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hi with my rad problems ive got to take the front end to bits on my 2002 galaxy , ive got a few drips of oil on my drive every few days or so its coming from where the plastic hose connectors meet the aluminium , its coming off anyway can these be repaired , new ones are

when its off, clean the area spotless using an aerosol brake or carburettor cleaner (kills all oil)


then get some of that 2-pack "chemical metal" plasticine stuff------its made by the same company that makes "k-seal" make sure you wear gloves as it kills skin just like superglue and turns it black !!!


mix it like plasticine until it changes colour to prove the 2 parts are mixed properly then apply to the area that the leak seems to be coming from, it sets hard after about 20 minutes.


costs about

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