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My '98 1.9TDI has done about 100,000 miles. The engine seems sound with good compression, doesn't burn oil or smoke (oil or diesel). It starts easily even in the coldest weather and pulls well when cold. However as the engine warms up it gets progressively more and more sluggish until when hot it "won't pull the skin of a rice pudding". When loaded up it has a job out accelerating a sprightly artic! Help please...
MAF sensor ? mine wouldnt do over 55 mph when it went..........GSF had genuine bosch ones for about
get it on vag-com itll show any code faults and show the flow off the maf. disconnect it and do the usual drive if its worse mafs ok if no difference then probs could be the maf but id buy a cheapo vag com lead first and do all the readings on it there only a tenner of fleabay

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