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ive noticed when the weather is very cold and the car has stood a few days the gear stick is very very stif to move didnt notice it last winter, coldest we had all week been -1 went out tonight and really had to force it. moving side to side its nearly stuck, after driving a few mins and warming it up it goes back to easy to change gears , im dreading something popping off or breaking its done 150000 on original gear cables wonder if spraying wd40 over the ball joints on the gearbox top would help,


any suggestions gratefully recieved

Thanks 1998 tdi 110 afn


hello this happend to mine only last week, look at the thread endtitled damn gearbox failure stuck 3rd and 4th

i have added at the end of the thread how i fixed it, yes wd40 should sort it out its the main shaft that goes up and down that need the magic spray. get someone in the car to wiggle the stick as you spray, dont be tight get a big can of wd and use it all, abit at a time to give it chance to work in, they need to move the stick mainly left to right to get the oil to work in as this will move the shaft up and down.

hope this helps


:) yes, i read that thread, its a common thing with these, i coudnt work out why though it was just when it was very cold weather and the car been stood, i just been out now and driven 5 miles and its back to nice and easy to shift.

i bet in morning it will stiff again ( i wish ) says the wife !

reminds me when i had a 2L gal and 2nd gear was hard to engage, anyhow done all the lube stuff and seemed better. sold car and bloke rang me said the gearbox had blown up caused by 2nd gear cog self destructing, gave him

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