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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by davgree

  1. Hi Grant, Did you get this fixed? I have the same problem at present! Cheers, Dave.
  2. I fitted retro cc kit last month to my 2004 TDi Auto, also from ebay at
  3. Another line of thought could be to get your injectors serviced! -yes its expensive, but the rewards could be high! I had a black smoke problem recently with my Galaxy and threw some money at it trying to resolve the problem, I had one new injector and the other 3 refurbished. The report on the state of 3 injectors sent for refurbishment was that they were not atomising the derv correctly, which will reduce mpg. Now my Galaxy (2004 Tdi Auto) will return about 450 miles per tank rather than the previous 380-400 miles per tank. Thats over 10% better, as I use my Galaxy as a Taxi, fuel savings will pay for refurbishment within a year. I used http://www.uniteddiesel.co.uk/ who charged abut
  4. I would go for new every time, to many hours to swap if the re-con is not up to the job! Limp home mode is a nightmare problem if the re-con is not up to the job, also, what has been re-conditioned in the turbo? ... :)
  5. Original Turbos Direct 0161-336 3612 I replaced mine last year, (2004 115 TDi Auto) ford estimated price
  6. Mikej, If you can't find any, I have full aircon O ring kit in my tool box, but not by part number. If you send me old O rings and a SAE i will post you a couple FOC! Please note though, if your pump has failed you must flush the system and replace filter dryer, or you 'may' kill your new comp in a few days of work! Dave.
  7. Hi, I replaced turbo on my 2004 Tdi 115 Auto ( AUY ) about 3 or 4 weeks ago, so this might help you
  8. I would not say i am someone who 'really knows', I think that would be the VW designers! -But here is my 2 pennies worth... ^_^ I have changed brushes twice on my Galaxy in 18 months! It is used as a Taxi so engine is on and off all the time, hence brush wear is high for me! Without doubt the Booster heater needs this pump to work properly. When engines are hot and switched off, the temperature in the top half of the engine increases for a couple of minutes, this has been well proven over many years to cause damage to the engine head, I believe it can warp over the years due to repeated excessive heat, causing head gasket failure. The after run pump eliminates this problem, so for an hour or two's work I would get your pump working! Another long term damage thing to think about is engine wear from cold starts, most engine wear happens when the engine is below normal temp, so a working booster heater may well help extended engine life... If you can not find the right size brushes, screwfix.com sell a direct power angle grinder for
  9. I notice he used the words "It could be" "or if not its" ... I had this problem a couple of years ago with my Sharan, it was also the servo, seems to be a very comon problem, I drove it for about 10 months before I replaced it, the hissing got so loud I could not hear the radio! As posted above though, it could fail and catch you out !
  10. Thanks for that, have checked inter cooler, unfortunately there is no blockage there. Will give the Millers a few more miles yet, then try something else. If anyone wants some Diesel Sport 4, if you reserve on line at Halfords and collect in store, you will get an extra 10% off... that will also save driving to the store and finding it's out of stock! :(
  11. Thanks Seatkid for the advice, I will give millers a go. I talked to two different Diesel specialists today about PD injector problems, one told me he can send them off for testing at
  12. Thanks Seatkid and Scorpiorefugee, will give the Millers Diesel Power Sport 4 a try, followed by a touch of unleaded and see what happens. If that fails, do you think injectors out and sent for testing at http://www.dtmfuel.co.uk/ is worth while? Spent quite a bit now on parts, past the point of no return! - Car has covered 135k, how long should injectors last these days?? :blink:
  13. New turbo now fitted (new Garrett not recon), bad news as it has not sorted the black smoke and loss of power with judder and misfire problem. On the up side, it has cured the limp home mode problem and the lack of power (like it was in limp home mode) when cold or left to stand for 20 - 30 mins. Got my new Garrett turbo from http://www.originalturbosdirectltd.co.uk/ -Very Good service and the price was right! Under half the price of The Fraud Main stealer and it was an original part. The old one that came off was Garrett, so it is not a WV made part. The old turbo was at the end of its life, jamming when spun by hand and the variable vain system was very limited in movement and sticking. Anyone got and ideas for this problem now then please: Black smoke and loss of power with judder and mis-fire under load, but fine at low revs and low power demand. Fuel consumption is down about 50-70 miles per tank. Also if stationary and in park, hold engine at a constant 3000rpm, it will emit white smoke that stinks of un burnt diesel, just like the booster heaters do sometimes!
  14. Thanks for the link NikpV, thats been a real help, turbo is coming off on Tuesday, will post the results... Thanks again!
  15. New fuel filter has been fitted, with no difference. I think black smoke is un-burnt diesel, so that should rule out lack of diesel. Had new exhaust recycle valve fitted last week, it was very blocked with wet carbon and oil, the pipe from the exhaust was 100% blocked. I now have a bit more power, but still black smoke and spluttering when engine under load and car will go into limp home mode far more often than before new EGR fitted- vag com error now shows the famous 'boost control positive deviation' error message! - This happens far more when car is just under normal temp. Local garage now suggest new turbo as variable vains maybe past sell by date- carbon damage, anyone been in this situation? Thanks, Dave. ps. Free VAG Com Check (Full version) for anyone who wants to drive to Gloucester! Text me on 0794 114 0518
  16. After leaving for 20-30 mins the engine (water) temp is still around 90 degrees, so i dont think its a 'cold' issue, sure it is something else, just dont know what! Also getting a whipping noise at this point, i thought it sounded like a belt whipping but have found the noise is in the airbox when you let the power off, this noise is becoming more frequent and more so after car has been left to stand for 20-30 mins.
  17. Hi, my Galaxy (2004 115 Tdi Auto Engine Code AUY1; with 130k on the clock) has developed the following symptoms: Slight loss of power under load in the higher gears (40 mph+), with a fair amount of black smoke, a bit of a misfire sound (like its not quite running on all 4 cylinders) and some real heavy juddering, but the juddering is only under the highest of engine torque load. In neutral, if you rev the engine you would think nothing is wrong, no misfire sound or judder and black smoke only when the revs hit about 4000rpm, gentle driving around town would also lead you to think the car was fine. I have VAG com which shows no fault codes except the odd over boost, which I am use to and lived with for 18 months+ I have replaced air filter, MAF and now the CAT, which has not cured the problems, if anything, it smoked more after changing the MAF! Recently, since above problem started, now when cold or not driven for 30 mins plus, the car acts like it is in limp home mode for about 30 seconds, then the power turns back on over about a 5 second period and is then fine (apart from above symptoms) until left again for 30 mins or so! - No restart needed like when it over boosts. This symptom seems to get worse by the day! Anyone had this or a similar problem? Advice welcomed :wacko: Thanks, Dave.
  18. Thanks to all who have left comments about door locking - I sorted my prob yesterday. The fault was drivers door wiring loom. One wire had come slightly detached (on the door side) where the loom joins door to body shell. The small red and white wire (on the connection block is numbered No.10) seems to get rubbed when the door is fully opened, even though it is within a flex type sock. Easily repaired, with the loom removed, force the male pin out with pliers, pin has a clap on the other end, simply rejoin detached wire and clamp with pliers, refit and it was working again! Symptoms were - Remote not working properly, LED not flashing, drivers door not locking sometimes, central locking not working on key. All Working now!
  19. Its likely that the low pressure switch is acting. From the symptoms, i.e. working for a while before stopping, then nothing at all, it sounds like the system needs regassing at the very least - there's a good chance that you have a leak somewhere. Check all the pipework for staining, also check for leakage under the small cap on the dryer end of the condensor - this is quite a common failure on the mk.2, and there's a thread about this on here somewhere... check out this thread... http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=13221 Ok, thanks for that sparky paul, I will have a good look around on the weekend!
  20. Hi, Has anyone come across this problem before or seen a link to a thread please? 2004 Tdi 115 Auto Aircon not working, the A/C light comes on the switch but the compressor will not kick in, all fuses ok, seems electrical rather than mechanical. It started intermittently, I could tell this by windscreen misting up, then clearing fast, two minutes later the windscreen would mist up bad, then clear as aircon came back on again, now it has stopped all together. All ideas welcomed! Does the ECU have any reasons to switch the aircon off for any reason, I noticed in VAG COM there is an output test which states
  21. Thanks JohnR for your step by step :o Have just replaced brushes this afternoon (brushes c/o secondhand
  22. I dont think mine is a com port problem as led's flashing on conector, if you set com port wrong you get no lights. My prob is software says no responce from the car (2004 Tdi 115 auto). Where did you get demo VAG-com from pls?
  23. Dave, Your post is confusing....vag-com and Vag-can are different makes of software....which one do you actually have ? Also do you have the correct lead for connection. Sorry to confuse! I have purchased 'VAG-CAN Commander full' which consists of lead and 3 software versions: vag-can commander 1.4 full vag-can commander 2.1 prima vag-can commander 3.0 beta - full click link to see package: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...78263%26fvi%3D1
  24. OK, Thanks for that, I will wait for some more info. Cheers, Dave.
  25. I don't think we want to go there, the Moderators will have a fit Milage display has totaly failed, just a grey led mess! Have a second hand cluster but told buy Fraud it will cost approx
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