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Everything posted by matt1003

  1. does the rear windows on the opposite side still work ? the 1 touch relays in these are built into the motor so if it is a relay its a new motor anyway ? last time i had this problem it was the wiring in the rubber boot to the door had 3 wires brokern it would go down but not up
  2. if you heard something fall in to the door when you tried to open it chances are the meachanisum is brokern sorry to remove the door panel remove the surround around the door opening handle should be 2 screws remove those then the rest of the panel is on push clips just prise the door card off matt
  3. if all the windows come down about the same level its the total close system which if its doing it when you dont want it to will almost certainly be a probley with one of the front door locks ( even if you use the remote to open and close them ) best way to sort it is wd40 everything to do with locking system inside and outside the door if its just one window i could be a brokern wire in the door rubber ? matt
  4. the sensor for your auto lights and auto wipers is on the windscreen if the screen is dirty it will bring the lights as well matt
  5. the flywheel is part of the torque convertor on a 2.3 auto ( not long changed mine along with the gearbox) torque convertors for them are around
  6. ive tried that in the past i just refuses to start even when you've fixed the problem of why it wouldnt start in the first place just to get its own back on you
  7. if it cut out for no reason and wouldnt start again its either a loose battery wire , a starter motor fuse , the gearstick inhibator switch or relay 30 . if theres no clicking noises when you turn the key chances are its one of the last 2 choices matt
  8. most contaminated clutch pates are caused by either engine oil or gearbox oil the two main seal by the clutch so without taking it apart your mechanic wouldnt know which one it is and if the clutch fuild level is ok the slave cylinder cant be leaking matt
  9. had some of these problems on mine ( reving up an its own cutting out etc ) changed the lamba sensor and it solved most of them matt
  10. do you mean oil light or coil light ? matt
  11. its in the lower part of the front bumber in the grills looks circular with a pin in the middle of it but if you have the climate control on the car it should display the outside temp on there just compare with the weather to see if its about the same matt
  12. did you have it regased at a garage or one of the top up cans , if it was done at a garage they should of checked the centre vent tempratures if the fans come on 10 seconds after the ac is switched on then you should get cold air threw the only other part of the ac system that would stop it getting cold would be the dryer as far as i know ( if it doesnt dry the air enough it doesnt flow round the condenser propley) i know you can do output tests with vag com but has to be registered and not sure about ac tests ( by the way on vag com its auto havc controller sorry ) matt
  13. got the same problem but if the fans dont switch on when you turn a/c on it wont get cold ( this is the problem im having ) vag com controller should be the climatic controller but mine didnt bring any fault codes up ! im going to have a look at the whole car next week so ill let you know if i can find the problem matt
  14. the reason not to lever with a screwdriver is there isnt anything behind the wiper expect a piece of rubber wich goes threw the glass ( which i think you are trying to change ) and glass !! matt
  15. i wouldnt advise the screwdriver on the rear wiper as it goes threw the glass and you might end up with a new window instead just bend it up as if you was changing the blade and wiggle it a little should come of then if not you need something like a bailjoint spliter to free it matt
  16. try putting your foot on the brake turning the key to position 3 and holding it there whilst pushing button on the gearstick and just slowly moving it down or try starting it neutral position there is an isolator swith on the gearstick to stop you starting it unless its in park or neutral and can be adjusted but ford just tell you to replace them ? when you turn the ignigtion on you should here it click by the gearstick ? matt
  17. try putting your foot on the brake turning the key to position 3 and holding it there whilst pushing button on the gearstick and just slowly moving it down or try starting it neutral position there is an isolator swith on the gearstick to stop you starting it unless its in park or neutral and can be adjusted but ford just tell you to replace them ? when you turn the ignigtion on you should here it click by the gearstick ? matt
  18. the last one of these i had do this i took a part to see what was wrong it was one of the two springs inside had gone rusty and broke i did fix it with a spring out of a pen and has worked for the last couple of months whilst i was looking for a neww one . worth a try if your ok to take it apart and its really anoying you matt
  19. im asuming its a manual if so the part your moving on the gearbox should also go in and out as well as backward and forward does should like one of the gear linkages has come off to me though ? matt
  20. you should be able to open it with the key in the boot lock turned to the nearside if i rememeber corectly matt
  21. chances are if your having problems with it leaking the trim will have sat in the bond on the way in which i why it doesnt leave you enough room to push it back in and i wouldn't advise trying to force it in with anything as they do break very easiley on the edges of the glass . if you want to check it yourself first just drop the sunvisor brackets down , the two front grab handles and the side trims on the a post , this is what we need to drop to connect the earth strap up when replacing . you should then have enough room to see the line of glue and then just get someone to put water on screen till you can see it coming threw ( try not to use silicon on the outside or back of the trim as with time it does perris the rubber . matt
  22. hi i work for a windscreen company ( not rac ) the windscreens are bonded and the rubber trims on the outside of the screen are just for show they dont seal the screen at all , i wouldn't advise removing the toptrim to seal it as it doesnt like going back in correctly as the are put on the screen before they are fitted into the car . the earth strap at the top is the earth point for your heated front screen and is proberly your problem as we have to bond the strap and not the glass at that location( another stupid idea from ford ) best bet is to drop into a windscreen company to get it checked most of them won't charge to have a look check with rac to see if its still covered under warenty most large windscreen companys offer a lifetime garentee as long as you still own the car ( worth a try ) matt
  23. got a problem reading the engine ecu with vag com , i can connect to all the other controllers but not the engine one , its a galaxy mk1 by the way can anyone tell me what i might be doing wrong or is it a ford ecu and not a vw like the rest of the car?
  24. ive got a problem with my ac , i havent got the flashing display and the compressor kicks in everytime but the cooling fan will not start no matter what ! ive tested the fan and it works fine ive had ac gas tested aswell and thats fine but no code in the memory to say somethings worng has anyone else had this problem and fixed it, thanks for any help in advance
  25. had the same problem not so long ago wouldnt move out of first till it got 4500 rpm turned out to be low on oil and one of the gearbox speed sensors
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