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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by wibble

  1. I'll bet it's something like hold the power button in whilst switching the ignition on. The garage installed mine so they must have some instructions. I plan to call in tomorrow.
  2. I've not seen your headsets so don't know if this is practical. A drastic solution could be to gain access to the speaker connections on one of the headsets and feed that via the socket of FM transmitter. I expect it would be really expensive to buy extra headsets and that they wouldn't work in the front? Good luck anyway. It does sound like a serious oversight!
  3. Are you any good at reading French? http://www.forum-auto.com/marques/ford/sujet2889.htm At least we now know to remove the volume control knob and unclip the plastic panel...... My knob seems to be well and truly permanently attached though. :lol:
  4. You can dim the screen with the dashlights dimmer control Tried that... it dims everything though, including all the lights in the buttons down the sides. There is a setting for day/night/auto but it doesn't seem to dim as much on auto as it does on night. I set it to night but struggled next morning to out it back as it is far too dim to get by with in daylight. Poor design if you ask me. Have you any idea of the Blaupunkt model of our radio/sat navs. They have a web site with lots of pdfs but I can't seem to find ours on it.
  5. In a MKIII where on earth are you supposed to put the boot cover (like a roller blind) when you suddenly need that extra seat or two? In the MKI I used to just wedge it on the window ledges behind the rear row but the MKIII is far too narrow to do that, as is most of the length of the car, and I won't slide lengthways under or between the seats.
  6. Thanks Melo, If you get one could you email me a copy at satnav @ neilmorgan.co.uk please (spaces added to avoid auto spam). The dealer inserted my dvd for me before I picked thecar up so I believe they have instructions at least at a basic level so I've asked for at least a photocopy if the real thing is going to take a while to arrive. You are right that it isn't a patch on the cheaper hand held versions. But I do like the way it interacts with the radio and the screen is bigger and better positioned. It's pretty bright at night though! I believe, with a little more knowledge, that there will be a way to add POI files if you have a PC and DVD burner, but I can't even get the original DVD out!!!!!! I like the idea of MP3 and the better location of the 6 cd magazine compared with the MKI too
  7. I have a different setup to you so back to basics..... If you have an aux input to your radio (top right inside glove box, like a plastic washer with a tiny hole, and you have headphone sockets then you can add a cable, which would be messy. A better option but subject to interference and flat AA bateries, is one of those wireless adaptors that let you play ipods etc. through a small fm transmitter to your radio. They should cost less than a tenner these days if you shop around.
  8. I've just bought a 2008 Ford Galaxy Ghia with dashboard fitted touch screen satnav. The audio manual doesn't have a picture of it. The main manual hardly mentions satnav Does anyone have the manual or can it be downloaded from anywhere? Where is the auxiliary input socket? The picture in the nmain manual is pathetic! Can I add POIs? Can I add POI files? How do you get at the DVD disc to change it when new maps come out? Can I play MP3 files from my phone (2GB memory card) via the audio system? The phone has bluetooth and a USB headphone socket but no jack socket for headphones.
  9. The original sensors on my MKI were brilliant then some silly biddy rammed my wife and smashed the centre sensor casing. They couldn't get a replacement so I had to have a new kit with 4 sensors. Sometimes they pick up the ground. I had a repair recently and they refitted the sensors incorrectly. They ALWAYS picked up the ground. I think the answer is to check the sensors are in the correct positions (outer and inner) and correctly set so they don't point straight at the ground.
  10. "Oil Companies are well known to rip-off their customers with misleading claims ( usually downright lies ). On a regular basis they have been found to fill up the petrol station tanks of both "Premium" and "ordinary" fuel from the same tanker. In fact they have even filled competing brands from the same tanker !" Don't fuel tankers have a number of different, separate, compartments?
  11. Yes I do want to know about the MKIII. I have a P reg galaxy ghia x and I'm looking to upgrade as it's getting a little old. My cruise works from just over 20 (well it would if it hadn't developed an intermittent fault) but it doesn't do adaptive or apply the brakes so I end up speeding downhill or just over the brow of a hill. Have you noticed how many speed cameras are on downhill stretches or hidden just over the brows of hills? I'm really disappointed in Ford's lack of detail about it's products. I've not been asking any difficult questions. I guess there aren't any MKIII drivers on here that have cruise control. I wonder if they know something I don't? I'm beginning to wonder though whether I would be better keeping my old one as it is fundamentally sound, just things like the cruise & the heater/air conditioning etc. that are playing up. It's basically a german car and I believe the MKIII is all Ford...... Hmmm. I wonder if they'll get round to updating the Sharan?
  12. Thanks again but that only answers one of the questions. What about the lowest speed it will work at for example? I'm thinking about getting an automatic partly because I do a lot of driving at around 15 to 20 mph in 30 zones, forever changing gear, or a range of 50 to 70 on the motorway each morning. If I set the cruise at 30/70 (do I have to be doing 30 or can I select a value?) would it slow down to 15/50 and pick up when the car in front increases speed? I assume the automatic doesn't drop the cruise out during gear change because there is no clutch action.
  13. I think I understand the basics but there doesn't seem to be much detail about how this works, or any other option on the Galaxy 3 What's the lowest speed it will work at? MKI doesn't work below about 20. If I get the automatic it would be great if this would crawl in slow traffic keeping it's own distance from the car in front thebn increasing up to the speed limit. Does it set like the MKI in that you get to a speed and push a button or can you preset a speed that you want to go to? If it "sees" something in the way does it ease off the accelerator or does it immediately brake? How flexible is the distance it will keep between you and the car in front? Any other answers to questions I didn't know to ask
  14. Is this the interface that connects to all the onboard electronics? It's too late for my current Galaxy but when (if) I get a MKIII I'll definitely be getting something along those lines too. Are they kits that just plug into a normal laptop or do you have to buy the whole thing with screen & keyboard etc.
  15. Well I had a search and all got more confusing. You see, I 've never had a diesel & the nearest I got to a modern diesel was driving a company van for a while (transit) which was new about 14 years ago. Someone said that a diesel pulls better so can accelerate better but may have a lower top speed whereas people fron the old school reckon that all diesels are sluggish when compared to petrol. I went digging into the spec and found that a 1.8 diesel had a higher hp than a 2.0 diesel?! I was inclined to go for either the 2.0 or 2.3 automatics but if the 1.8 is more powerful that the 2.0 and the diesel 2.0 is "better" than the petrol 2.3 then I hope you see why I'm puzzled.
  16. The suspension options have me really puzzled. All pretty names but very little else to describe their functionality. I'd guess the Sports option would be most appropriate for giving it welly around the country lanes but I'm after the best compromise. I do loads of motorway, lots on normal roads & a fair bit of countrside driving. There are a lot of potholes, sunken maholes etc. So what suspension option do I need? Is there one option that allows you to switch between all the road types and whats this about what appears to be a combination of two options? Are they really compatible or mutually exclusive as I would have at first assumed? :lol:
  17. I like the idea of the adaptive cruise control allowing the car to cruise but keep it's distance from the car in front but what is it like in reality? What's the lowest speed that it will work? My earlier version has to be over 20 How accurately does it keep to the speed you set? My earlier version allows it to pick up speed down hill Does it slam the anchors on if some numpty switches lanes on the motorway in front of you?
  18. Probably because it isn't :rolleyes: Price list below galaxy_retail_pl_010707.pdf Oh yes it is..... "Ghia 2.0 Duratorq TDCi (130PS) Durashift Automatic F3 21,034.04 3,680.96 24,715.00 24,995.00" "Ghia 2.3i Duratec (161PS) Durashift Automatic G2 20,102.13 3,517.87 23,620.00 23,995.00" so the bigger engine is cheaper by
  19. Is it only me that thinks this sounds dodgy?
  20. I think it must be a new option as a couple of other sites don't show it either. That doesn't answer my question though. Why is the 2.3 auto cheaper than the 2.0?
  21. You don't need to remove the headrest to tilt the seat all the way forward. Slide the seat as far back as possible then tilt it.
  22. Why arent you considering the MKII???..Much better looking than the MKIII.. :lol: Plus we know all the faults on them and the MKIIIs faults are just beginning to appear. I have the MKI (I assume - P reg) & it's been pretty reliable but is getting a bit long on the tooth. I want to ensure there is at least the same amount of space I currently have. I'm looking at buying new and I'm fed up of the often spare two seats filling my hall hence the MKIII. I need space in the back (removing the 3rd row of seats) for an electric wheelchair for an occasional passenger but want the flexibility of 7 seats without having to remember to put them back in. Of course if the seats are rubbish then I'll be looking at other options. 3 of the 4 of my nearest Ford Dealers are owned by the same company. They have an MKIII Ghia but their boss has it & twice now has been off that day. Great sales pitch - don't have anything to show the customer :44:
  23. Hi Folks, I currently have a P reg Galaxy Ghia X and am thinking it's about time I updated/upgraded it. Unfortunately Ford don't really want to sell it. At least that's how it feels like when you check their web site(s) for detail. I'm expecting to keep the car for quite a few years so I want to make sure I get the spec right & have everything factory fitted. There are several engine options available with auto/manual transmission but that's all I can find. 1) Why is the 2.3 litre automatic cheaper than the 2.0 litre automatic. Which is beter and why 2) How reliable are the automatics these days? 3) What is this "sports mode" on the automatic? OK, it says the gears can be manually selected but that isn't really very informative. I could do that 20 odd years ago on a Ford Cortina Automatic but what it really meant was locking it into 1,2,3 or park! You couldn't change from 2 to 1 even at less than 5 miles an hour! 4) Sunroof / panoramic roof. I like my electric sunroof and the fact that I can slide the shutter over it to give some shade. Is there a version of the new Galaxy that has a sun roof / double sunroof / panoramic roof that can be opened. 5) Are the centre panel roof boxes actually useful or just a gimmick? 6) I'm puzzled by the lights that track with cornering. Is this a gimmick or useful? Worth the extra cost? I also ride a motorcycle and over the years have had fixed forward lights and attached to handlebar lights and it never really bothered me which type I had. 7) Boot cover / tonneau cover. I'm not sure which make & model it was but a mate of mine had a cover that stretched over BOTH rows of rear seats to hide the contents. On my current Galaxy if I remove the middle row people can see into the boot space which is no gppd for security. Does the new Galaxy have an option to fully cover? 8) With all 3 rows of seats in use which has more space in the boot? MK1 or MK3? 9) What is DVD about the DVD sat nav / audio system? I can get a satnav for
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