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Hi all,


My wife's Galaxy has developed a few problems:


1) The heater control is only blowing out hot air even when set to cold - only noticeable yesterday in the hot weather!!

2) None of the heater settings change - switching from Windscreen/feet to face only makes no difference....heat constantly comes from dash blowers.

3) Auxillary heaters, A/C, Air flow buttons are non functional, so we cannot use those functions.

4) None of the auxillary buttons illuminate (nor do the dials).


Fan speed controls work fine (1 through to 4).


Is this a fuse issue?


If so, which fuses should I check?




is this the normal rotary controls if so its the cables not fitted proper, av a look just left of clutch pegal and you can see the lever control dont know which one it is but move the dials see if it moves.

ah the non existant lighting norm fault this as theres a single bulb thtas supposed to do the job what i did is use 4 tiny bulbs spaced about and works a treat

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