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I have bought rear window strips to fit on my Galaxy MkII (from frauds cost a fortune). Mine have corroded inside the rubber. Do you pull the old straight out and push the others in ? Would it be better to give the new ones a gentle (very) Tap with rubber mallet ? and do they have an adhesive ? :lol:
with my brain addled from all i have learnt today at college, can you please tell me in plain old english which strips you are on about please? cant go and see since i dont have my gal anymore.cheers hun.
  mumof4 said:
with my brain addled from all i have learnt today at college, can you please tell me in plain old english which strips you are on about please? cant go and see since i dont have my gal anymore.cheers hun.

They go around the the passenger windows. The glass when wound up goes into it ( three sides ) :lol:

Posted (edited)
  mumof4 said:
ahh,,those strips, they are a right pain in the@ss.I had to fit one back onto the rear passenger side.


Fitting them in the rear passenger that would be a pain in the @ss :lol: :16: :16: . Did they fit on the car easy enough :lol: & what did you use ? sorry couldn't help it !

Edited by stevie m

old ones just pull out, wind the window down to do it.new ones will just slot back on, but im warning you..they are an ass to get back on.as the ends have to go into the door first then you have to try and get the rest of it on.I had problems with this strip.if you have a search for a thread by me on the window regulator, i think i posted pictures.


i wouldnt use a rubber hammer or anything like that as it can bend out of shape very quickly and is a pain.Brute force and elbow grease is all that is needed.


your welcome, and as for the ass comment,believe me, when you try fitting em, you will feel like shoving them where the sun dont shine :lol:


oo, i forgot, you need to get them on at the bottom first, then push them up the sides keeping them in the slot, then when you get to the top, that is where the fun begins, for the last couple of mm, to get a tight seal, you MAY need something to hammer them home, but be careful, as you can bend the lip where the window goes up into, out of shape very easily.if this happens, use a flat baladed screwdriver and VERY gently prise it back into the right shape.


if you havent fitted them yet steve i found placing the seal untill the last few inches same as mum of 4 then stick your window back in and slide it in the new seal runners and slide it to the top then slide it down an inch or 2 and slam it back up it takes 3 or 4 good slams but ensures the seal dont change shape wile its getting a wack

if you dont fancy that then put soap (fairy somthing like that) on the new seal where it fitts on the door that will help and it will dry in its own time with no long term problems

Posted (edited)
Nice one chazy, I haven't fitted them yet. I haven't got the gal at the moment. I'm having a new concentric slave cylinder fitted.I hope i get it back soon as i'm travelling round in a second car. I hate to say this but it's a SAXO (everyone can stop laughing now). Edited by stevie m
  mumof4 said:
whatever you do, dont take the window out of the door!!!!!!!


Don't worry i'm not that stupid. In fact i might be ? So i will make sure i don't !! :rolleyes: :lol: ;)

  • 2 weeks later...
  stevie m said:
I have bought rear window strips to fit on my Galaxy MkII (from frauds cost a fortune). Mine have corroded inside the rubber. Do you pull the old straight out and push the others in ? Would it be better to give the new ones a gentle (very) Tap with rubber mallet ? and do they have an adhesive ? :23:


hi me again


i work in a car factory on the door line so i went down the line to see how they fit them and as far as i can see they slot them in and use a rubber mallet to tap them home but thats before they put the glass in so i dont know if that will make a difference


  stevie m said:
I once worked a peugeot on the track. That is what they did there also IIRC ;)



they get fitted just before they get to me i do know they use a pink lubricant can ask tommorow what it is........... when the door gets to me i fit the mirror, the glass, the electrical connection and the shedder then screw it all up and make sure the glass goes up and down without catching

I know for sure that the glass in the rear passenger doors, has to come out at an angle,and go back in the same way.because of the size of them, it is very difficult to try and fit the glass with all the strips in place.you have to take the glass off the brackets which hold it in place to the runners anddrop the window in the door as far as you can, there is a metal lip inside the door you can rest the glass on.Believe me, ive done this job and i and a ford mechanic could not fit the glass AFTER fitting the strips, you must leave the glass in the door.the window is a lot bigger than you realise.Other models may be different as to how they fit them.

your welcome, the glass when you take it out, has to be turned almost sideways in the door and brought up and out through the outside of the door, it isnt a rectangular piece of glass, its a pain in the rear.and you need every mm to get it in and out, with the strip in place, it is nigh on impossible.you will see if you take the door card off, exactly how big it is and its shape.


I just dont want you to make the same mistakes that i did. ;)

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