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Everything posted by markie

  1. The reradiating antennas and most external antennas are magnetic so will just hold on to the roof due to the magnetic force, so don't need to drill. I do have a heated front screen, but the signal gets through o.k. - pretty much maximum signal but sometimes less - but still enough for the TTG to work. I know cars like renault, etc are a no go if they have a heated front screen, but it seems to work o.k. on the galaxy, alhambra, sharan.
  2. Take a look here: http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/tomtom-go-poi.php And here: http://pocketgpsworld.com/modules.php?name...er=asc&start=60
  3. Update: Got the aerial, but was sent a completely different one by globalpositingsystems by mistake - a datalogging device of some sort - so that has been sent back and waiting for the correct item to arrive - typical ! Have decided that I'm going to put the aerial on the front centre of the dash near the windscreen, then run the cable to the left and under the passenger side trim, then under the passenger footwell to the place where the gearstick, ashtray, cigarette lighter is. The reradiating unit will sit there behind the ashtray and the TTG will sit in front of the ashtray, fixed either with blu tack or velcro. I have bought a lighter socket that I have connected to the power side window switch wires, as then everything turns on with the ignition. If you don't have the power side window switch, then this could be connected to the exisiting cigarette lighter wires. The re-radiaiting aerial plugs into this ligher socket, and the TTG plugs into the back of the re-radiaiting antennta. All of these sockets are under the trim so cannot be seen. When the correct aerial arrives, and if the above works o.k. (it should as the aerial will have a clear view of the sky but who knows), I'll take some photos and post them up for anyone else who is interested.
  4. Still waiting for the re-radiaiting antenna to arrive before I decide where to place the unit !!!
  5. I downloaded database free from pocketgpsworld.com
  6. Got unit today and impressed with it's ease of use. Have loaded speed camera database into it after upgrading software to V4.4 and will test the speed camera database out on the way to work tomorrow. Have now bought a re-radiating antenna tonight (as mrt suggested), which will come next week, as where I want to put the unit will not pick up a signal !
  7. Cheers MRT, am now downloading the new tomtom go software with POI in it (roll on broadband in our area, as it is taking forever to download !) and the link for the aerial. Will update when I get it (should be Thurs / Fri) and try it out over the weekend..
  8. Thanks mrt for your long post. I should get the TTG Sat Nav on Thursday (got it from ebuyer for
  9. thanks for that, I have the alhambra and was considering, as you suggest, putting where the bit on the roof sticks out. When it arrives later in the week I'll have a play...
  10. Well, a couple of months ago it was a toss-up between a Snooper S4 GPS radar detector or a TomTom Go Sat Nav. I thought the snooper would be more beneficial (and cheaper !) at the time so I went for that. However, having read on pocketgpsworld that the latest software due out soon for the TomTom Go will allow you to include speed camera database info free of charge, I have taken the the plunge and ordered one, and will sell my Snooper S4 Neo gps detector, as it now won't be required, and will go towards the cost of the sat nav. I was wondering if anyone else has got the TomTom Go and, if so, where is the best place to put it? I'd ideally like to leave it in the car on a pretty much permanent basis without removing it when I get out, but in a place where it isn't too obvious for prying eyes, but where it can be seen by me, the driver, whilst driving. I don't mind purchasing an additional aerial or making a custom fit bracket so it could go somewhere less obvious, rather than sitting on the dash so it can see the satellites? Any thoughts appreciated.
  11. Had another thorough look, but it's not there. Found an interesting small black bag full of foam shoved down the inside of the wheel arch (to reduce road noise?), but that's all ! Not to worry, I'm not that much fussed either way ! Thanks Nimrod and Gazza for your help..
  12. Cheers Nimrod, I'll have another look to make sure I did not overlook the obvious, particularly in the wiring loom, but i'm nearly certain it's not there...
  13. Got a 2003 Alhambra SE and am looking to put a CD Changer in, but cannot find the CD changer wire. From reading other members comments, I have looked in the compartment where the jack, etc. is, took the storage bin out of there also, but no CD changer wire anywhere to be seen. Also, looked at the back of the glove compartment, but nothing there too. Anyone know where it is, or is it there at all on the Alhambra? Thanks..
  14. The Seat Alhambra has many more standard options for less money. The SE spec has basically everything you'll need (cruise control, fuel computer, full electrics, parking sensors, heated seats, etc.), plus the sports suspension, plus you'll get two keys and a parcel shelf !! Some people think the galaxy looks nicer aesthetically, but I'd say the Seat is just as good ! Not much difference, if any, betweeen the 115 and 130, as I've driven both.
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