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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by davethedoor

  1. My door mirrors dont want to work when thay did work had to move them by hand to start them off.Now thay dont want to work at all, no motor noise now. Can anyone help please . I have learnt a lot from this great site Thanks Dave
  2. And they must not press or nock it to hard
  3. Hi i am changing my pads soon took me wheels of to clean them and take a look at the pads thay are low,putwd40 on on the bleed nipples checked the [ flexible hose shuould thay fill that hard to squeeze.] Checked the reservoir topt up with out taking the m.a,s off took 5 mins.As anyone usd battry acid to cleen there weels it woks ok on brake dust. thanks Dave
  4. How easy is it to strip down the spindles and what type of grees used its a 2000 2.3 zetec. Thanks Dave
  5. Been reading about wiper linkages ceized up .is it ok to put grees roud the linkages befour it gets that far. Got to chang pollen filter i will do it then .thanks
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