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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Dave - do you mean 'noooooooo - don't do it' or 'no - it won't cause any problems' Confused of Ipswich...
  2. Thanks - you're right it has always smoked a bit when starting, but now it IS doing it continuously! Someone else has also said it's a no-no to pull the fuse until I can repair it - can anyone tell me what damage I might be causing - considering the temp. around here is hovering around 10oC for the majority of the time I use the car? Thanks ATB
  3. Hi all My Aux. / Booster heater has started kicking out piles of white smoke - can still hear the blower going and heater exhust is very hot to the touch so it's still working (and therefore shouldn't be logging VAG-COM faults at this stage) - from the FAQ I'm guessing that I need a new glowplug. It's going to be a couple of weeks before I can get to it to replace the glowplug, so for now I've removed the 25amp fuse (fuse box pos. 12) so the heater doesn't run at all. ANyone know if this is going to cause me any issues if I run without the heater for a couple of weeks? Thanks ATB
  4. Thanks for all the replies. I contacted www.wiperblades.co.uk and they confirmed the ones they listed would only fit a Gal which had the new style arms designed for flat blades. They did say however that in a few weeks time they would be getting some univeral fit Truepart blades in which used an adaptor to fit to normal arms so I may wait and get a pair from them (They would have been in stock already, but can anyone guess where the shipping container with the blades is right now?!)
  5. Hi Was just wondering if anyone had upgraded from normal wipers to flat-blades on an older Galaxy? Mine is a 2001 new style model, but not one that had the flat blades fitted as standard. www.wiperblades.co.uk state they have Valeo & Bosch ones that will fit, but I wanted to hear if anyone here had done a similar thing before ordering? Thanks ATB
  6. Wow, thanks for the comprehensive reply. Don't think my Galis wired for the mirror already as it's only a bog-standard Zetec and as I haven't got auto dimming external mirrors I'm not worried about loosing that functionality. I reckon I can live with it dimming while reversing as I've got parking sensors (and I could just switch it of using the button on the mirror) so all in all I think I'll just buy the loom and wire up pins 1 and 2 and see where it gets me. Thanks ATB
  7. Right - first, sorry, it's been a while since I've updated this. Secondly, have solved all my problems: Since unseizing the spindles and encountering the park position problem, I've been 'living with it' trying to find the time to take it all out and have a look again. About 3 weeks ago however, the wipers started to judder again and I thought the spindles had seized again (groan). On inspection though they were turning freely, so I knew it must be the motor which had probably almost burnt out having run for so long with seized spindles in the first place. I found a brand new motor on eBay for
  8. I've got an audo-dim mirror from a Mondeo, but without a wiring loom or bracket (the socket part of the 'ball and socket' joint) for the windscreen. I want to fit it instead of the standard mirror on my Ford Galaxy. Can anyone tell me: 1. Is it OK just to buy a loom including the plug connector and wire this into the electrics for the cabin lights just above the mirror or does the backet include extra electrics to make this work? 2. How does the mirror bracket attach to the Mondeo? The Galaxy bracket sticks to the windscreen - is this the same for the Mondeo or does it screw in somewhere. Thanks for any help. ATB
  9. Is everything connected up correctly.. Yes and did you put the arms back on in the exact position they were in before you took them off? Can't be sure - arm linkage is correct (thanks to your diagrams) but the motor position and therefore the arm position was moved by hand whilst on the workmate to check everything ran freely before refitting. ....Have you tried taking them off..disconnecting...then reconnecting the linkage..then turning the ignition to the first click just to be sure that they are in the park position?.. Oh yes - several times! My hands have the scars to prove it today - it looks as if I've been streetfighting! is everything firmly reconnected? Yes This sounds promising - will check. As I type I've remembered that a small black 'sleeve' fell out when I unplugged the connector the first time and I didn't put it back when reassembling - I wonder if that's causing the problem? ATB
  10. I've had the intermittent wiper blade problem for a while now and on searching the forum I found Mum of 4's excellent 'howto' guide on fixing the seized up spindles and promptly set to work... All went well - everything came apart OK - spindles tapped out nicely, now regreased and moving freely, everything also went back in smoothly (apart from me cocking up reassembly of one of the ball joints!). Having paid attention to the warning about putting the assembly in park before putting the blades on I did as suggested - connected the linkage up to the power before refitting and turned the ignition on - nothing happened - nothing moved. Great I thought, there in the correct position already. However once the blades were put back on I checked to see if they'd work OK, which they do...after a fashion: The blades will wipe from the park position to the edges of the screen OK but when switching off never return to the park position, stopping at seemingly random positions each time - the intermittent and 'qucik flick' wipe functions also seem to do 2 or 3 cycles each time as well before again stopping at random positions. Whilst my wife and I are having a bit of fun at the moment guessing where they'll stop next time, it's going to become pretty tiresome long term and I need to fix it! Anyone any idea on where I went wrong and what I can do to fix it? A response to Mum of 4's 'Howto' seemed to have the same problem and he fixed it by slackening off the motor and letting it park, but I'm unsure what this means or how to do it. Help me Obi-Wan-Galaxy, you're my only hope..... :o ATB
  11. Hi George - you don't happen to know an Alec Barker at Ford do you?
  12. Looking at the pictures they've got a Bailey Pagent and used to tow a Bailey Discovery. As models go, the 'Discovery' is the base model, the 'Ranger' next and then the 'Pagent' - each step up in model increases the weight slightly, but not by a vast amount. I tow a Bailey Ranger with a 1.9 115ps Manual and it's fine, I expect I'd be able to tow a Pagent with similar ease. HTH ATB
  13. Well like I said - it was the first time I'd ever put an awning up - I sussed your tip about getting the bottom level first at the next site we went to the week after.
  14. OK Success this time! First picture is our first ever stop-over on a CL near Stonehendge, the second is the first time I tried to put up an awning on a CL in Devon facing UP a bloody steep slope! OK Success this time! First picture is our first ever stop-over on a CL near Stonehendge, the second is the first time I tried to put up an awning on a CL in Devon facing UP a bloody steep slope!
  15. Here's mine 2005 Bailey Ranger 550/6 - it's the same model as they've used in the recent UK child cruelty adverts on the TV :( . Mind you - if one of my 4 EVER kicks a football against the side of mine.... :unsure: First picture is our first ever stop-over on a CL near Stonehendge, the second is the first time I tried to put up an awning on a CL in Devon facing UP a bloody steep slope! OK - now can someone tell me where my attachments went? What's the best way to add pictures here?
  16. All I've started towing with my Galaxy this year and have had some very successful trips away in the UK already. I'm now looking to go over to France in summer 2007 and would welcome any advice anyone has on: Travelling via ferry or Eurotunnel Driving in France with a caravan attached Sites in France near to Disneyland Paris - preferably akin to 'CL' sites in the UK (if such a thing exists) I'll be towing a Bailey Ranger 550/6 (23' long) with my 1.9 115PS Gal. Thanks in advance for any advice provided... ATB
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