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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Mikef

  1. I can hear mine inside the car with the engine running, along with the dreaded ticking noise... Scared the heck out of me the first time.... mikef
  2. 879...this doesn't help but I have the same problem... I've been running it for 30 minutes a month through the winter (sure I read that in hee somewheres...), but using it this weekend just gone, it didn't seem to cool down as much as it did... m
  3. OK - thanks. What I will do is go back and try and change it for the proper stuff...I'm worried now by their statement that 'this is what we use on galaxies'.... cheers mikef
  4. Ok - cheers....I don't think I'l be taking my Galaxy to that dealer for servicing then!! I'll go by Halfords and get some 'proper' oil tonight. thanks all m
  5. Thanks - so it is 5W-40...wonder why they sold me 5W-30? Will it do harm if I use it? mikef
  6. Quickie question...what type of oil should be used in a Galaxy TDi (from 2002)? Is it one of the fully synthetic oils (err...5-40?)...or a 5-30...? The Ford garage in Basingstoke just sold me a litre of 5-30 for my galaxy for a topup...but I have a clanging memory atthe back of my head of a diffeent sort being mentioned in the manual. If I top up with the 5-30, am I likely to cause harm? thakns mikef
  7. On the way home last night I put the aircon on, turned to cold. It started producing cool air, so I let that run for 5 minutes and turned it off. After that, the blower started producing cool air again. Can't decide whether to ignore it as a temporary glitch or have it looked at. I'll see how it goes over the next week or so. cheers all mikef
  8. My Galaxy started doing odd things this morning.... I have an LX spec, so I have air con but no climate control. I didn't have the air con switched on, just the 'normal' blower. I could not get the beastie to blow cool air. The temp control was turned all the way around to the blue section, but was blowing warm air (v warm air). Anyone else ever have this? I know there are a lot of air con problems, and I religously use my air con for at least an hour a month after reading the notes around this forum. Is it just me? cheers mikef
  9. I've tried all sorts of approaches, sticking it in a little bit, only squeezing halfway, etc... I'll have to look for this release valve that Seakid mentions now tho.... cheers all mikef
  10. ...well, it depends on how many miles I do...at the moment it's only every 4 weeks or so. The problem is that the flow cuts out after a few seconds or so. I get a litre in, then clunk. So I move the nozzle, get another half litre, then clunk. As a one off, I could live with it. It's the dread of it happening every time. Yesterday was particularly annoying as I had 50 litres to get in, and the wind on the forecourt was very cold, so I just started fuming and ranting... As I said, I've tried lots of diferent garages, and my wife has the same problem. All part of the fun I guess. If you do see someone yelling at his Galaxy while filling up, please don't think too badly of him... cheers all mikef
  11. This problem is really starting to get to me, nothing I do seems to help. I feel a call to the nearest Ford garage coming on.... ho hum mikef
  12. Interesting stuff... My Galaxy is fitted with Bridgestone tyres. I have no idea where they fit in the quality scheme of things. I do know that the noise in the cabin drowns out anything from the Cd/Radio. Travelling up the A34/M40/M42 over the last week, the noise was like the resonance you get when you blow over an empty bottle. Obviously the volume changes depending on the type of road surface. I'm almost tempted to borrow another Galaxy for a day to try and do a comparison. It's either the tryes, or I have something very wrong in the axle/bearings department!! Happy New Year all Mikef
  13. Thats an interesting point about pressure.... My tyres are set to what the manual recommends for 'normal use' (can't remember the figures, sorry...). When we went on holiday down to Cornwall last August, we were fully loaded, so I increased the tyre pressures to the higher setting for larger loads. We were there for 2 weeks, and I couldn't be bothered to decrease the pressure then re-inflate the tyres for the drive back, so I left the tyres at the higer pressure setting for the two weeks. For those two weeks, the drive was much smoother and more pleasant. It was lovely. I'm guessing we all have the same recommended tyre pressure settings from the manual? mikef
  14. I know there has been a lot of discussion in here about tyres, and we all seem to have different tyres on our beasties... ...but I was wondering what mpact tyre type/make made on road noise? One of my few gripes about the Galaxy is that the noise in the cabin is very loud (I have a 2002 1.9tdi). Most of the noise doesn't seem to be engine noise, but 'road noise'. It makes the stereo hard to hear, and is quite wearing in general. Any opinions? cheers all mikef
  15. Thanks for the replies...at least I'm not alone.... btw, I'm very light with the right foot! My old diesel cavalier actually gave much better consumption figures, but I was happier to get lower figures with the Galaxy on account of size n shape...but I do think I got better consumption figures on the Galaxy in summer. cheers all happy crimble driving no matter what you do with your right foot!! mikef
  16. Does anyone know how low the fuel reserves have to go before the warning light comes on? I have a 1.9 tdi (115 bhp), which theoretically has a 70 litre tank (not sure how accurate the manual is on this point). Yesterday the warning light came on, and on filling up I managed to squeeze in 55 litres. So, in theory, I still had 15 litres left, which is a fair few miles. BTW - I had only done 470 miles on that tank of diesel, so that seems a high consumption rate to me, I guess it's worse in the cold weather with the aux heater burning diesel? Thanks in advance for any comments. Mikef
  17. Looks interesting... I remember a debate on these forums about additives in Diesel...I'm used to adding stuff to my diesel that cleans fuel injectors (Redex etc), but I'm sure someone around these parts said that this could damage the VW engine in my Galaxy, so I've not used it since I got the beastie six months ago. I rang the Ford dealers and they said that they used these additives all the time...so who knows? cheers mikef
  18. Keef - I know this is no help, but I have the same noise (on a year old Tdi). It's louder if you put your head into the front passenger footwell, but probably best to let your passenger get out first before checking.... mikef
  19. I have a TDI and when I am filling up with diesel, the pump keeps stopping (and I mean every couple of litres). I have tried twisting the nozzle to all sorts of angles to no effect. I've tried different garages, and asking various passengers to have a go in case it's my technique...but the problem keeps occuring. Anyone else have ths problem? I also find that if I stick the pump into the hole a little too far, it gets stuck and I have to tug to get it out... makes filling up a long process! cheers all mikef
  20. Thanks MStrax, looks like a good addition to me....any idea of price/postage etc? cheers mikef
  21. MJB/Mstraxs, I have a feeling that Ford sold a mat that covered the whole rear, but it was a lot more than
  22. HI DannyBoy - did you get them from the web site or the dealers? And they fit the Galaxy? The one in your picture for when you only have 5 setas in looks very cool...could be my christmas present!! Or my wifes... Mikef
  23. Cheers Iain, rad all through those other notes now...I was bothered because I'd have thought yesterday it would have been warm enough in the afternoon to have not come on or the engine would have been warm enough after 30 mins of driving...but sure enough there was that quiet whining noise when i turned the engine off (not the loud jet noise, the quiet drone...) BTW, some of the other notes mention those TIS cds that I have seen on Ebay, are they worth getting? thanks all Mikef PS - this forum really is worth its weight in gold, lots of interesting comment and no silly spats like you often find....
  24. Jeff - thanks for your note, thats an almost perfect description! It scared the heck out of me today... What does the aux heater do? Is it to heat the Diesel? What bugs me is that the quieter whining noise was there when I took the car out at lunchtime, you could hear it when I turned the engine off, stopped after a minute or two. Not sure what my workmates thought of me lying on the floor of the car muttering to myself about whining noises tho.... Couldn't quite pinpoint the source of the drone, but this mornings jet engine noise was definitely from the rear. Any other diesel types have a high pitched whine run for a minute after the engine gets turned off? cheers Jeff Mikef
  25. Theres a noise on my Galaxy that I just noticed last week....I have a 2002 tdi, 115bhp... When I start the engine, there is a 'droning' noise (I described it listening to a vacuum cleaner in the distance). You can hear it over the engine at first, then it fades away. The noise carries on when the engine is turned off, but stops after a minute or two. It seems to be coming from the passenger side, but I can't pinpoint where... Anyway, I dropped my daughter at a friends house this morning on my way to work, so I got to turn off the engine after it had only been on for maybe three minutes, and the volume of this noise was amazing! I honestly thought there was a low flying plane overhead...the noise died away after a minute or so back to a quiet drone again. What does the team think? Something pump related? Cold morning starts? It is driving me potty (and I haven't even started on the new dashboard rattle!). cheers mike
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