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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Sim

  1. Hello all Can anyone tell which lead and which is the best software to use to check my Galaxy for fault codes and / or resetting things in the Really not sure if i need vag com or other obd thingy. Please help. Thanks Simon
  2. Hi Mate Have you managed to sort your Gal out yet because i seem to be having the same trouble and its driving me nuts. Could you let me know the out come of your trouble. Kind Regards Simon B
  3. Hi People Has anyone come across a problem i have. My 2.3 Si petrol Galaxy has a intermitent fault when driving at a steady speed. When you push the throttle gently it hesitates and holds back, almost like fuel starvation. If you then push the throttle to the floor it clears and takes off like a rocket. I have cahanged the fuel filter, plugs,air filter, checked ALL the hoses for leaks (found one split, replaced it with no change) Has anyone got any idea wot this could be before i send the car in for a diagnostic check. Thanks for reading this, hope somebody can help. Regards Simon
  4. Right ok thank you
  5. So wot is this then
  6. Can anyone help with the problem i have. Bad cold starting and rough idle if it starts as if over choked. I also have a problem with an intermittent fault that the car runs great then come to a junction and it trys to stall on tickover. This has happened during the hot weather and still doing it now. Please give me idea's where to look. Thanks
  7. Thanks for reply. I am new on here and dont know how to add to my own post yet, any guidance would be welcome. Where would i find the sensor for the air con. Is the the one above the n/s front headlamp, under the relay???? Thank you Simon
  8. I have now cleaned the idle control valve. It did'nt look that dirty but washed with carb cleaner and moved the valve inside up and down. Refited and made sure it saeted flat on rubber seal. Had car running for over an hour. The fans cut in and out at half and full speed and the engine has always returned to a steady idle after reving it up. I still have to road test it but it seems to be better already. Just thought some people would like to knw what was happening.
  9. I have an intermitent fault with my 2.3 petrol 1998. in traffic the temp rises to just over half way and on tickover it nearly dies runs rough( like overfuelling as if on choke) then clears itself. I have removed the water bottle cap when the temp gauge is just over half way and the water does'nt come out as if overheating but i can see the water is circulating, the fans are running at half speed. If i put a/c on and the interior fan switch on position 4 the engine fans run at full speed and then the car ticks over ok and the temp gauge drops to about a quarter of the way up which is normal. Has anyone had this problem????? and what was it??? I have changed the engine control temp sensor but it is still doing it. It only happens now and then but it's a real pain, once it stalled completely and was hard to start ie flooded. Please can anyone help??? Many thanks
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