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Well had another bash at replacing the glow plug, about 4 hours later(and a lot of swearing) job done after having to drill out a few bolts/screws. Fitted a new air intake hose and braket that fixes the unit to the vehicle.

Tried shorting out temp-sensor but I expect the coolant was not cold enough for it to work, no good with my version of Vag-com(can't find 18) to clear out the fault codes and test it so I suppose it may have to be a trip to the dealer? though I have got some other test's to carry out first.

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For what its worth, I reckon that it is rare that the coolant temp is the issue. I thought that before my aux worked properly and I tell ya that you only have to park up for 10 mins and it will come back on when you restart, even after a longish run. I really don't know where the 75C for the coolant temp is measured for the aux switch off but it can't be the same place as the temp gauge on the dash, cos the Aux still works even when the dash temp is saying 90C!!


Also, for my motor the faulty codes for an open circuit glow plug did not have to be cleared, it just started working when it was fixed! Incidentally my work was done by a small garage, not a main dealer and we both learnt the job together, even if I was paying for their learning but that

think i read that the water temp shut of at 75 is located in a sensor inside the heater itself i thinks that what i read. but after all this faffing CHECK THE WIRES ONTO THE METERING PUMP i didnt and spent 5 hours doing job for it not to work then i found broken wire !!!!!!!!

So as as with other temperature indictors on the vehicle it is as much the case of WHERE the temperature is measured as what the trigger point is.


Interesting that you found a wiring fault. Mine packed after first being fixed so I had to take it back to the garage and they found that a connector was not making properly.


I am sure that I read somewhere in this forum that it is quite rare that the unit actually NEEDS replacing. Though it is common practice, particularly at the dealer.


Glad you are sorted.


  Ogben Schmutzel said:

Stick with it, you obviously have the ability to take apart and put back, chances are that you will get there especially with some of the help that the folk here can give you.


It might be worth starting another thread for your specific problem though!!




Thanks for the advice Oggy.


And thanks again for everyones help, just hope I get it working before(if) it gets cold again.

  • 2 weeks later...

Having connected up my newly arrived VAG-COM cable, and tickled the Aux Heater, I get the following fault code:


01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9)

36-00 - Open Circuit


There were 5 of them in a row, so I cleared them and started the car again, and another one appeared, so at least it's consistent.


Can I take it from this that the glow plug needs replacing? No mention of flame outs or anything like that. I am wondering if I should be checking the wiring as well.


What a great thread. Now I'm going to see if I can buy a pink blanket off ebay...........



  GSMGuy said:


My switch definately operates @ 10 degrees, so in your case changing the switch should do the trick - It's bllody awkward to get at though!!



can i just get the temp swith at a local halfords or do i have to get a ford one?


also anyone got a pic of it as i looked under the wiper arm and i have not got a clue which one it is ?



Guest NickDavy

Sorry if this sounds a bit dumb, but from reading this thread am I correct in saying that if I hear a "jet wine" from near the rear nearside door and get smoke from the little pipe running towards the back of the car plus a fuel type smell then my heater is faulty?


The used car warranty is almost up so I just wanted to make sure wether this was a fault or not.



It depends on how much smoke, plumes of white smoke all the time is is running is bad, but a bit of smoke when it starts is normal. As for the smell, mine does that the whole time, and so does the heater on my truck, so that is normal.
Guest NickDavy
Thanks for the reply, mine does not seem to smoke all the time, on one occasion it did send out a fair cloud but I think that has only happened the once. The smell is very common though which is a pain if the engine is running whilst the kids are being strapped in.
  NickDavy said:
...... am I correct in saying that if I hear a "jet wine" from near the rear nearside door and get smoke from the little pipe running towards the back of the car plus a fuel type smell then my heater is faulty?


If it helps - I get the whine and a slight smell sometimes but no smoke that I notice. I really don't know if the smoke alone means it is faulty. Though if it is working I wouldn't worry too much, unless the smoke is excessive.





It's fixed!!!!


Thanks to the posts in this thread, I got a new glow plug, changed it over in 90 mins (would have been less only I forgot to put the fuel pipe back on so I had to take it all off again) and I now have a fully operational aux heater.


Thanks to everyone who has gone before for the excellent posts which enabled me to diagnose the problem and fix it so easily.








I was posting earlier under the user name NickDavy but my login seems to have got screwed up and wouldnt let me post so now I'm grumpy!


Anyway, my aux heater. I drove for 2 - 3 miles from cold to a supermarket and whilst reversing into a space noticed smoke coming from underneath again so I'm guessing that it will need to be fixed.


My used car waranty outfit (RAC) is about as useful as a chocolate fryingpan and dont want to know as this is not specifically listed in their "what we will fix" list so I guess I'll have to break out the spanners and give it a go.




Help - I'm confused!


My wife's Galaxy (2003) has developed a habit of smoking badly after short journeys. The smoke is definitely coming from the Aux Heater exhaust pipe. 3 things to note.


1) It stinks

2) There is an awful lot - not just a little, but enough to envelope the car and surrounding area - the sort of amount that makes you think the cars on fire and/or very embarrassed to be in the car!

3) We get the good old turbine noise - so the blowers working if nothing else :-)


It usually happens after shortish journies (taking the kids to school etc), but doesn't wait until the car has been turned off, so we can have driven 1/2 mile to the traffic lights and be waiting there (on a slight upward hill) when you notice smoke pouring out of the back of the car and wafting out from the front! VERY disconcerting!


We had the Galaxy last winter and it never did it then, and it's only started doing it this badly in the last month - it started occasionally and is now doing it on a daily basis..


Is it likely to be the glowplug issue or something else broken - since neither of us would want to keep the car if this is normal!


Thanks in advance




its normal ;) :( :D

now, how much do you want for it :blink: :angry:

  stourwalk said:


Help - I'm confused!



Is it likely to be the glowplug issue or something else broken - since neither of us would want to keep the car if this is normal!


Thanks in advance



Hi Chris,


Ok so there's not much wind about at the moment so you're bound to notice the exhaust smoke and smell a lot more.


If there's a lot of smoke there could be a fault with the booster heater operation. This may be due to a fault in the metering pump (determines the amount of diesel getting to the booster heater) or the combustion air blower in the booster heater(which makes the turbine sound) or air input or exhaust output restrictions.


Based on the experiences of others here it's probably due to a faulty glow plug in the booster heater unit. Revised Beru glow plug part number is 0 100 226 340.


Ivor's detailed a pictorial how-to-fix in this topic (requires a dry day, some tools, WD40 and that pink sheets that you got for a wedding present - to lie on :blink: and the new glow plug ) see Page 7 in this topic - Ivors fix-it




  • 4 weeks later...
After a year and three new auxiliary heaters and several more visits to the dealer, mine now works. What makes the third one work when ther previous two didn't? The third one was the right one. The official SEAT parts list shows my car to have the version of aux heater that can pre-heat even when the engine isn't running. However it can't do this, and needs the other one which only works when the engine is running. When they finally decided to fit the "wrong" one, it worked!m Must have cost SEAT a fortune in warrenty work!
  NikpV said:
its normal :D :D :D

now, how much do you want for it :( ;)

It most definitely is NOT normal. If the heater is working properly, there should only be a little smoke at start up. On mine, it's barely noticeable, even on a still day.


I have just stripped my heater down to replace the glowplug. Many thanks to all who have posted pics and tips on the subject, made it much easier. Had to drill out all four screws that were holding on the top cover but got there in the end.

The air intake hose is a flexible metal type but appears to be on its last legs, almost disintegrating. I would like to replace it, but where does it connect to and is it an easy job ? It disappears into the sill area.


I hope that when all is replaced it fires up without having to clear any fault codes, otherwise it may have to go to the local ford dealers.



oops - i think i have just found theanswer on another posting. The pipe apparently ends just inside the sill - is this correct? Also, is there a solid pipe on the newer versions?

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