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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Mikef

  1. Wow Gazza...how cool is that??? Thanks for the post... Cheers Jim - I was one of the chaps who went to woolies...but I still have a hankering for the hard plastic liner also... mikef
  2. 11.99 is a good price - I paid a bit more than that..I'd say they are certainly Ok for that price. Been looking on the Ford web site, and it's not clear to me exactly how the rear mats fit...do they cover all the rear with holes for the 2nd and 3rd rows of seats? I'm thinking the salespeople mis-quoted prices to me. And it's a shame they don't do a firm plastic load liner.. cheers mikef
  3. Thats interesting...I spoke to the Ford dealer when I got my Galaxy, and the rear mat they offered me was one that just fitted in front of the rear seats, not one that went all the way...I'd have gotten that!! They were effectively asking for around
  4. I also prefer the analog...but I find it very hard to see, especially in bright sunlight, and I find it hard to make out when I have the lights on (in that fetching pink colour the dash has...) mikef
  5. HI Jim - no, no holes in the second row of mats. I've not noticed screw holes for mats (I have an 02 car also), I'll go looking tonight.... TBH, they are not brilliant, but are ok for the price I paid. They keep muck from the kids shoes off the car, so that does me!! mikef
  6. They didn't clip...are they meant to? They all fit if thats what you mean? The drivers mat has a screw thing, but I'm not keen as it seems to be something you screw into the floor... cheers m
  7. If you mean the chap who has a lot for sale, in black or grey....I got a set of these quite cheaply. They are not Ford, but are certainly OK. They are not as thick as the Ford ones, but do have a rubber backing, and have a heel pad on the drivers mat, and fit the 2nd and 3rd rows. Just one mat from Ford seems to cost 35 quid, so getting a set for less is not a bad deal. mikef
  8. Now we didn't get the teddy bear bag with ours, seems to have gotten lost somewhere along the line... I was actually disappointed!! I really need to get a life.... mikef
  9. The cover does go over the seats when they are upright, just about tho. As someone pointed out, having the seats upright is not easy. I typically put them mostly upright, them stick luggage under them to stop them flopping down again. The cover is useful - cuts down a little noise, and can stop stuff in the back flying forward in the case of an emergency stop. Don't forget that to have one you have to have the full versatility pack - which effectively means that the side panels at the rear have to be changed to incorporate the slots that the cover fits into to. I was quoted around
  10. Thanks Guys, the fault was my poor memory and wrong interpretation of the manual....I thought that TA-D and -L were refinements of the TA function, so I didn't have to have either one showing to get traffic info. But I do, and I guess that with the Distant option you get local and distant. fun, eh? cheers for your time mikef
  11. err...the manual says to press the TP button, but as I noted that seems to have no effect...no matter whether I have TP-D or TP-L, I cant seem to get traffic programming cutting in. I'll have to call the garage. cheers mikef
  12. My Galaxy (a year old, 4 weeks with me...) has a standard radio cassette player, with cd multichanger in the boot. I don't seem to be able to get Traffic Information though. The TP symbol is permanently on, and pressing the TP button seems to toggle the setting for TA-D and TA-L (local and distant traffic, I think), but I have yet to get any traffic information. Is there a menu setting I am missing? cheers mikef
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