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I have a Galaxy 2,3 from 2005. And I hear water. When the car turns and especially if you reverse and break a bit hard, you can hear it clearly. It sounds as if a half full, ½ liter bottle is placed 20 inches in from of the drivers seat. - A little to the left. Just about the place where the speaker is. It's a Danish car. The drain holes are working fine - tested with water on the wind screen. Any suggestions? As you can imagine it is starting to driving me mad.



Posted (edited)

Are you sure its not fuel slopping about in the tank? The fuel makes quite a noise when manouvering at slow speed as it slops around hitting the internal baffles.


Stick a long thin screwdriver/rod up the drain holes here.....



Edited by seatkid

Thank you for you answer. I'm quite sure that it is not fuel as the sound is right in front of the driver. I'll try poking with the screw driver. It may be water inside the "A post"?


 from your description I'd go for the classic scuttle drains, but as you say its not? then I'm out! no greggers that's not out like you :bigemo_harabe_net-149:   its a mk2 so check the trim panels around the lower screen, wiper region for water leakage and see its under there?  


shhhh,you promised you'd never tell.

long time no see wolfie m8,hows things?


Drain holes were blocked, but were dry as a desert. It's in fact a rebuild model that (in teory) can be used as an autocamber - for tiny people. The roof can be lifted.
I wonder if a Hayes manual is available for the MK2? I found it for MK1 but not for MK2.


So today I took it apart. Everything was nice and dry. Scuttle holes are fine.
The sound of water in a bottle is stilI there. I took a photo and made a circle where I think the water is located: http://www.foldberg.com/img_0725.jpg I think that the water is inside the frame? I did consider drilling a small hole, but so far I have restrained myself.






Solved. At last. It turned out that after undercoating the engineer mounted a plog in the drain hole instead of leaving it open. I took off the wheelhouse (?) and pulled out the plug. I guess there was ½-1 liter of water in there. Thank you all for yoiur input! Peter.


Well done and thanks for letting us know as solutions give the most valuable information on this forum.

  On 5/4/2013 at 9:20 PM, gregers said:

shhhh,you promised you'd never tell.

long time no see wolfie m8,hows things?



not to bad! changed jobs, changed cars, well killed my scooby! bike collection is getting bigger :) wallet lighter!  only found the site again after i fired up an old lappy and tranfered a few fave across to my new one, so though I'd pop in and annoy the Tdi owners :) do you still get a pipe rack if you prove you can hit 50mpg? and a set of slippers if you do it three times?   


no m8 not anymore,shame eh.hasnt been a discussion on that for a while...........might just have to re start it just for a laff. :28:

you still in the lift business then?not jetting round the world anymore then??


do you still see the other reprobate around ;) ,just wondered how he was doing.

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