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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Hank

  1. When I use to work for an engine reconditioner (many moons ago!) we use to say if you are happy with the car and you can get another 3 years use out of it then fit another engine ... what you need to consider is yours has done 200k so how long before the gearbox etc starts to go ... There is an engine on Ebay at the moment http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FORD-GALAXY-1-9-TURB...VQQcmdZViewItem Buy-it-now price is
  2. Just an update - finally got my Gal back Yipppeeeeeeeeee! :( The garage said that the compression on cyliders 2 & 4 were very low + the diesel pump was not pumping out enough fuel ... unfortunately the pump was badly worn & could not be reconditioned :( Seems I was unlucky in having both faults at the same time ... Anyway all done now & many thanks to all who helped
  3. Yes I have been thinking that myself - the car wouldnt start from cold but was running like a dream up to the day before - the engine has been rebuilt so assume the timing is correct ... They are saying the pump is not pumping out enough fuel for it to start - strange that & nakes me think this was the problem in the first place & not low compression as they originally diagnosed .... Very suspicious ... not much I can do about it now .... will go to the garage Monday see what they say & to get the numers off the pump .... Car only done 130,000 which I thought was nothing for a diesel engine ... Not a happy bunny :(
  4. Just heard from the garage - my diesel pump needs replacing & the old one is too worn to be reconditioned :P I have been told a new pump is around
  5. On my car the water temp sensor is at the front in the hose - just a clip holding wiring to it + a horseshoe type clip to remove then the sensor will just pull out of the hose ... Not sure what you are looking at down the back of the engine ... maybe 1 of the experts on here will know?
  6. Glad you got your car sorted Bolt - still waiting for mine :16: Suppose to get it back today or tomorrow or next week-month-year the way it is going :blink: They say the Injector pump is not delivering enough fuel so maybe that was the original cause? :blink: Still once its done its done so hopefully I will have no more problems for a year or two (fingers crossed) Will let you know when I get it back .....
  7. Hi Mike When I checked my relay it was in a blank holder further up on the same bank - it had obviously been replaced & just shoved into a blank hole ;) I cannot think what number was painted on the top of the relay - another member said he had a different number on top of his relay as well so maybe your 'relay 30' is actually there but in the wrong place? Sorry I cant check the number on top of my relay as the Gal is in the garage having an engine rebuild but I am sure if you do a search for relay 30 the thread I am refering to will appear Hope you get it sorted soon
  8. Blimey thats bad! ;) Surely you must have some recourse with the seller especially as he failed to mention the cold starting problem - not as if he deny there is a problem with it .... I would certainly mention it to the seller if it was sold to me ... I sincerely hope the slipped pulley is the only problem with it and it continues to give you many miles of happy motoring Congrats on the baby - I can remember my first son being born as if it was yesterday ... a fantastic experience that I would not wanted to miss for the world! All the best wishes to you and your partner :blink:
  9. Just an update - went to the garage today and the tests they have done shows worn bores :lol: Quoted
  10. Thanks for the tip Jaroth ... I usually put about
  11. Thanks for the info Chris - will definitely check the fuse ... the car is at the garage but will either get over there to check it myself or get the mechanic to check it ... Thanks Chris
  12. Hi everyone just an update ... finally got the car to the local garage that fitted the cambelt 15 months ago ... just heard from them tonight that it is low on compression :angry2: Does this sound feasible? Even the mechanic said she runs like a dream when she does actually start & starts first time when warm ... (kept in a warm workshop it apparently started readily ... with a bit of help of some Easystart I suspect) Meeting the mechanic tomorrow so will have more details
  13. I had a problem with a cracked pipe on my air con this summer - a new pipe from Frauds was
  14. Many thanks for your replies Seatkid & Brookydave I agree with your comment about diesels - having been brought up on petrol engined Vivas, Escorts & Granadas (god I am showing my age here! :rolleyes: ) I am just starting to get into the diesel world - once you have done a certain job you know what to expect - its just making that first move ... Having searched through this excellent forum I have decided to invest in a Vag-Com as it will save me money in the long-run - just a quick question ... they list two types the Key-USB & the Hex-Key USB (CAN) - am I right in thinking the CAN version is for the later mk II Galaxy? If I get the CAN version I assume it will work with my mk I ? Sorry for all the questions ... just trying to get it right first time Thanks again for all your help - will keep you updated
  15. Thanks for the link Bleeno - had 1 reply there suggesting pump timing has slipped ... I am certain I filled with diesel not petrol Seatkid as I filled up the week before when the tank was very low & the car was running fine uptil last week ... Can the timing be checked without a lot of dismantling? I am getting confused here as this is my first diesel car ... is pump timing different to cam timing? Am I right thinking I need special tools to check & adjust pump timing? Sorry about all the questions ... as I say this is my first diesel car so keen to learn more about it
  16. Just an update ... Bigdaddy & NikpV - thanks for the suggestions ... I havent changed the battery in my remote & tried my spare key - no diffence - door led comes on then goes out as usual ... will have to look into how to check the pump timing - is that something I could do? Out of interest when I bought the car it had 1 spare key - no remote key - bought a remote key off Ebay & a mobile auto-key engineer tried to program it using a gismo plugged into the socket under the ash tray - said he had some problem doing it so he took the chip out of 1 of the keys & fitted it into the new remote key fob - this has worked fine no problem for nearly 2 years - the key without the programmed chip will still operate the doors but if I try to use it to start the car nothing happens ... does not even turn the engine over which is why I think the immobiliser must be working as I can crank the engine & it does run albeit for only 2-3 secs ... :blink: Haynes manual shows a way of testing the crankshaft positon sensor by measuring ohms resistance across 2 of the terminals apparently should read 1000 - 1500 ohms - if my tester is accurate then mine reads 1094ohms ... shepheap & anadin - thanks for your suggestion about fuel - there is movement of fuel in the clear pipe, no apparent air bubbles etc & still getting clouds of white smoke out of the exhaust which seems to indicate unburnt fuel ... Thanks for all the suggestions
  17. Sorry forgot to add age to my signature - updated now - the model is still there ;) Talking of checking live feed to the glow plugs - I previously checked fuse 32 & it was missing?!! Fitting a new fuse didnt help :16: Also disconnected the maff - no difference Checked rear brake lights they are fine Did notice the relay seems to shut off quick - I have been taking the cover off the relay to manually operate it for longer ... seems to help to get it to fire but lumpy running for about 2 - 3 secs then stops - just find it puzzling that depressing the pedal makes no difference as if it is disconnected :16: If the imobiliser is playing up would it fire at all? Will check what the door light does Thanks for your help and suggestions everyone
  18. Hi everyone hoping someone can help please ... Had my Galaxy for 2 years now with only an aircon problem (who hasn't?) It has 130,000 on the clock & the cam belt was done (by my local garage) when I bought it It has been starting straight away every morning without any problems until last week ... first sign I had of any problem was when it took a little longer to actually start so I changed the glow plugs - did not make any difference - once it started it was fine for the rest of the day & runs very smoothly I changed the water temp sensor & the glow plug relay but that did not make any difference - the engine fires but will not run nor will it respond to the throttle - its as if the throttle is disconnected I have changed the throttle position sensor (complete throttle pedal assy on mine) still no difference ... What happens now is that the engine will fire & run lumpy for 2-3 seconds then cuts out - depressing the throttle makes no difference I get clouds of white smoke with a strong smell of diesel out of the back of the exhaust when trying to start I had a full service in July this year & the cam belt was renewed when I bought the car 2 years ago (it has done about 12,000 miles) After searching through this forum I am now thinking it might be the crankshaft sensor - can this be easily tested in-situ? Any help will be greatly appreciated ;)
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