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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Galaxy-guy

  1. Seems that my post slid down the rails of interest without response... :rolleyes: Could somebody please either look around their engine for this dual-contact relay or send me a potential part number if you have a good manual on the engine? The relay basically joins the contact from the temp sensor on the radiator and the air cond switch to activate the fan motor(s) on the radiator. I'm sort of stranded here in Moscow without sufficient garage support and would really appreciate the help! Thanks!
  2. Hi! My '98 Galaxy's radiator fans stopped working, which I unfortunately discovered as the temp guage shot upward while stuck in traffic. Seems that the previous owner was a creator of electrical relays. The double contact relay located near the radiator was homemade! One power wash of the engine was enough to kill that monstrosity of an electrical hazard. My local service guys cannot find the part number for this relay. HELP!!! Could someone with a similar Gal 2.3 give me the part number, I believe it's made by Bosch? It's passable with winter weather to drive without the fans and using the heater control to manage the engine temp (thermostat still works)... Thanks any help you can lend!
  3. SIM, I can totally relate to your hot engine stalling problem. I have a '98 2.3 and in the summer when the engine temp gets to the high end of NORM it will start to run rough and stall. I try to keep it going with my foot on the gas until it "clears itself out." I replaced the idle control valve two years ago (uncontrollable idle problem) and maybe it's time to check how clean it is. Just wanted to know if you also found any faults or replaced any of the temp sensors? Did you end up with a satisfactory solution? Thanks!
  4. Good question. This summer I poked my head under the hood and the fans came on only when the temp was on the high side of NORM. Seemed to be a little late to me. Does the thermostat sensor also control the fans?
  5. Thanks for your reply! Since I do 99% city driving, I don't pay much attention to fuel econ. However, there does seem to be an overall reduction in power when the engine is hot (leading up to the problem I wrote about originally). It runs the smoothest and strongest when it's on the cool side of the normal range. I would be very happy if it wasn't the cat ($$$). I'll do a site search on the ISV What level on the guage does your 2.3 usually run?
  6. Hello, What a great forum, so much talent out there! Anyway, when the engine starts to get hot, arount the "M" of NORM, (usually gets this hot if sitting in traffic) the engine starts to sputter and if I don't put it in neutral and coax some revs it stalls. When I get it restarted, it's like there was a vaccum block or something blocking the engine's power, the revs pick up and we're off again. If the temp is below this level, I have 0 problems with engine function. Starts and runs well once warmed up. (will stall if not wamed up for about a minute) It's got 70,000 KM, fuel pressure is fine, air filter is fine. Thoughts: Cat Converter blocked (evident especially when hot) Air flow meter not adjusting to hotter temp ????? '98 Galaxy 2.3 16V Thanks!
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