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well, the drivers door card was loose, so today..my job was to secure it.

So off i trot to ford to get some yellow clips, i was shocked at the cost!! 40p each..hell, nearly had to sell my arse on the street corner, but i managed to scrape together the 2 quid i needed out my pennies jar to get 5.


anyhow...i take door card off...



then i attached the new clips where clips were missing or broken.5 was the magic number..ace i thought!! so put door card back on.Couldnt get the blooming thing on!

mistake number one.Spot it?



So off the door card comes..i manage to break two clips..i was not amused by this point and stomped my feet and shouted mans testicles a few times!


Back on it went.

Mistake number two, bearing in mind that id been at it for an hour, my hands had taken numerous hits with a flat bladed screwdriver in previous steps and i was by this time muttering solidly under my breath, mans testicles and making love hell.

phot is cr@p as i was fumeing with myself.



Sooooooooooooooo.....i have more door clips on order, so when they arrive, then i will replace the speaker!


So there you have it, my fiasco of the day!


Years ago I broke a few clips (well, mangled) on my Crown Victoria whilst fixing a resonance I was getting from a certain passage of "Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" by Iron Maiden. (Anyone who knows the song is familiar with about 2/3 through a VERY low bass signature!). Running a few hundred watts through a decent sound system at that point would resonate the door cards!! Drove me nuts!!


The fix? I stuffed the offending area with Gaffa tape holding a few layers of corrugated cardboard to insulate the panel that was vibrating and then using a few bits of tape and bungee cords for pressure ran a bead of silicone sealer along the area edged by the clips. Did the other door too. Never had another problem with "resonance" whether playing Maiden or Mozart! (Or Motorhead for that matter!)LOL.


Oh me Maz......... what a case you are............. I do enjoy reading your posts ;)


I had to take off both of my door cards but never broke one single clip. Thank god.

No idea if I would have forgotten the speakers as they remained attached to the cards throughout.

A valuable lesson leart today for you................How to swear politely ;)


Mary :ph34r:


PMSL, sorry Maz, couldn't help it, been there done that and managed to rag off the window rubber on top of card, a dollop of hot glu sorted it though.


Does anyone think I should tell her those clips are about 13p at VW?



I'll get me coat...


if 13p ant vw then about 8p at seat :ph34r:

just changed the gear bow tie cable for the gear selector and it was 75+vat at frauds and 45 all in at seat


That's like when I delivered for a Nissan dealer. Delivered an oil pan for an Infinti QX4 and the customer told me he'd been waiting a month. Said the Pathfinder part was in stock but literally double the price than the identical (other than packaging and part number) Infiniti part!!


We wondered the strangeness of the Nissan part being twice as much as the Infiniti part thinking it have been the opposite but also figured they pulled their pricing out of a hat!

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