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Everything posted by johnbuz

  1. Yep wiring in the rubber boot at the top of the tailgate on the drivers side, just sorted this today on my Alhambra. Found 2 broken wires. Handle now opens tailgate - yippee! Now onto the other 1001 things that need doing! John
  2. Hi I am just doing battle with my AFN engine now, I am fairly certain that my noise (Rattle and Knock) is coming from the hydraulic tappets. I am half way thro' striping and cleaning each hydraulic tappet, so far I have found 3 that are broken internally the little spring inside has broken. Some are badly pitted on the piston face and some have stress cracks on the top surface. 1 is jammed solid. I was inspired by this: http://www.nuvision.ndo.co.uk/tappets.htm My time is free and I find it quite satisfying getting something to work that didn't before. I have 2 sets of Hydraulic tappets so I hope to make one good set of 8 from the 16 I have. John
  3. Hi 2000 Alhambra 1.9 TDI (110bhp) SE My climate control unit is reporting an internal memory fault when I read it with VagCom It is part number 7M0 907 040 BD I have access to a replacement unit but it has the part number 7M0 907 040 AS They look the same, does anyone know the difference between these 2 part nos? Or is there a way to repair such a fault??? John
  4. Sorted, squirted diesel down the bleed off pipes into pump, and filled feed pipe with diesel. A few turns and off she went, 'orrible knocking so i guess my static pump timing must be slighly out. I will check tomorrow using VAG-COM pump timing software. At least she runs and drives! John
  5. Hi Just finished fitting another AFN 1.9 TDi engine to my Alhambra, after the original dropped an exhaust valve. I don't want to endlessly turn the engine over to prime the diesel system, and as it does not have a priming bulb how do you prime the diesel system when you have had it completely apart? Is there a technique to it or is it just a question of cranking it over until it catches? John
  6. I thought that may be the case, I have managed to buy a complete Alhambra AFN engine. So no prizes for gussing what I shall be doing this w/e!
  7. Hi Thanks for that, do you know whether the injectors on the Z1 are the same as the AFN? I have a damaged (destroyed!) injector 3, the tip and pintle are completely mashed, and would need to find another, so if the Z1 uses the same one then Hurray! My guess is not.............. John
  8. Hi I have been trying to get hold of an AFN 1.9 TDI engine for my Alhambra, there are a few around but mostly from Audi A4's and Passats. I am told that even tho they carry the same AFN engine code the transverse block (as in Alhambra etc) is different to the longitudinal installation in the others. Gearbox lugs in different places etc. Looks like VW use the same engine code for the two variants north/south and east/west. Does anyone have experience of trying to fit an AFN engine from a north/south vehicle into and east/west one? regards John
  9. Hi It took me about 4 hours to remove the head, Access to turbo is not good, I removed the O/S drive shaft and itermediate bearing carrier to gain access. make sure you remove head bolts in the correct sequence to reduce the risk of distorting the head. John
  10. Hi Yes I intend to clean everything and back flush the intercooler, having problems finding parts. Found a 1Z engine and possibily an AHU I think a AHU is pretty much the same as a AFN althiugh the AFN has the viarable vane turbo. is the head the same on a 1Z engine, externally looks pretty much the same, I know compression ratio is diff on 1Z so i guess pistons must be dif from AFN Reghards John
  11. Hi Just had my 1999 AFN 1.9 TDI engine drop exhaust valve 3. Damaged head beyond repair, destroyed injector 3 (the one with the sensor) and damaged piston 3. I'm after either a complete engine OR Complete head, injector 3 and a piston. All the bores look OK and the turbo survived - stripped and checked. Can anyone help? Regards John
  12. Hi just had my engine drop an exhaust valve on cylinder 3. completely wiped out head, destroyed injector 3 (the one with the sensor) and destroyed piston 3. Turbo OK, bores OK. 1. After a complete engine OR 2. Head and injector and piston Can anyone help? Funds tight :-( John
  13. Hi I have a '98 on an 'R' 2.0 8V petrol GLX galaxy, the central locking unit is NOT under the passenger seat. I have the fuse board with the small euro type fuses, the car has a high level brake light as standard. The car has key operated central locking. I have bought a pretty standard remote control kit for the central locking, basically 2 remote controlled C/O relays one for lock one for unlock. Does anyone know the correct wire colours for lock and unlock on this Galaxy, and the best place to connect to them? I understand that the car requires a postive signal on the lock/unlock lines to operate, is this just +12V or some sort of control voltage that can be tapped into somewhere? Thanks in advance. John
  14. Hi In the last six months I have repaired two '97 Petrol 2L 8V DOHC galaxy's. They both had very noisy cam chains, the first had destroyed the side guide and the chain had actually machined its way thro the block, oil everywhere. The second also had very noisy cam chain, and had manged to destroy the side guide, but no block damage. On both these engines the oil pressure relief valve on the side of the oil pump had undone itself to the extent that the torx bolt holding the valve spring in place had backed out to touch the inside of the block. So I guess the cam chain failure was caused by the oil pressure dropping, thro' lack of spring pressure on the relief valve, the cam chain tensioner relaxing and allowing the chain to whip about thus destroying the guides and causing excessive chain stretch. Has anyone else seen this in the 2L 8V lump? Both engines now run as sweat as a nut, a bit of 'JB Weld' cured the block hole in the first, and a complete replacement of chain and guides etc cured the rest. Oh and tighten , with thread lock, the pressure relief valve bolt on the oil pump! John
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