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hi i have a seat alhambra its a 1997 ahu tdi engine and ive started running on 50/50 regular diesel and proper made bio diesel at 80ppl and wondered if this is ok to do , im wanting to run 100% on 80ppl bio can this be done with no mods or would i have to get a heated filter or somthing , im desparate to try 100% but id thought id ask on here first before i do so , thanks :D
have you changed any of your rubber fuel lines anywhere at all or fitted heaters??? i think the ford and seat have the same ahu vw model tdi engines

I cant honestly answer your questions, as ive only had the car one month.the previous owner told me it had been run on bio diesel, with no problems.I cant see any extra bits added,


sorry i couldnt be more help.


i do know this subject has been covered a lot with a lot of debate on it.


if i had my way, and knew more about what it entails, then i would run mine on bio diesel, diesel price is just ridiculous with it going up nearly every day here and local garage at 124p a litre.

As I understand it, it's pretty safe on the old TDI engines. The problems start with the Mk2 PD engines and the newer common-rail engines due to the high fuel pressures involved.
very funny :31: the reason for the question on this site is that it is a galaxy forum and there for my seat shares an engine with a galaxy so if you cant answer a simple question dont bother answering at all :18: :D :31: :19: :19:
  jamesey said:
very funny :31: the reason for the question on this site is that it is a galaxy forum and there for my seat shares an engine with a galaxy so if you cant answer a simple question dont bother answering at all :18: :D :31: :19: :19:




The question may well come across as seeming simple.


But there is nothing simple about trying to give a definative answer.


You are asking people who may like to help you out,a rather advanced question on biodiesel and any adverse effects it could have on your injector system, long term.


If you are simply just adding a 50/50 mix to your tank already,are you sure that no adversity is happening to the injector system or any seals already?


There are indeed alot of biodiesel type forums that surely could aid you better on such a technical question.


I for one, could not say its ok to even run a 50/50 mix safely.because its your cars reliabilty which is in question.would hate to be a part of its failure,because i gave a ill advised response.....



So nothing simple about that question afterall.....



regards Gio

  • 1 month later...
  gio said:
  jamesey said:
very funny :o the reason for the question on this site is that it is a galaxy forum and there for my seat shares an engine with a galaxy so if you cant answer a simple question dont bother answering at all :19: :19: :19: :19: :19:




The question may well come across as seeming simple.


But there is nothing simple about trying to give a definative answer.


You are asking people who may like to help you out,a rather advanced question on biodiesel and any adverse effects it could have on your injector system, long term.


If you are simply just adding a 50/50 mix to your tank already,are you sure that no adversity is happening to the injector system or any seals already?


There are indeed alot of biodiesel type forums that surely could aid you better on such a technical question.


I for one, could not say its ok to even run a 50/50 mix safely.because its your cars reliabilty which is in question.would hate to be a part of its failure,because i gave a ill advised response.....



So nothing simple about that question afterall.....



regards Gio


there is lots of info on google, there are lots of reports that the injection pump seals get knackered using bio fuel, there are even photos showing you how to replace your own pump seals,

JAMESEY,as you can see there isnt any one who could give you an honest opinion,if you decide to go this route AND IT WORKS PERFECTLY then plz post the results so we can all be enlightened and no doubt many more would consider doing it.as we are all suffering the ongoing increase in fuel,its something that we are all considering doing to help with the costs of running our cars,but personally id be S**T SCARED OF BALLSING MY CAR UP ;)
  gregers said:
JAMESEY,as you can see there isnt any one who could give you an honest opinion,if you decide to go this route AND IT WORKS PERFECTLY then plz post the results so we can all be enlightened and no doubt many more would consider doing it.as we are all suffering the ongoing increase in fuel,its something that we are all considering doing to help with the costs of running our cars,but personally id be S**T SCARED OF BALLSING MY CAR UP ;)


http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make.html, this site has a wealth of info about bio diesel,


Don't forget that sites promoting biodiesel will naturally have a bias towards saying how good it is for your car and the environment.

However, modern diesel engines do not react well to more than 5% mix of biodiesel (which you get from the pumps anyway) so use biodiesel at your own risk!

  jamesey said:
hi i have a seat alhambra its a 1997 ahu tdi engine and ive started running on 50/50 regular diesel and proper made bio diesel at 80ppl and wondered if this is ok to do , im wanting to run 100% on 80ppl bio can this be done with no mods or would i have to get a heated filter or somthing , im desparate to try 100% but id thought id ask on here first before i do so , thanks :unsure:

Jamesy, I run my T4 2.4D van on 50/50 and it's absolutely fine. It's an old tech diesel and this mix keeps the fuel system nice and clean. I would not however run it on 100 for any great length of time since the fuel system is 15 years old which is asking for trouble. Yours is 11/12 years old, I wouldn't risk it.

  zeplin43 said:
Read your car manual in mine a mk2 it states that the pd engine can run on biodiesel. My problem is that there is none for sale here in Portugal.


It seems that Ford and VW have differing opinions on this then because the Galaxy manual states:


Do not use RME (bio diesel) except in the case of those proprietary diesel fuels which contain a mix of up to 5%. Ford can accept no responsibility for damage caused by using RME (bio diesel) in concentrations greater than 5%.


Do not use vegetable oil instead of diesel ...


Prolonged use of additives is not recommended ...


Perhaps Ford are just covering themselves on the risk of potential warranty claims, whereas VW know their engine is capable of running reliably on biodiesel?

For the cynics, perhaps Ford are under pressure from the oil companies to minimise bio diesel use to maximise their profits?

Or, maybe these engines just aren't capable of reliably on bio diesel? Who knows?

Personally, I wouldn't risk an expensive repair bill in the longer term just to make a smaller saving in the short term.

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