I found this and poured water down it and it came out from under the wheel arch area. Could someone put my mind at rest and tell me if there is 2 drain holes and that I haven't got a hole where I shoudn't have.
  11. I find it better to put it into 3rd gear before approaching the hill then I find you have plenty of pull already to take you up the hill. I also find it struggles normally in drive maybe because ime not heavy on the gas.
  12. The light in the clock comes on with the engine on but you will only notice when it is dark. If it doesn't you will need to replace the bulb in the clock. Search the forum on how to do this as I did mine.
  13. I don't know if this has been covered before but while I was checking my fluid levels I thought i would check the wiper operation. To my horror I noticed the linkage cutting away at the power loom. The linkage seems to slide along a plastic guide with the loom underneath Ime not sure if this guide should be secured in anyway as it seems to go with the action of the linkage. At the end of the linkage is the joint that goes round and round and this was also having a go at the loom. I disconnected the plastic guide from the linkage and secured it to the bulkhead below with a self tapping screw this did the trick now everything is clear of the linkage. Has anyone had this problem before?
  14. Hi guys just to let you know I changed my shocks front and rear on my old mk4 cortina it developed a bouncy ride as you describe and leaned into corners but this all stopped when I changed the shocks. The originals were gas and I replaced them with hydraulic ones coz they were cheaper but they did the job.
  15. Turn on the indicator you can usually hear them clicking I think they are in the dash somewhere happy hunting!!
  16. cah point cyri, if it is that simple and you have done it before why is it you threw your toys out of your pram at the point you had taken off the door card? I noticed a teddy lying on the drive. Ha Ha!! A serious question for you though you know the clips slide in on the card and push onto the door panel does this mean that the door card can be slid off instead of prised off it would make sense woudn't it.
  17. Yeah if you check out the conditions of most waranties they specifically require the car to be serviced at the manufacturers recommended intervals and has to be carried out by a garage and proof or stamp or whatever you want call it. So the cost of a service an MOT, insurance and tax and waranty premiums adds up to a lot of money. I know its a risk but surely it must be a saving if you dont pay for a waranty and take the sh*t when it hits the fan.
  18. Well I obviously don't qualify as I service my car myself that seems to be a major requirement to get your car serviced by a garage. I don't know why coz I have heard some bad stories about iffy services.
  19. You say it is falling to pieces how old is it and how and what is wrong with it. Ime just nosy really as I have a mk1 VR6!
  20. Its interesting tyres were mentioned as I have experienced wobble on my old car. I thought it was the steering as thats where it felt it was coming from. It turned out to be a bubble on the tyre even though you couldn't see it. A new tyre cured the wobble.
  21. It seems that Ford are going to win this debate Ime afraid!! They are going to wriggle out of this one yet again it seems. Even though you can't get your manuals in, your wifes makeup,purse or handbag or those sweets you take on long journeys or even a box of tissues, that bottle of dash shine, that extra pair of sunglasses.... Wait for it!! Its a glove box mate!! its meant for putting your gloves in!!
  22. What is it with all these broken wire issues? Is it that the wiring is being stretched or is it so thin that it gets brittle and snaps. It seems to be a major problem does it affect all models? It's just that if something fails is it going to be the wiring as Ime not shure how I would check the polarity of the wires I hope that was correct. Or to make sure power was reaching where it should be going.
  23. I had a mk1 escort in that colour those were the days!!
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