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Everything posted by love_dem_galaxies

  1. Hi, My turbo has gone west (more smoke than the Kuwait oil fires) and I am currently half way through the process of removing it from my Gal (struggling with seized up nuts at the mo). Being the eternal optimist (and fool) I am hoping to rebuild the core and am ordering a bearing kit but was wondering if anyone had any worn or broken units I could use for any other spares I may need. Obviously I would pay postage or collect from around the Midland area (I live in Worcestershire). It's a long-shot I know as most will have been sent back as exchange but I thought it may be worth asking. Any of the Garrett variable vane types will do - e.g. 110, 115, 130 or 150 HP - GT1749V. Thanks for reading. Mark
  2. Best of luck with the hiss-I fixed mine but still have the scars. Whowever designed the ecu housing must have been a sadist! You will not beable to see the screws but they ahave a security pin in the center and are torx or hex. You woll also have to remove the big ecu plug, there is a plate at the back that unscrews that stops the locking mechanism sliding. Fixing the ecu once its out is dead easy. Good luck! Srry bout spelling, im using my mobile. Mark
  3. Hi - I have been a reader of this excellent forum for years and can usually find a solution by searching but now I'm stumped and have been forced to post a message! I have an S reg 1.9 TDI 110BHP engine code AFN with 120k on the clock and since the cold weather started last year have been getting starting problems. The problem happens when the engine is cold and when it has been standing for a long time - so first thing in the morning and around 6 pm when I start it at work for the journey home. I wait around 3 seconds then power off and then switch on again for a few seconds to make sure the glow plugs are really hot then try and start it. After around 5 seconds it starts to fire but I have to keep the starter going for 10 - 15 seconds (seems like forever) before it will stay running. Once its running (apart from the embarrassing massive clouds of smoke from the unburnt fuel) it runs fantastic with loads of power and as long as I don't leave it for longer than say a couple of hours will fire up again straight away. I have read every starting problem post on this form and the associated posts on the TDI forum (pointless as TDI forum said it was my immobilizer!!!) I have changed the glow plugs - and found one of the ones i took out was high resistance bu made hardly any difference. New exhaust - not that this will change anything. Battery is fine (and needs to be!) The auxillary heater under the car stopped working - and may have been around the time the problems started but thats a guess as both were noticed when the weather got cold. Glow plug light has never worked (read below) I think it is something to do with one of the following but can't get any further - A - Air getting into the fuel line - When it has been standing, I can see a bubble forming and moving down the transparent bit of the fuel pipe, however I cant see any fuel leaks so if air is getting in then why isn't fuel getting out when under pressure. Is there a non-return valve to stop this? B - Relay 109? - I have read a lot about this issue but when I went to my Ford dealer they told me that in my GLX there was no such device with that name - they even printed out the screen showing the fuse panel and each layer under it with every fuse and relay and R109 does not exist! The reason I think that this may have 'some' bearing on the problem is that although the solenoid on the top of the injector pump clunks when I start the car, when I got my other half (she's golden!) to hold a meter on the terminal it showed around 8 volts plus it appeared intermittent. I also have never had a glow plug light - it didn't stop the car starting and when I tried to fix it a few years back i traced it back to the ECU where no volts where coming out of the pin. I can confirm however that I get full volts for 3 seconds to the glow plugs. I would be so grateful if some one could offer some ideas. Thanks Mark (Scoobie)
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