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The link is a rememberance site...that is all where you can leave your condolances....My youngest daughter is 3 and it beggers belief that some monster can do this to a 2 year old wee girl...hanging is way too good..needs to be put in a room full of mums...they would dish out the appropiate sentance!

I wish someone would put me in a room full of mums :rolleyes: .

As a tax payer im very happy to pay for this creature to spend the rest of his days rotting in jail.

Why should he be given the easy way out with death.

Hope he lives to a good old age


Don't think he will last long in jail as a baby rapist to be honest.....makes me sick..

she was found in a pool of blood..poor wee mite..bawled me eyes out when i went on the above website.He should never be let free...


My condolences go out to the family.


However I feel that they should HANG the b*****d, jail is no punishment, I know. Those that end up on rule 43 (segregation for nonces) are safely tucked away from harm, some of them end up in cushy cat d (open) prisons, I finished a sentence in one years ago (driving offences) and believe me Butlins is nowhere near as good. Why should taxpayers have to fork out in excess of a grand a week per prisoner when in what appears to be a clear cut case it be cheaper to let him swing. People will also feel that justice has been done.


Sorry I may have opened a can of worms here, but I feel the whole British justice system stinks.

Posted (edited)


BUT WINCH HIM UP SO IT STRANGLES THE LIFE OUT THE F****R DONT LET HIM DROP ITS TO QUICK(look at sadams hanging ) and at the last minute while he is just about alive drop him on a very blunt pole and let the b*****d bleed to death

and if noone wants to winch the c**t up i will and no hang mans hoody for me let the f****r see me



:o :o :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Edited by mumof4

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