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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by connectms

  1. Hi Paul, i think that best place is below the heater box there is a grometwhich you can route 4 gauge cable through. Then run it down along the passenger side and in behind the rear heater box. I have done this before on them.Also dont know what make of stereo you have but most come with remote power switched wire.Hope this is of help to you. regards James
  2. Hi Wolfie, is the central locking module similar in the alhambra,would like to change the factroy alarm and add something with total closure or comfort locking as they would say. Regards connectms
  3. Hi there, well i think you done ok fitting for the first time. I do this for a living so if i can be of help just ask. First of all you should be able to get a switched ignition wire behind the radio.But i am afraid you cant get radio to mute when on a call as that model dosent support it.But you can pick up a tel mute lead for around
  4. [Hi There,i have fitted a few of these flip down screens, I have found that you can mount a 7" one using part of the crossbar just in front of the rear interior light. It is very secure but if you like to go for a 10" i would advise dropping the roof cloth and fitting it further forward ie between the drivers front seat.I fitted one in my last Galaxy and used mdf as a support and fixed it to the roof using grip fill.I strong job,it has never moved in 3 years and i guess it wont now at this stage. It also helped to sell the car for me. Bought a new 130 Alhambra so iam going to install one in it also. Regards connectms, hope this was a little helpful quote name=justme' date='Dec 4 2006, 18:55:30' post='90746] I know this has been covered many times before..... buuut, has anyone fitted a flip down to a gal without a sunroof? What did you attach it to as I was thinking about the cross members?? will I have to take down the headlining and how easy or hard would this be? Any help would be very much appreciated, pic's would be great as well.
  5. [Hi there, just bought one from ford,think it was
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