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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Mikef

  1. Darn...Micheldever only do Dunlop or Continental...don't do the Nokians...have to make a quick call before thursday when I get to go buy tyres.... cheerrs all mikef
  2. Thanks everyone - esp MO4...I've not heard of Nokians before (and yes, the Bridgestones were a lot louder...). I use Micheldever tyres down here, so I'll give them a ring tomorrow and see what stock they carry. cheers mikef
  3. HI All I've been out of this forum for a while...I now also own an MG TF which has opened a whole world of activity of it's own...hope you're all well. Anyway, whats the latest opinion on the best tyres for the Galaxy? I had some Bridgestones, which were very noisy, then replaced the fronts with Dunlop SP- somethigns, which were a lot quieter but only lasted 12000 miles.... Any recent thoughts on which ones to go for? And one dumb question - do you have to specify reinforced tyres? cheers all mikef
  4. Is anyone using BP Ultimate diesel at all? I know it contains various cleaning agents, so it might be worth putting a tankfull through every now and then, even at over
  5. According to the glossy, its actually wider and longer than the old Galaxy, and I think you can still take out the seats as well as fold them flat. Hoping to have a play in one next week. cheers mikef
  6. Just joined the gang...having to have a whole new unit fitted today for mucho moneys...is there anything I should check or be aware of once fitted? Thinking of buying a warranty on the car now its 4 years old... mikef
  7. wow...think this is the unit the Ford dealer is replacing on my Galaxy this morning...I was a little woozy at the cost so didnt quite catch which bit the gas was leaking from...anyways, labout parts and Vat add up to
  8. Thanks for the pics!! That seems the one to get for 4 bikes... How easy is it to put on/take off? I'd only be using it now and then, odd weekends and holidays...and I guess it restricts your rear view quite a bit? cheers mikef
  9. Thanks for the replies all, I'll follow up on those links later.. I dont have a towbar fitted, so I guess that will limit the choices I have... cheers mikef
  10. Looking round roofbox.co.uk, I dont think there are any 'low mounting' racks that fit the Galaxy that can carry 4 bikes.... hmm mikef
  11. Thanks, I'll follow up those links. It seems a choice between high mounted ones which could cause height problems at car parks or low ones, in which case I need a lighting board. Does anyone have experience of fitting a lighting board to the Galaxy? cheers mikef
  12. HI Can anyone recommend a good bike carrying system for the Galaxy? I'm not keen on a roof based one, seems too difficult for a single person to manage....but I've never really stopped and understood how the ones based on the back door actually grip to the car, and how you plug into the electric system if you need a backboard.. cheers mikef
  13. HI NEil - thanks for the reply. I don't have climate comtrol, just air con and 'normal' heating...its the normal heating thats the prob here. When I get chance at teh weekend I'll see what difference using air con makes. its a pain after spending so much time and money on the aux heater system... ho hum cheers mikef
  14. Hmmm...a very warm drive home last night...ah well...see if I can put up with it for 2 months until its next service. Drove the other car into work this morning, which ahs the sort of windnoise problems that makes the Galaxy seem quiet... mikef
  15. Never came across a TDI that accelerates briskly :) most of them have plastic sheds stuck on their rear end and cant :( Wouldn't be seen dead towing a plastic shed....come to think of it, death is too good for plastic shed towers... :) Deadpool - if I work out where all that piping is, will happily share... cheers mikef
  16. Cheers SK... Had a great trip, no problem accelerating uphill at 70+ in sixth gear :lol: No problems at all... will go and research how to check those other options, will keep my fingrs crossed that the problem doesn't come back...will keep it out of a ford garage until it does.. Maybe that means I can go back to worrying about the booster heater! cheers all mikef
  17. Well, took a trip to Avebury today, about 80 miles round journey...couple of hills en route...nothing, no problem at all. I don't suppose there is any chance this was a one off, he asked hopefully... Will be off to the south cost tomorrow, as the M3 heads south to the M27, there are a couple of good hills...that should be a decent second test... Trouble is, if it doesn't happen again, should I take it to a ford dealer or not? cheers all mikef
  18. OK, thanks VR6....have now read a few notes and feel myself entering a world of pain that I never knew existed...... A lot of notes discuss whether some power loss problems are MAFs or other issues...guess its a trip to the Ford dealer for me... Why isn't anything ever simple? Or cheap.... cheers mikef
  19. Dumb question....(and I can already feel the money flowing out of my bank account...)...whats a MAF? I can't search on it in the forums coz it only has three letters.... cheers mikef
  20. An odd thing just happened...driving uphill, tootling along at 60, then suddenly lost power, felt like I was driving through treacle....nursed it to the top of the hill in 2nd gear at a little over 10mph.... Then it felt sluggish on the flat.... Drove back an hour later, and it behaved normally, no power loss up hill at all. Anyone come across anything similar? Its very odd.... Happy New Year BTW! mikef (2002, 1.9tdi, 115hp)
  21. Does anyone know how easy/impossible it is to add electric or heated door mirrors to a Gal that doesn't have them? mikef
  22. Thanks, maybe its just me over expecting.... m
  23. OK, mildly chilly morning here, touch of frost on the car... Galaxy was running on the driveway for 5 minutes, no warm air...on the road for around 4 minutes, there was a warm tinge to the air. aghagahagahagha I have no idea if this is normal or not. Should I expect oodles of warm air within minutes? I didn't have the air con swicthed on, I didn't have the 'recycle internal air' function switched on either. off for coffee..sob.. m
  24. Sorry Masked Marauder, I read your note after I got back with the car (and being
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