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Hi everyone,


This may have very simple answers but I'm just looking to back up my conclusions with other peoples' knowledge.


1. Do the wiper arms have splines inside the bolt hole to marry up with the splines on the mechanism bolt?

 I'm asking because after the snow and subsequent freezing weather, someone forgot to unstick the blades from the windscreen and I think the wiper arm splines have been stripped off - inside the bolt hole, it's pretty smooth and I'm thinking there should be but can't remember now! I've checked the rest of the mechanism and it all seems to be working fine (phew!!) and the wiper arm mounting bolts are spinning in time with the rest of the mechanism so I don't reckon they're jammed which from the forum seems to have a bit with Galaxies. Also, the bolts seemed a litle loose which made me wonder if they had loosened with the effort trying to move the wipers! When I tightened them down, the wiper arms seemed to work a bit better for a few wipes, but then stopped working again...


2. Also, are the wiper arms for the slightly newer Mk.II phase 2 Galaxies that use the flat wiper blades compatible with the older Mk.II phase 1 cars (like mine)?

 I've wanted to replace the older style wiper blades with the newer flat blades as I was under the impression they tend to work better(?) This seems like a good time to change them. Opinions anyone?


3. Does anyone recommend using any kind of grease/lubricant etc between the bolt and wiper arm?

 I ask because I want the wiper arms to not become jammed on, but also don't want the very shallow splines to be stripped off more easily by the torque which grease may help happen.


4. Would I be right in saying Ford did the right thing and made the mounting bolts out of a stronger alloy than the wiper arms?

 This would make sense in an engineering way, but not "making a profit" way. It would also back up my conclusion that the mechanism is generally fine.


Any help with this would be appreciated. I'm not looking forward to stripping out the wiper system in this weather unless I really have to!


Many thanks,




Yes the wiper arms have splines on the inside


Yes these models do have problems with the linkage seizing up, the link below shows how to free the spindles in the alloy housings



I would say the nuts weren't tight enough in the first place, it not normal for them to come loose but some people have a problem removing the arms to do the above operation, maybe yours has been done but the nuts were not tightened to the correct torque.


You will need to replace the arms, not sure if the MK2 arm and blade will work with the MK1 mechanism, the timing is critical and they may clash with each other


Personally I think MK1 blades in good condition are better and certainly quieter than the aero blades


Grease is not a problem providing nut is torqued correctly 15Ib .ft or 20Nm






Many thanks for your answers. I'm glad they (did) have splines as I know the arms are the bits that need replacing... The bolts were properly done up before as it was me that did the work when I bought the car, in order to correct the rest location of the arms. Some prat had had a play in the past and they were all over the place... However, I'll take your point on board.


Cheers for the link, I had a look at that yesterday and so knew the general layout of the mechanism before looking today - a real help. Fortunately, the spindles (bolts?) are moving freely - a good sign considering what I've read about them on this forum!


Apologies, you're absolutely right about the mark. My car is a Mk.1 but for some reason I was thinking it was a Mk.2. (Ahem!)


Is there any particular reason why you would recommend the original blades and not the newer flat blades? You've mentioned the older ones are quieter? If it comes to it, I'll just use the older type. The end result is the windows will be clean after all. 


Cheers again,



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