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I am totally puzzled  as to were the aux coolant pump /run on pump it should just under the scuttle behind the fuel filter and have seen pic's of it there .But for some reason on my Gal 1.9 tdi  ghai X late 1998 it no were to be seen 


Posted (edited)

Yes, they were fitted on the upper range models, (possibly only after 98 mid life facelift) my 98 alhambra has one fitted, but the basic 96 model I had earlier didnt.

Edited by seatkid

ye its got one worked up till 2wks ago bridged the sensor  got the jet engine noise then a bit of smoke then it shuts down you can smell the diesel so I know the pumps working so I thought its the glow plug or the brushes so if there no aux coolant pump ( which I find strange) So I'll be busy tomorrow getting dirty and cold doing the glow plug. As for the Gal its one of the last MK1 so they through every thing on her when I bought her even a super heater still don't know what that is



Confusingly, I think 'superheating' was just one of Ford's terms for the booster heater. If you have one fitted I would think you'd have to have an auxiliary water pump fitted to circulate the coolant through the booster heater and rear blower box effectively.


Hi gents update  fitter new glow plug  only had to drill out 2 bolt put it all back together .Inserted paper clip got the jet engine going a bit of smoke Then sod all :angry:  I know I had fuel coming through <_< so checked the dosing pump all looked good until I pulled one of the wiring sleeves back and it just disintegrated and total green will solder it tomorrow hopefully it should fix it if not I'll be on the hunt for the  elusive aux coolant pump , Any ideas as to were it might be without doing a customs and excise strip down Please   :(


I Have a 1997 GLX and it has an auxiliary heater. It does not have a aux coolant pump. I have had the car from new and it never has had one.


It's common for the wires to the dosing pump to disintegrate so just sold new wires after cutting back. You could of course remove the seats and the floor covering to access it from above.

Cheers bigjeeze going to solder the broke wire when kids leave me alone they think thier car is more inportant then the Gal .Not shall let you know how i get on (its going to be a bugger to get at )

hey Bigjeeze you said their is access panel under the flooring the only access panel I know of is the one directly over the fuel sending unit that is because the missus borrowed the Gal to take the kids dancing once a put petrol in her and had to clean the tank out. That was a circular panel.is there another one or can you access the dosing pump from there

Hi chrispb thanks i was wondering if there was access from above as bigjeeze was saying but i don't think there is i'll bit the bullet amd go for it cheers all

Sorry Gravesy I meant that the wiring is accessible from above ( well it disappears up there to one side of the fuel tank at the front. )


All done as suspected dosing pump terminal had disintegrated clean up and re soldered  Turned the Gal over put paper clip in  jet engine and ticking noise and smoke like music to my ears and tears to my eyes .then nothing after throwing a few spanners and butting the wall it dawned on me after changing the glow plug and dosing pump I needed to bleed  it down so off came the heater unclipped the fuel line got the diesel through all put back together and it going at last .Thanks all for your input

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