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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by davgree

  1. Hi, can you correct a faulty milage reading with Ross Tech vag com system? Thanks, Dave.
  2. Hi, sorry but I cant help with your problem, but can I ask you abot VAG-COM? Did you use a vw garage vag-com, or do you have your own system? if so what are you using? I have just purchased 'VAG-CAN Commander full' but cant connect to my 2004 galaxy TDi auto ... any tips please, like what mode should the car be in to connect to the ECU and Vag-com. Any help welcomed! Thanks, Dave.
  3. Thanks for everyones help on this problem. After changing the one of the two N75 valves, car still triping into limp home mode. Was going to get a second N75, but yesterday I found the problem! Look at the pics then read some more! There is 3 hose connections, one black and two white ones, the 2 white ones are vacuum and out, whilst the valve sucks air in from the black connector, follow that hose and it leads to a small plastic and paper filter located by the off side susspesion strut area just in front off the bulkhead, pull the filter off and problem is eliminated!! Anyone else who gets this problem - Just take the filter off and run it for a while, must be the easyist / cheapest first test!! WV filter part number: 702 129965 MF5 Forget Ford dealers, they cant trace this WV part number. Also, if anyone needs an N75 Valve, shop at VW dealer rather than Ford, VW price
  4. Could not get into Ford main dealer, local garage scanner found the following 2 errors loged: 17965 Turbo pressure control valve - pressure exceeded P1557 Intermittent. Anybody know what error P1557 is please, local Garage could not find out, also anybody know anything about the turbo control valve? Many thanks.
  5. In Gloucester we have: Tesco Derv at 95.9, then other garages charging 99.9 Why do they charge so much more? Buy 60 liters and thats
  6. Thanks mumof4, MAF ! That makes sence now, they always say the clue is in the question! No, I dont think mine is a MAF problem, I will try and get plugged into main dealer computer today.
  7. I think many people worry about MPG far to much! We buy fuel by the litre not the gallon, the cost of fuel varys so much - 1-7 pence per litre + Work out how much it costs you to run 100 miles, thats the key, forget the fuel computer, it wont tell you how much your car costs to run! Fill your car to the brim, run 100 , 200, or 300 miles, fill it back up to the brim and get your calculator out! Get you fuel from the same filling station at the same price and see how much your Galaxy costs you per mile. The 2 variables are your foot weight and the price you pay at the pump! MPG really means nothing in this day and age!
  8. Hi , I have the same problem on 54 plate 115 zetec auto, if I turn ignition off and back on, problem goes, but soon comes back, deff electronic prob, not fuel supply. Can someone please tell me what MAF stand for?, also is there a dummies guied to shorcut letters meanings in this forum ? ( eg. MAF = ) Many thanks, Dave.
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