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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bluenosebryan

  1. thanks for all the replys im glad im not alone on the mpg issue lol but can anyone else help me out with the other probs cheers...http://content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/000200BB.gif
  2. hi im a newbie from sunny blackpool,i have recently brought my first galaxy a 1996 2.0 glx and have a few problems with it ,firstly coming back home on the motorway i noticed everynow and then the engine lacked power and struggled up hills ,when on tick over the revs kept shooting up and down up to 1000 rpm but i found a sensor had come of ,i put it back on and the revs are staying where they should be but it seems like its having trouble running on all 4 on tick over,secondly the central locking dont work on the rear drivers door ,the interior lights stay on after i put the fuse back in but i think ive found that problem as one of the door switches is broke so ill replace that and see how it goes,the passenger electric window dosent work from passenger side or drivers side but with a reply off nik i will hopefully sort that out as i have been told to check the wires in the rubber by the door pillar,and the mpg dont seem that good as i drove 100 miles back and it used about
  3. thanks for the reply will check tomorrow
  4. id like to say hi to everyone and been reading a lot of posts today on the forum,id hate to be someone thinking of buying a galaxy and reading all the posts on here lol,anyway i bought a 96 2.0 glx yesterday and have a few problems with it, firstly coming back home on the motorway every now and then when you put your foot down it didnt seem to have any power and sometimes you felt the power there,secondly i replaced a fuse today and all the interior lights stay on,im hoping this is a faulty door switch so have removed the fuse again,thirdly the central locking on the rear drivers door dosent work,the passengers electric window dosent work,i have checked all the fuses and they seem ok,oh and sometimes not all the time when the engine is ticking over the revs will keep going up to 1000 revs and back down to where it should be but its constant up down up down etc,anyway great forum and be glad to here off anyone who can help cheers..
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