Well just finished after 2 days of sweat, blood (skinned knuckles) and tears (wrong belt) doing my water pump. Didnt think even the Germans could design a lump in which you need to remove the cambelt, tensioner and a bottom end pulley, just to change it. Long story cut short it was a case of airbox off, power steering pump off, air con pump off, alternator off, cambelt cover off. Oh no they only put the enging mounting bolts through the bloody cover. Off to finds a jack..... anyway enging mounting array off, cover off, cambelt carefully marked and tensioner removed then cambelt off. still cant get to the bloody thing. bottom end pulley off, cup of tea time. Right lets try and get the aux bracet off that covers the water pump. Ha ha, they have put a bolt right underneath where the pump timing pulley is. Fuc* messing around with that. Another cuppa time. manage just to split the two halfs of the new water pump and retain the gasket. Did that on the old one, humm should have put a bucket there, 3 ltrs of coolant covers all me tools. Anyway put new pump half on then a simple "haynes manual referance" rebuild. filled with coolant and crossed every finger, toe and limb when i turned the key.....whooo hooo it didnt go band or grind. Next time you have a water pump noise/ replacement. Get someone else to do it.