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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by dewsy

  1. no it weas all fine before oil change
  2. i will look
  3. yeah what homer said lol
  4. hi i done a oil and oil filter change yesterday. there is water leaking from front bottom of car cant find were it is coming from any answers? cheers leigh
  5. yes u was right been garage and they ordered the part it is connected to the indicater stalk. so had to order the whole lot it set me back
  6. my car horn stays on when i start my gal and the steering is stiff had a look at it and there is a metal brass thing jammed in it near a connecter that is connected to something i dont no wat it is as i was driving when it happened any help plese leigh
  7. were is that switch located wolfie
  8. hi would the noise go away if i did a oil change and use synthetic oil it needs a service anyway
  9. found out its the tappitts is it easy to fix? leigh
  10. yes done wat u said wolfie and it does come on when i hold it in reverse. is the switch dear to buy and is it easy to fit? cheers leigh
  11. hi i am getting a tapping noise from engine it is irritating what is it and is it bad? help please leigh
  12. hi just wondering wat the round plastic thing is which is located under the excelerater pedal cheers leigh
  13. hi i have a prob my reverse lights dont work they come on but flicker and then go off. is it the treverse switch and were is it checked fuses and brought two new bulbs answers please as i do school run every day help urgently cheers leigh :( ^_^
  14. update my gal is in the mechanics shop hopefully getting fixed the man i brought it off got it sorted so i will have her back soon i will let ya all no
  15. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1996-FORD-GALAXY-GHI...1QQcmdZViewItem any good to any one leigh i might oif posted it in wrong bit just seen this and thought i would let u all no cheap leigh
  16. he in germany till monday the bloke i brought her off is wife said he will ring me monday morning hope so as i love the car i always wanted a galaxy i had a nissan serena before her i will let u all no what happens cheers leigh
  17. theres a attachmen from the exchaust that a bolt should be there thats missing but when the engine does rock it s not side to side its more like its going to roll over been told it might be engine mounts here it is the car http://www.mqjcars.co.uk/view.php?sid=1439 it says three months parts and labour brought it thursday drove it 6 miles knackered cheers leigh
  18. i will go and look and let u no if it has snapped cheers leigh
  19. engine mounts knsackered engine is rocking and making a clunking noise from the exchaust is it a hard job to fix cheers leigh
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