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Everything posted by ade

  1. been to garage they have diagnosed gear selector linkage has exploded into a thousand tiny pieces.how much for a new one?
  2. well thought the clutch had gone in the old girl yesterday as went to pull away from lights and nothing. gear lever was stiff to get any gear. eventally manage to find 3rd with engine running quick shove and off, anyway, go to get it on the recovery truck this morning and everything is fine again. Does anyone have any ideas what has caused this and will it return? Oh had both driveshaft replaced about 2000 miles ago
  3. looks like the rubber ring from a driveshaft. Think it is used to balance or dampen out vibrations?
  4. is that from vw? if so what colour as i think mine is green/yellow
  5. haven't yet... i disconnected the rear wash pipe from the reservoir under the n/s bumper
  6. stripped out the roof lining yesterday both drains were attached but ended up siliconing the sunroof as the motor had faied anyway. thought one less thing it could be. still stumped though?
  7. right ok to tell the story had the misses complain abot 2 weeks ago about the lake that had formed in the car. She wasnt happy :( So with help from this forum i knowingly told her that the water pipe for the rear wash wipe had come loose. so I disconnected the rear feed, cut the mat out to dry out, and then reasembled a couple of days later. Job done or so i thought. Now last week the loch had reappared complete with nessie the monster. More ear bashing pursued. So back to the forum, must be the scuttle drains i concluded :). a half hour or so of work only to find after removing the wheel arch linings that there was no blockages and i could easily get a couple of finger throught the hold. So now I'm stumpped. If anyone has any futher ideas i'd be glad to try them.
  8. plenty of generic power steering fluid but none to the ford spec...
  9. Other than Frauds when can i get hold of enough to change the complete fluid in system?
  10. well left it overnight and now the drivers switch will open and close the window but not the one on the door. do the electrics run through both switches?
  11. after spending 2-3 hours splicing new wires in my windows still dont work. It does make a click sound like a solnoid but the window still doesnt move. Any one with a new idea?
  12. after spending 2-3 hours splicing new wires in my windows still dont work. It does make a click sound like a solnoid but the window still doesnt move. Any one with a new idea?
  13. cool.. thanks everyone for the help B)
  14. so the mt75 would be ok to use then? also halfords is alot closer for me
  15. i'm replacing the driveshafts and need to check the oil level. Went to halfrauds and they sold me a litre of GEAR OIL MT75, which has a spec of ford ESD-M2C186-A. Is this the same as the haynes manual spec of WSD-M2C200-C?
  16. Hi again I dont think he's gona travel that far LOL he's based in Maidstone in Kent. you could try another post asking for your area or have a look in the yellow pages I live round the corner from maidstone...can he do a pug 307 hdi?
  17. Are u sure the new maf is not faulty? We went through about 3 or 4 before we found one that worked. Do you have access to a full vag com?
  18. Yes had power loss. turned out to be the maf after all. I didnt know until i got a full version of vag com that let me use testing block to see the expected and actal air flow rate. Had no problems with the engine shutting off. I did expect to have to stall the car when i took it out but 4 years later and has never had a problem. Dont know if it regulates fuel but i would doubt it as it stems to be on or off...
  19. I have power loss, tried all the usual stuff Maf sensor replaced, all small vacuum hoses replaced to turbo actuator etc, egr valve removed cleaned checked refitted, turbo actuator checked for movement that was okay. Jayton had a similar problem with his GTD and it turned out to be a loose connection to the fuel stop solenoid on his car so I thought I would check this next. I dont neccessarily want to change it just check the wire to it. I had a problem with the solenoid that vag com keep reporting. In the end i just removed the whole thing, took out the spring and put back on car. Vag com never complained again and also car works fine. Its location is to the right hand side of fuel pump with 1 wire to it held on by a little 6mm nut.
  20. replaced the resistor pack already... had to put a inline fuse holder as the corner of the fuse box has melted and this holder is going the same way. Other than a high resistance at the fan could a dodgy earth also cause the same problem?
  21. Hi I am still having blown fuses / melted plastic every time i want to use the fan on speeds 3 and 4. Could someone please do a resistance check of theirs and let me know to see if my motor windings are knackered. Thanks
  22. had that replaced just over a year ago. Do they go often?
  23. This morning driving to work the car gives a loud bang and now shudders and shakes when moving in gear. Fine when out of gear. is this the driveshafts giving up? if any ideas of how much? Thanks
  24. Hi guys, There used to be someone on here that sold the booster heater glowplugs. Anyone know either where he went or how i can get hold of one.. Ta
  25. Yes i know its suppose to blow but not fuses. Could someone check theirs for the resistance as mine has now decided to melt the fuse box. :rolleyes:
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