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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi! My 52 Gal 1.9tdi has suffered the common fate of booster heater failure. :P The car has gone in for a routine service today and I have requested a diagnostic check for the Booster Heater
  2. Many thanks MM. :lol:
  3. I tried to replace a blown sidelight bulb on my 2002 115tdi. Although I am able to slide the bulb cover up and out of the rear of the headlight assy. I cannot get access to the sidelight holder as there is a large chunk of engine right behind it! It seems as though the entire headlamp assy needs to be removed, am I right or missing something obvious? Should a sidelight failure register on the bulb warning function or is it only for the brakelights? Paul
  4. Hi GalaxyX Is your rear screen washer working correctly? If not you may have the same problem as me! the pipework running rearwards separates just by the nearside passngers front door under the trim edge between carpet and door jam. Check posts under rear washer faults. Paul
  5. I am posting this appeal on behalf of a good mate. He has recently purchased a 53 plate VW Golf GTi. He says that the radio does'nt seem to always remember the "power on" mode when the ignition is turned on. Are Sharans equipped with similar systems to the Golf and if so, has anyone experienced similar problems or know of a possible fault? Paul
  6. Many thanks Ivor E for the link and to SA Intruder for the pics and method. A job for Saturday me thinks! Regards,
  7. I have seen this topic discussed on the forum and now its happened to me! Can I ask for some guidance.... Where is the most likely point for the tubing to part? I have water droplets in the electronics bay, under the front passenger seat but can't see an obvious source. Is the trouble somewhere else with water running down and accumulating in the electronics bay? Regards.
  8. Any thoughts as to why it took some time (2 days) for the fault indication to clear. Could the Gas pressure switch stick? Did the gas actually leak out after recharging or did the dealer just assume it had because the fault indication persisted? Hmmmm! Saturday could be interesting!
  9. I'm being optimistic and hoping its pipe work not the evaporator. ;)
  10. Thanks SeatKid, That sounds like good news! ;) It will be interesting to see what the mobile guy finds on Saturday! If its as you suspect, I'll copy his report and shove it personally up the fraud dealers Ass! Then I'll name them too! :angry:
  11. Thanks Ivor E and SeatKid usefull intel I think. I was refering only to the matrix display when I said it was working ok. For the Fraud dealer to say it might be fried was complete b@$%*#ks! ;) Now then! I forgot to mention in my last post, the matrix display has stopped flashing on switch-on, i.e. no fault condition! After driving round to warm up the engine, I sat in the car yesterday lunch time with a digital thermometer stuck in one of the facia vents. I ran the CC in ECON mode and LOW setting, directing airflow to vents. It was about 9.5 -10 degrees outside. The digital thermometer settled down at about 12.5 degrees. I then selected AUTO and could sense an increased load on the engine. Lo and behold! the temp started to drop at the facia vents but only to about 7 degrees The mobile guy who's visiting on Saturday said it it should be uncomfortable to hold your hand in the chilled airstream. Do you think its possible that the attempted regas has restored some function to the system, albeit temporary and is that possibly an indication that the compressor is functioning to some degree? Cheers! PS How do you set up your "words of wisdom" quotes at the bottom of your posts?
  12. Phil if you do a search under Aux Heater or booster heater, you will see a great deal of conversation on this subject. I would say that your Gal is alive and well and behaving quite normally. Cheers!
  13. Well now!!! Booked the Gal into Fraud dealer that originally supplied it. Said they would attempt a re-gas and pressure test, cost
  14. I agree John, sound suspiciously like the Aux Heater Unit fuel solenoid. Its normal for this time of year!
  15. Hi Phil, Does the ticking noise only occur whilst the car is in motion?
  16. I had a Tow Bar with single electrics fitted to my 52 plate Galaxy TDi Ghia just after delivery. It was fitted by GT Towing who did a great job. As with my previous Mondeo, the bulb failure warning device is a buzzer mounted in the rear compartment. With the Galaxy loaded with holiday kit and cruising at motorway towing speeds, its difficult to hear if the buzzer stops working. I have seen reference to a dash mounted repeater lamp. Is there one on the facelift Gal? if so, can anyone offer advice as to how I might be able to connect to this as well as the buzzer. Cheers!
  17. Thanks for your help Guy's.... It would appear that A/C gas is out or low.....no cooling when selecting LO. Getting it fixed pronto.
  18. Ever since the cold snap we had during chrsitmas, my (115Tdi, 52 Plate) Galaxy's climate control LCD display flashes for 15secs after turning on the ignition. It displays all of the characters then clears to its normal settings and runs ok. :( Am I being warned of an imminent failure? :unsure: Any ideas?
  19. My December 2002 1.9TDi is crunchy between 1st & 2nd, particulaly when cold.
  20. Having recently joined the "Galaxy Club" I too was concerned at the blown bulb indication after starting. CD Bramal's Ford went to great lengths in their explanation. It is true that the indication remains until the brake pedal is pressed, however if the indication persists it is a genuine indication of bulb failure or switch failure.
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