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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by ade

  1. Is their a similer sustem to vag-com for use on a ford mondeo?
  2. The gals front blower keeps blowing/melting fuses. Had to se a 25Amp, but that is also showing signs of melting. Is the blower knackered?
  3. Didn't know they did a 2.9 tdi ;-p Can i retro fit one. Sorry for the taking the p*ss, but yes i beleve there is still a screw underthere
  4. didn't fit a new cam belt as it only had one less than 4000 miles ago. should i have changed it?
  5. Well just finished after 2 days of sweat, blood (skinned knuckles) and tears (wrong belt) doing my water pump. Didnt think even the Germans could design a lump in which you need to remove the cambelt, tensioner and a bottom end pulley, just to change it. Long story cut short it was a case of airbox off, power steering pump off, air con pump off, alternator off, cambelt cover off. Oh no they only put the enging mounting bolts through the bloody cover. Off to finds a jack..... anyway enging mounting array off, cover off, cambelt carefully marked and tensioner removed then cambelt off. still cant get to the bloody thing. bottom end pulley off, cup of tea time. Right lets try and get the aux bracet off that covers the water pump. Ha ha, they have put a bolt right underneath where the pump timing pulley is. Fuc* messing around with that. Another cuppa time. manage just to split the two halfs of the new water pump and retain the gasket. Did that on the old one, humm should have put a bucket there, 3 ltrs of coolant covers all me tools. Anyway put new pump half on then a simple "haynes manual referance" rebuild. filled with coolant and crossed every finger, toe and limb when i turned the key.....whooo hooo it didnt go band or grind. Next time you have a water pump noise/ replacement. Get someone else to do it.
  6. cx ing belt due to a score running round it. but all the manuals state turn the tensioner bolt clockwise to release the pressure. am i being completely thick or is it obvious when u look at it?
  7. any body else wanna guess?
  8. Do you offer a discount for ford galaxy forum members?
  9. yes oil level ok
  10. PLEASE HELP.... i have a horrible grinding noise with steering wheel shake when sat still but alright when going. does this sound like belt or tenstioner\ pulley. Are they easy to change yourself? Very worried it might pack in all togeater. also does a mk2 fit a mk1 pump?
  11. ahhh it had been moved to a mini forum... TA
  12. Any one know where it has diisapeared to ??? I Miss it sooo much
  13. I had the same problem for about a month then had no *ommph*. Thought Maf sensor was dead, got new one, but still no go and revving at start. Got VAG-COM to work it said there was a mechanical fault with the fuel cut-off valve. Took all the inards out , and the *ommph* returnd for about a day, then same thing, with VAG-COM still saying mechanical fault. Put all the bits back and now 3months later (fingers crossed) everything is working tickaty boo.....even had a gps speed of 115mph....not bad for a 98 tdi 110 gal. Oh just a thought Frauds wanted nearly
  14. Found the prob....bloody pipe had come off all togeather. Stange thing was the pipe is not long enotgh to reach. Had to slicon a new peice of pipe on. Does anyone know where the pipe goes?
  15. It does have sunroof but only the front corner where the sunvisor mounts is wet, so could it run down without getting the rest of the headlining wet?
  16. Went for a spin in the gal after being away for a week and notice water dripping from the headling around the passenger sun visor. Had a look at the screen with no apparent damage, but the seal that run the length of the car on the roof were filled with crap. Is there a drain that the water runs down from these gaps, down the side of the sceen? Also could i seal these corners up?
  17. Sorry for the lack of info... Gal R '97 Tdi 110 Ghia. Heater worked for a bit last year then nothing. My vag com wont talk to it so i dont know if i am getting a flame out error, but i will just disconnect the battery overnight to clear that. Also does anyone know where to get replacement screw as i have had to drill out all of mine...
  18. The little light on the button doesn't glow anymore ....does that mean a fuse has gone??
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