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Those with kids will know that the school hols are well upon us.


Now, 4 days ago i got fed up with the kids arguing over who watched what on the telly.


result??????? I took the scart cable away so they couldnt watch tv....oh dear, the tellys broke till they can behave says i to them all in the morning when they came down and went to turn it on.


First day...withdrawl symptoms from the two eldest.. ( ear plugs required for first day)


second day..a few moans and groans..we missing the simpsons..please mummy can we watch it!!..Nope.( ear plugs can be removed at intervals on this day)


Third day, not one whinge, not one moan, all playing together, no arguing, they made up a play, they invented things to do. they drew pictures, the girls made up dances, ( throw ear plugs away )


Fourth day, as above.


Today..well, i thought to myself..lets see what happens if i plug the cable back in..result?? 2 didnt want the tv back on, 2 did. then the arguments started over whether they wanted the tv back or not....


they have now all decided that they are better off without the telly, they had more fun and got on better and also did their jobs properly.Yep the telly is on at the mo, but instead of being left on, they are turning it off when they dont want to watch it.


Give it a try, see what happens, the first couple of days will be manic, but it is worth it to see kids playing as they should, like we did when we were younger.


Before, my kids were ruled by what programms were on during the day....its worth a try, as then you will see how much kids arent kids when they sit and watch telly. and if any of your wifeys say too busy too try it, or kids will get under their feet whilst doing housework..... i did it, and im a single mum of 4 rug rats, if i can do it..anyone can. :wacko:

well done mum, just shows what can be done with a bit of perseverance. im always nagging my son to turn off the tv and get out and play.seems such a waste in this nice weather to be cooped up in doors

well..the cable has gone aagain..... they were arguing over what to watch.... so i just took the cable away..lad stropped for 30 seconds then went upstairs to play likewise the other 3.


soo..in my house, from now on... telly is gonna be a treat.once a day at 6pm for the simpsons, then thats it..


Its amazeing the difference in behaviour from when they had no telly, to me putting the cable back on...then taking it away again....they are better with no tv.


thanks goofy....


oo..by the way..my son has had no playstation for over a week.... that was worse i tell yer..for a few days he was hell..then once he realised he wasnt getting it back till he behaved.. he settled down.LOL. ( he still aint got it back though :wacko: )

I fix tvs etc for a living....dont have any kids here to complicate the viewing choices.....but I so rarely have tv on, cos the programming is rubbish for the most part......When the tv licence was due for renewal, I did really seriously consider not doing so. Apparently if one owns a mobile phone or has an internet connection, one needs a licence! I would say, if you want to watch tv on a phone.....well ya neeed to get a life!! Geoff

I got rid of our TV set 12 years ago, and it made one hell of a difference to our family and social life (for the better).


  geoffc said:
Apparently if one owns a mobile phone or has an internet connection, one needs a licence! I would say, if you want to watch tv on a phone.....well ya neeed to get a life!! Geoff


Got worried about that statement, so checked tvlicencing.co.uk:




Do I need a TV Licence?


You need a TV Licence to use any television receiving equipment such as a TV set, digital box, DVD or video recorder, PC, laptop or mobile phone to watch or record television programmes as they're being shown on TV.


If you use a digital box with a hi-fi system or another device that can only be used to produce sounds and can't display TV programmes, and you don't install or use any other TV receiving equipment, you don't need a TV Licence.

Phew, relief.

I trained someone who hadn't had a tv licence for 19 years. He would spend time reading and socialising with friends. Maybe I should get someone to come round a hide my pc power supply then I won't be on it all the time :lol: . Oh one problem work ! I will loose it. There's always a down side. B)
Glad to see the bit from the TV licensing website...had I seen that a few months ago, the TV would have been history!! The wording on the licence renewal is downright misleading. (by omission)

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