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Everything posted by gn8691

  1. Cant say I know anyone down there. Once bitten twice shy as they say <_< or 3 times bitten in your case. I dont blame you for trying to sort it yourself. Did any of these specialist use nitrogen to pressure test while you were present?
  2. Might be an idea to get it pressure tested by an a/c specialist who should be able to locate the leak without filling with gas again. Dye is not always as easy as it sounds. Good luck
  3. Might well be worth charging your battery and checking the levels of the battery if its got removeable covers.
  4. If you have a multimeter you could test the resistance of the clutch coil. It should be around 3 to 4 ohms. If its blowing fuses then its probably breaking down and shorting to earth.
  5. Just about to attemp this myself. Got the usual leak on the condenser / drier cap. Just got to try and find my old spline bits now. ;)
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